Saturday, June 29, 2024

Lidl Treats For The Weekend

 One thing Lidl is known for its it's treats. They have everything from tasty pizza to a wide array of sodas.If you're looking for fun eating this is the store to visit.

As everyone knows I"m a big fan of the store and love anything they sell.One of my favorite  weekend meals is their vegan flatbread pizza from

their Vendemi line.The pies are perfect for two people with two slices a piece. It's crispy and saucy.
Another weekend must have is Lidl's sodas.Again they're so tasty and a good price.A twelve can pack of their brand is only $3,00! I live their seltzer too which is only 89 cents a bottle.
I love their cherry ,especially for egg creams but they also have such flavors as peach and grapefruit ,perfect for summer mock tails or just filling a glass with ice.Another plus is that their fizz lasts twice as long as the national brand seltzers. It was still bubbly two weeks after opening and did not go flat.

If you're looking for some tasty treats for fun weekend meals, then shop at Lidl. They have the no doubt the best for interesting foods .Try them for a Saturday and Sunday full of treats.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Indulge In Dr Pepper Cotton Candy

 Imagine combining your two favorite things. That's what it is with Dr.Pepper Cotton Candy. Cotton candy is special but adding this soda flavor elevates it to an epic level.

This is what I discovered today on a a fun trip to my local Five Below.

It was my two favorite things - the marriage of Dr. Pepper with cotton candy. They also had a Mike and Ike flavor which looked kind of interesting although it's not my favorite candy. Five Below is a store that has tons of cute stuff ,from tee shirts to toys to make up and bath gear to books and home furnishings to candy - lots and lots of candy.Imagine a funky sweet shop where you ca get everything from giant candy dots to all sorts of bubble gum. There are also savory snacks like flaming hot Taki sticks and Funyuns too.Yet it's. the candy that shines though.

Of course I could not resist this.It ;s that deep cherry red that  Dr Pepper is. Did it taste extra sweet with the soda flavor added?

It was super sweet as any cotton candy would be. Yet the soda's flavor came through perfectly. it was a fun once in a great while treat. I'm a big fan of freshly spun cotton candy, especially if it's down the shore yet this is a nice alternative. I do wonder if there will be a Coke,Pepsi  or Fanta flavored cotton candy next.Would I buy any of those? Maybe.

If you want a different treat then try Dr. Pepper flavored cotton candy.It's just a fun summery treat. Enjoy it like you would a icy glass of the soda.!

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Japan's passion Lychee Cake

 Countries will go crazy over another country's food.It's evident here in the States when we order pizza ro munch or croissants.Even though Jamaica has its' fair share of tasty food, Jamiacans go mad for lychee cake.

New contributor and cookbook author Ramin Ganeshram wrote about this new island classic in yesterday's New York TImes Wednesday Food section. Chinese cuisine has been a part of the Jamaican table since the late 1800's when many came over to work the sugar cane fields not just of Jamaica but also Trinidad and Cuba .Lychee remains one of the ingredients most associated with the descendants of Chinese immigrants. Lychee trees though have a longer history on the island as they were first imported in the 1700's,The fresh fruits aren;t used on the cakes though.According to Virginia Burke, author of Eat Caribbean and Selena Wong who created the recipe, the trees have a fickle bearing cycle which makes them expensive. Also Jamaicans would prefer to eat them fresh out of hand.The fruit itself has a flavor that's sort of a combination of a strawberry and pear with a hint of citrus. They lend the,shelves well to the cake , first created by Ms Wong in 1988. She created a light sponge cake that featured canned lychees and their syrup.It not only became a family hit but a national hit that grew into an obsession.Now every bakery and grocery sells it.

It's an easy cake to replicated.Ms Ganeshram gives the recipe and its; very much a Caribbean cake too.It's a scratch cake with a creamy fruit filling and topped with fruit. Rose water also flavors the cake, which again appears in most island dessert recipes. Every Jamaican has a recipe but they're all secret. Ms.Wong credits her invention with giving her a successful pastry business. Yet any home baker can make it for a lovely summer event .The cake is a vanilla one with lychee syrup added.  It's added to  the egg yolks while the whites are whipped into thick peaks The syrup can be  made on the stove top simmering it and stirring it often until it coats the back of a spoon. The filling is a mix of marscapone cheese, heavy cream, confectioner's sugar and more rose water.The cake is also iced with this and then topped with six to seven freshly peeled lychees, strawberries,kiwi and mandarin slices. Before frosting place the  bottom cake layer puffy side down on the plate. Do the opposite with the second layer  with the puffy side up,Brush the fruit with the remaining lychee glaze.

Lychee cake is now a classic in Jamaican cuiine.It's a fresh , fruity take on a summery cream;s the perfect end to a summer party.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Best Pizza IN The USA

 This country can brag about having the best of many foods. we're good at making plump , juicy  hot dogs. Our fries are super crispy and deliciously salty .Then there's pizza. Surprisingly we are a country of good slices reflecting our varied ethnic history. What's the best? That's a hard call.

Regular contributor Brett Anderson wrote about America's great pizzarias and pies in todays New York Times Food section.Good pizzas nowadays isn;t just limited to just big cities ,It's everywhere from the Pacific Northwest seacoasts to new England coastal towns and Wisconsin.The food;s broad appeal coupled with the relatively low cost of opening up a pizzeria. It's also easy to acquire the recipes and mastery to create a top notch pie.All anyone has to do is learn how to make a simple dough and that's it.fromthere they can open up their own places.This renaissance in pizza making has enabled people around the country - even in such remote areas to enjoy such interesting extras like honey drizzled om top of toppings or Korean style pizza.There is Pizzeria Sei in Los Angeles that bakes Tokyo influenced pies and the city's pizza and oyster bar fusion pie rife with oysters.Ann Kim makes Korean pizzas, ones that she knows she would like.She had no background yet now she's an acclaimed chef.

The best pizza list is a wide one. Many come from businesses that aren't necessarily pizzerias, Bakeries like the Tinder Hearth in Brookville , Maine and Flour and Flower in St. Joseph Minnesota feature pies on select evenings.Is New York City mentioned on the list? No!!! The city does have excellent pizzas however it's the smaller towns that shine.Charlotte <North Carolina has Bird Pizzeria which features  caramelized crust pies and a dandelion pesto!Kerrel Thompson responded to the call for more pizziolos or pizza makers in the area and lived up to the name. Can a pizza be Southern too? Yes, if it's Nashville's City House! Chef Tandy Williams opened this favorite restaurant in 2007 .There are pies inspired by her mother;s love of tomato sandwiches along with ones topped with trout or dotted with peaches.Amar Pizza in Hamtramck Michigan celebrates owner's Kurshed Ahmed's heritage. There's a pizza made with a fish paste used as a condiment in Mr Ahme'ds childhood.There's also one topped with a Bangladesh veggie, naga peppers.There are several other pizzarias throughout the country that offer unique takes on sauce and toppings.

Pizza usn't just pizza anymore.The best also isn;t just found in New York Ciy. It's all over the country with different looks and flavors.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Summer Seafood

Seafood lends itself to summer.It 's so versatile in this season. Any kind can go from the grill to a salad. It's just  getting creative with it.

What kind of seafood you want is up to you. Many go with shrimp because it's easy to work with and versatile. Steaming shrimp is a simple make and the best for sealing in it's flavor. This makes for a tastier salad.Shrimp salad can be eaten on it's own , a fresh leaf of Bibb lettuce or in a tasty roll. You can use mayo but combine it with lemon juice to make it lighter and less greasier. Dill is added for flavor along with chopped celery.Chopped red onion also gives it more flavor but you could use onion powder if this is too overpowering in flavor. Dijon mustard gives it some zing as well as color. After mixing well , the salad should be left to chill for at least two to three hours. Overnight in the fridge is the best. Howe you serve it is up to you. Try it on a lettuce leave with a tomato wedge or in a crusty roll for a light lunch or even dinner. Grilled shrimp is another way to should be marinated first usually in a simple one of lemon juice ,olive oil and that seafood must Old Bay Seasoning.  You could add sugar to caramelize the shrimp but this is up to you.This last is a great addition to any barbecue because it also goes well on chicken too. Skewer the shrimp and then grill for three minutes on each side until they have char. 

What are the best fish to grill? Salmon comes out as the number one. It's flavor can mix with anything , where it's a savory sweet teriyaki sauce or a tart and bright lemon.Keep in mind that wild salmon has a stronger flavor than farm raised which has a sweeter and milder taste.It should be brushed with a quality oil such as grape seed or extra virgin olive oil. grill the fish on both sides on a 450 to 500 Farenheit degree grill for six to eight minutes to ensure the fish wont' stick to the grates and pull away easily when lifted. what to serve with it? Try grilled asparagus with a light lemon butter sauce. Another popular fish for the grill is tuna. There are so many different types but the best for grilling is albacore.Its' fleshy white meat is perfect for barbecuing.Most tuna marinades have an Asian bent. Create one that is a mix of soy sauce , and freshly shredded ginger. it should be marinated for thirty minutes before grilling for two to three minutes on each side on a 475 degree Farenheit grill. what about cod? Is it too flaky to put on a grill? No.You can easily create some tasty barbecued fillets but just be careful with handling them.Generously oil the grill before cooking so the fish won;t stick.You can try a combo rub of onion and garlic powder with paprika for color and flavor. Grill on a 400 degree Farenheit for four minutes on each side,

Summer seafood is always the right choice.It;s delicious and versatile. Try it in a salad or grilled for a tasty warm weather meal.

Monday, June 24, 2024

The Summer Mediterranean Diet

 The Mediterranean diet is the perfect one for living healthy. It can easily be redone for easy summer eating. It's easy ,especially with all the fresh produce and seafood.

The diet is from countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, They're Italy France, Greece and Spain. Each country has not only dishes that are beneficial but they're also delicious. It's basically consume more fresh and less processed. It's also staying away from excess sugar and grains.Eating this way not only promotes weight loss but also lowers the risk of heart attack and diabetes.Summer is the perfect time to switch to the diet. Tomatoes which are in abundance even now are a main component of it. You cna easily make a few no fuss no muss  sauces .Try a burst tomato which is super simple to make. It's sauteing mini San Marzano or grape tomaotes in a mix of plant butter and olive oil. Garlic is added along with oregano. The tomatoes are smashed or burst when their skin turns wrinkly after cooking.Use a spatula for this and serve with any kind of pasta Think a chunky one like rotelli or penne. Another tasty and easy sauce is salsa cruda. This is tomatoes marinated in olive oil with garlic, oregano and thyme .Freshly cooked pasta is mixed with it , cooking the sauce.

The Spanish classic gazpacho is another wonderfully healthy and tasty soup.It  definitely an easy make that requires absolutely no cooking. There are many variations but the best is one that four to six  diced tomatoes,one chopped pepper, one diced onion and one clove of garlic. OLive oil is added a long with a few tablespoons of red wine vinegar. You can add just a sprinkling of salt and a good amount of freshly ground black pepper. for some spice.  Use a big bowl for it to accommodate the immersion blender. Using it will create a rich , creamy textured soup.Make it around three to four hours before serving and pop into the fridge. Of course a true Mediterranean dish is a salad. Think a Greek one that has a little feta along with anchovy fillets for maximum flavor. it also has sliced cucumbers and sliced, Add Kalamata olives and sliced green bell peppers for more flavor. Seafood is another must have in the Mediterranean diet.try grilled shrimp kabobs for your next barbecue. marinate them in a mix of olive oil and lemon. Add some oregano for flavoring. The same can be done for lobster too.

Adapt the Mediterranean diet for your summer cooking. It;s healthy eating with the freshest produce and seafood. It;s also delicious and easy to create too.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Summery Ades

 This is the time for a big glass of an icy drink. The summer lends its'elf to cool frosty lemonades and iced teas. They're just as easy to make as they are to drink.

Lemonade is a classic going back to ancient Egyptian times. There pharaohs drank it with dates mixed in for sweetness.As early as 1676 in Paris a company called Companie de Limonadiers sold the drink.In1833  the British combined lemonade and seltzer to more or less form the first lemon soda. here in the States it's a standard being made with freshly squeezed lemons, simple sugar and water. Everyone makes the mistake of adding just sugar. A simple syrup has to be cooked up first. This blends the best in any liquid , even cocktails and mocktails.It'sj ust cooking one cup of granulated sugar in a cup of water until you create a thin syrup. A good lemonade requires one cup of freshly squeezed lemonade, simple syrup and two to three cups of water to dilute it. Add plenty  of ice and stir. For a nice change try a strawberry lemonade.It just adding a half pound of hulled and pureed strawberries to the mix and stirring vigorously. Limeade is another fun drink with tropical vibes. Like lemonade it does require simple syrup and the juice of four to six Persian limes (what's sold in your grocery store). Squeeze and mix with the syrup and three cups of water. Mint can be added for flavor.

Iced tea is another homemade drink that 's been around since Marguerite Gardener, Lady Blessington, cohort of Lord Byron wrote about sipping it in Naples in 1823. It's a classic that 's grabbed the world by storm and is a summer must have. Like lemonade it's also easy to make. You need eight cups of water and six tea bags of black tea like Celestial Seasonings Earl Grey or English breakfast variety.  If you're not into black tea then try green or flavored tea. Celestial Seasonings has great fruit flavored herbal teas like tangerine orange that will make the drink punchy. It's just then brewing the bags in a saucepan for ten minutes. You should use eight cups of water.Any water filtered or tap can be used. As for sweeteners. granulated sugar works best but you can also add honey or agave syrup for a more organic and natural bent. Combine the tea with lemonade for the classic Arnold Palmer, always a fun accompaniment at a barbecue or summertime lunch. Fruit such as blueberries or strawberries can added for a tasty kick.Peach slices work too.

Nothing is more refreshing than a glass of lemonade,limeade or iced tea on a hot summer's day. Make any one to quench your thirst. It's a great way of cooling off.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Your Summer Kitchen

 Thanks to climate change it;s now virtually impossible to use your kitchen during the summer months. Yet you have to cook. What to do? Pare it down to a few appliances and foods.The simpler the better.

You don;t have to use the oven during this time. It'll just heat up a kitchen , even an air conditioned one.An air fryer can do the work of an oven. It's an easy cook with foods being perfectly done in just minutes. Burgers and hot dogs actually taste better in them anyway. You can also make better and crispier bacon too along with Taylor ham and Canadian bacon. Fries also come out better in an air fryer too. Keep in mind larger air fryers can also be used for baking if you want to bake anything. The microwave should be your best friend during this time too. You can even use it for breakfast instead of your stove top.It's an easy cook but keep in mind that eggs only take anywhere from a minute to two minutes to cook. Another must is an immersion blender. This works better than a traditional one. It's perfect for making gazpacho along with smoothies and malteds. You can also create fruit purees perfect for ladling on ice cream or mixing with plain vanilla yogurt.

As for food, again keep it simple.I always keep some kind of tomato in the house.San Marzano's are perfect for anything and everything. I love using the mini ones to create burst tomato sauce but the larger ones make for a sweeter gazpacho. Garlic is a must too,. The powdered form is handy but there's something about using freshly minced cloves. These are perfect in all sorts of dishes and add a bit of flavor to homemade hamburger patties.Another plus about garlic - if it's sprouting, plant it in your garden.It's fun to grow your kitchen ingredients and to watch something you've planted bloom and thrive.eggs are another must have .They're easy to cook, especially in a microwave or even on a stove top. Think a frittata ,loaded with ham and Parmesan for lunch or a spinach omelette for a Sunday brunch. vegans and vegetarians can use Just Egg instead to create the same dishes. A favorite is the Piedmontese tomatoes and eggs, made with Just Egg, and two or three chopped San Marzano tomatoes. A small minced clove of garlic along with salt and pepper flavors it. Add thick slices of French or Italian bread - other summer kitchen staples to mop it up.

Keep summer time cooking cool and simple. Don;t heat up the room. don;t over exert yourself. Just chill with what to make and how to make it.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Easy Summer Sandwiches

 Summer is here and that means little to no cooking. If you're going to make something then try sandwiches.They're easy and you can bring them everywhere and anywhere beach , camping , backyard. They're simplicity at its best.

THis was part of yesterday's  New York TImes Food Section  "City Of Sandwiches" guide. If you can''r go to New York , and enjoy their variety of sandwiches you can at least make some good ones at home.There is the Halloumi arugula and tomato sandwich taken from Brooklyn's Baby Blues LUnceonette Halloumi is a Cypriot cheese that's very salty .Its the perfect foil for sweet ,fresh from the vine tomatoes and peppery arugula.It's cooked in olive oil until it's  crisp on the outside and creamy on the inside Sourdough bread is used which is perfect to soak up both the dressing and mayo.You can toast it if you want. There is a homemade dressing - a vinaigrette spiked with lemon and oregano (Keep in mind this would be great on salads too).The mayo is also flavored with lemon and garlic powder. The Times recommends using the Kewpie brand because it's made with just egg yolks and not the whole egg. This gives the mayo a richer, more velvety texture .It's sold all over , from Acme to Target. Use your mayo, if you prefer it.

The other is the spicy cumin lamb burgers taken from the cookbook "New York's Favorite Noodle Shop"> This is a good departure from the average summer staple .There is the recipe to make the homemade buns or bao, which are like pillowy pita.These are a mix of flour, baking powder, dry yeast and sugar. Store bought English muffins can be subbed in for these, Boneless lamb is spiced with cumin but also scallions,ginger and Chile powder and cooked with onions and Longhorn peppers in a wok or a skillet. They're stuffed into the breads that have been fried in a skillet. For a meat free sandwich try the scuttlebutt taken from "Saltie A COokbook" by Caroline Roanch with Anna Dunn.  This is made with pickled beets and there's a pickled beets recipe included .However canned beets can do the trick just as well,Hard boiled eggs and julienned carrots join this along with mayo and a variety of spices. There are also olives and capers given for some saltiness.The spread is a pimenton aioli and you can make the mayo from scratch or you can buy it and add the pimenton or paprika to it. Slices of feta finish off this sandwich and you can use any bread.Try a French loaf for some crunch.

It's hot. Don;t cook.Make yummy sandwiches instead.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Sandwich City

 New York  is known for many things and many kinds of foods It comes as no surprise that it;s also the hub of sandwiches too. Tourists and New Yorkers themselves will love the new guide out today >There are so many to choose from, Try vegetarian one day , Italian the next. Save the classics for the weekend

Today's New York Times Wednesday Food section listed three (!) pages of delicious sandwiches to try around Manhattan and its' boroughs. It's not only the perfect guide for anyone visiting the city this summer but for locals looking for a fun place to take the kids on the weekend or having something different for a work day lunch.It's an international feast that features Xi'an's Famous Foods spicy cumin lamb burger which is a fluffy pita like bun filled with a cumin spiced ground lamb patty.It's one of the few dishes that owner Jason Wang enjoyed as a child. for those craving anything Italian then try BklynLarder's prosciutto with butter, The filling is  from whey fed Parma pigs and cured for thirty-six months before arriving in the States while the butter is Rudolphe le Meunier , one of France's finest,These are layered into a thick pile, almost as thick as both sides of the baguette.Mama's Too, a New York City chain has the chicken parm hero.They're more giant torpedoes that are quick blasted in pizza ovens before serving. They also have a version that has vodka sauce and strattichella cheese. Katsu, Japanese fried chicken is another popular filling, found in  many sandwiches throughout the city.

Vegans and vegetarians shouldn't be offended by this list.There is COurt Street Grocers Italian.The deli swaps the meat out for planks of zucchini in the summer and squash in the winter. There,s three kinds of cheese add along with sliced onions and arugula. For those who love lobster rolls try Aunts Et Uncles one made with hearts of palm. Diced red onions are added and it's all stuffed into a pretzel bun.Those who love  French onion soup will love Houseman's French Onion grilled cheese.It's loaded with caramelized onion topped with funky raclette cheese. It;;s served on a buttery brioche. American sandwiches are also featured in the guide. Hamburger America may serve everyone's favorite smash burger but they also featured a tasty hot ham sandwich .They slice the ham thin and then place it under a sheet of  Swiss cheese. Its encased in a hamburger bun.Agi's Counter has the absolute hot sandwich  - the tuna melt.It has oily cooked tuna layered with Alpine cheddar. pickled peppers, dill and slathered with Kewpie mayo on pillowy Pullman bread. The Commerce Inn has the patty melt with a patty that stretches the length and width of the rye bread it's on and topped with cheese and caramelized onions.

WHat would New York City be without its' sandwiches? This guide shows where to go for the best. Its'a great way to eat through the city.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Pasta Salad Days

 The weather is stifling hot. There's no way anyone wants to cook an elaborate meal in a hot kitchen.These are the salad days, whether they be tomato or pasta. They easy makes and easy eats.

One of my favorites is tomato salad

This is super simple. Just slice any kind of tomato.I like the larger San Marzano tomatoes or the beefsteaks. Since Drizzle olive oil on it. and then season with salt, pepper garlic cloves and otregano

These are the basics for any good summer salad. I like Lidl's olive oil the best along with their fresh pepper.Garlic is a must  along with oregano.

These also support a good pasta salad too. I used Wal-Mart's brand which is always a good buy.

Elbow macaroni is always a good buy for pasta salad. It;'sa quick boil in salted water. DO add salt or the macaroni will clump together.

 Now for the add in . I Sliced mini peppers and the San Marzano mini tomatoes leftover from Saturday night.

Slice them into bite size pieces.

You can add any Italian cold cut like sliced prosciutto, pepperoni or even both to add more weight to it.I like this salad for a dinner  on a very hot day.It's cool and refreshing while also being filling.Another plus is that it's even good a day later. This was dinner two nights in a row.

It's hot. Why cook? Boil up some pasta, slice some tomatoes, add some olive oil, and seasonings and voila - a meal! what an easy way to make a dinner during a heat wave!

Monday, June 17, 2024

Chinese Food And Kitties

 It's funny how animals have certain human or people food they love.Cats are especially guilty of this. They will eat anything and everything that their pet parents have.

This was true for my little king Otto who passed early yesterday morning. He had his favorites, chicken skewers from our local Chinese restaurant, Popeye's and anything from Acme or Stop and Shop.He did have to stick to his urinary tract diet. a special food hey never really too to . He had been in an dout of the animal hospital with various UTI infections. The staff there knew him well and even then I went to they nearby Stew Leonards to get him fried chicken.I'd eat the crunch skin part while I'd cut up the meat for him to eat. Like anyone else, he hated hospital food. He loved stealing Nutri from the other cats and he adored his Friskies broths and shreds. It was human food though that Otto adored. He'd come out when one friend would visit us and we'd order.I;d always order chicken skewers for him and for Lucky .Otto would devour a whole skewer's worth of chicken. He loved those crispy  crunchy pieces.He also like East Wok's shrimp in lobster sauce but not as much as with chicken.

He also went wild for Popeye's I'd always get the three piece dinner, eating the leg and part of the wing there along with their crunch coating . Everything else would be for Otto and for Lucky too. Both loved the succulent juicy meat.I 'd make sure they received as many pieces as they could eat - which for cats were a lot.As with any cat Otto loved his ham so I would buy the containers of ham ends from my local Acme, They were solid chunks that had t be sliced into little pieces for easy eating. Otto would eat piles of these along with the chopped turkey Acme also sold. He also had a fondness for Country Crock plant based butter as did Lucky. Both loved receiving teaspoons of it after they had their meds. Otto also did  love frosting . He licked an entire tablespoon of buttercream that I had scraped off a cupcake. Cat parents however have to be careful with how they feed their kitties treats. It's fine once in a great while but not too often.I know I overindulged Otto but he was irresistible. I could not resist his kitty charms.

Cat parents should be diligent with feeding their babies the right food. It can result in  a lot of diseases such as heart and diabetes. A treat is good every once in a while.

For my beloved Otto, here's to all the chicken in heaven you're having.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Burst Tomatoes WIth Sausage Dad's Treat

 For Father's Day think outside the box. Create a burst tomato sauce with sausage fro a twist on this  classic.It's a great way of celebrating the man of the house.

I went the vegan route using Fieldcrest's Italian style sausage with fennel. Fennel will give it a mild flavor but still a strong one. 

These were cut up and first grilled in COuntry Crock.
These give the sausage a nice crispy edge to it before it's added  to the sauce.I used mini San Marzano tomatoes for this. Be warmed they do have a tough skin so they will take longer to cook and burst.
Garlic is needed for this too. The recipe calls for six cloves but I feel this is too much, Four will suffice.
This was minced into tiny pieces and added to the sausage now sauteing in a mix of Lidl olive oil and plant butter.

The sausage cooked up a bit too quick and next time I 'll add it last.I also added freshly ground pepper and oregano for more flavor.
While this was cooking I sliced up a loaf of Melissa's Organic polenta. These were  quickly fried on a griddle.

Fry until golden yellow and crispy

The sauce takes about fifteen to twenty minutes to cook up.  When the skins  start to peel off the tomatoes then take a spatula or even a fork and smash them/ Give ti a quick stir and serve.
Layer three to four slices of the polenta on a plate or in a bowl and ladle a good amount of the sauce over them.
I  truly loved this. It was an interesting take on the burst tomato recipe. Adding the sausage gives the dish more oomph and compliments the tomatoes sweet flavor. You can try this with with a chunky pasta too.I may try this with rotelli this next time although I like the polenta as a base too.

Try this burst tomato with sausage for a Father;s Day treat.This is the perfect Sunday lunch for the man of the house,. Add a glass of his favorite wine and enjoy.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Cat Food

 I's amazing what our little companions like and love as far as people food. Cats go crazy for salt and fat, dogs love peanut butter.It's amazing what they want when they see us eat.

My little Lucky, a handsome grey tuxedo cat loved his potato chips. These last years with him saw me always adding a bag to the shopping list. He loved any kind,. Walgreens Nice, LIdl's Lays Wise - anything. He'd meow and reach for it, swiping it out of my hand. I broke it into pieces and let him eat it. He relished each crunch . he was mad for chicken too, He loved the Acme's ends of the cold cuts as well as from Popeyes' When he was younger he ate baby food with my British short hair Shelby. He had a passion for Gerber's ham and turkey. He'd lick the spoon clean . This wasn't part of his normal diet . Cat's should not live on people food. Surprisingly enough they can eat a good variety of our veggies such as cucumbers and celery while it's safe to give them such fruits as melon and pumpkin. However my crew was more into fast food and any kind of deli meat I'd bring home. Healthy was not in their vocabulary. I did have to watch out for dishes made with garlic along with onions, both extremely toxic to cats.

Dogs too are big affectionados of our food. Peanut butter is at the top of the list along with ice cream. There are even recipes for how to make peanut butter dog biscuits and doggie ice cream. You can also buy these at any grocery store too. Yet dogs can eat a wider range of people food , more so than their feline counterparts. Just be careful of the salt and fat content which can play havoc with their health.Some dog parents make their own food for the canines in their lives.There are even cookbooks that can help. A basic recipe is rice with any kind of meat. Most home chefs use brown rice for its' healthy content. Ground turkey is not only flavorful but not filled with a lot of fat like other meats. Some dog parents also use lamb , for its;' mildness.You can add spicing like dried rosemary that wont't harm the doggie.Add frozen vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower along with peas for more nutrition and flavor.The turkey and the rice are cooked in six cups of water in a Dutch oven. The veggies are added when the mixture is simmering. Serve lukewarm or cool. it can store easily in the fridge.

Cats and dogs are such a big part of our lives.They also share a big part of our meals as well. Treat them to some yummy human food every now and then.

For my little Lucky

Thursday, June 13, 2024

A JUneteenth Feast

 JUneteenth is a relatively newly celebrated holiday so traditional foods  are yet to be established. The one thing they have to be is red to symbolize the joyous day that Texas slaves heard the announcement of freedom. Foods and taste can vary with the day but they should be delicious and mindful of the past.

Renown chef and new contributor Millie Pear tree wrote about the holiday as well as giving some excellent recipes in yesterday's New York Times Food section. JUneteenth foods vary . KIva Willliams has food with pops of red such as barbecued ribs and watermelon.Sometimes food from her past, like fried fish,coleslaw  and even spaghetti are served.The red foods symbolize the resilience and the ingenuity of the enslaved who found out about Emancipation Proclamation two years after it was passed.For others such as second generation Congloese French KarenTshimanaga it means more. The Parish raised American celebrated only after the tragic murder of George Floyd. She and her friends have a West African potluck where they eat dibi -Senegalese grilled lamb and attiekea  -a slightly sour cassava couscous. There is always a good meat strew served over rice too. Ms. Peartree;s recipes could easily be included i n any family cookbook,They are light and bright for the season along with being fresh and joyous.

She offers a roasted shrimp jambalaya, full of not only shrimp but also andouille sausage - you can use kielbasa too along with the holy trinity of Cajun cooking, celery ,peppers and onions There's also hot sauce and Creole seasoning to zing it up along with garlic and Worcester sauce. This would be perfect on its' own but there is also garlicky chicken sandwiches with red coleslaw.Chicken thighs are cooked with a variety of spices along with garlic to give it a rich flavor. Garlic is inserted into the chicken thighs along with more being smashed up into a paste with the chicken juices from the pan. The slaw is a simple one made with red cabbage and an apple cider based vinaigrette. Celery salt is added to it for more taste. The side is crispy okra with a spicy honey sauce.Okra is fried until its' crispy and served with a sauce made up of Scotch Bonnet Chile, garlic, ginger and honey. The okra is dipped in this and then dusted with mustard powder and a squeeze of lemon.Of course there is dessert and it is strawberry pretzel bars. This is a layered bar with pretzels graham crackers and butter being baked in a crust. A filling of cream cheese blended with heavy cream , vanilla and confectioner's sugar make up the Middle the topping is a mix of strawberry jam and fresh strawberries.Ms Peartree also includes a strawberry ginger limeade that is easy to make.

Juneteenth is about tradition. It's also about eating food that symbolizes resilience and ingenuity. It is a time of feasting but also about recollection

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Five Generations Of Grilled

 Recipes and food are passed down through generations. These are the culinary heirlooms that connect us to past generations. Barbecue for instance is one such food. This links family to their heritage going back decades.

Regular contributor Gabriel H. Sanchez wrote about his family's connection to smoked brisket in today's New York Times Wednesday Food section.Mr. Sanchez is a fifth generation lover of the meat coming from Lockhart ,Texas. Lockhart may be a small city located between San Antonio and Austen but Texas lawmakers decreed t to be the barbecue capital of the state. It has four historic smoke houses which has served many visitors and locals for decades.Most of Mr. Sanchez's family have worked at one Kreutz Market started by  the son of German immigrants Charles Kreutz in 1900. To cut down on waste he began smoking the unsold cuts in the tradition of his German heritage. he strung up sausages like Christmas lights over slow burning post oak. Tougher cuts of beef were smoked at low temperatures for many hours or even days until the fats and the coilligen were broken down into a  rich aromatic just that saturated each bite. The area had been ripe for this kind of food. It was on the CHisolm Trail where cattle were driven mainly by black and Hispanic cowboys who had a taste for charcoal and barbecue. This was a definite impact on early Texan cuisine.

Five generations of Mr Sanchez' family worked at Kruetz's from his great great grandfather in the early 1960's to his father. Various cousins and uncles also worked in the was hard work , some having frostbitten noses from filling sausage casing in sub zero freezers to hands singed by flames.Their clothes were always blackened by soot and ash. Yet barbecue was  their life and passion.After Mr Sanchez;s father joined the Marines and did a Tour of Duty during the Iraq War he found comfort in being in front of  his Weber grill making his own smoked brisket.He showed his son how to trust tongs over a thermometer and the care and attentiveness to cook meat low and slow for hours.The next generation will learn as a new generation was brought to another smokehouse Smitty's. There is a recipe included for those who arent' close to a smokehouseIt's a two day make with the neat being seasoned with salt and pepper the night before for a dry brine.The grill pit itself should be a mix for wood chips and charcoal and cooking it should really take three and a half hours. The cut is also coated in molasses which caramelizes the exterior giving it  a nice crunchy coating.

Barbecue isn't just a fun summertime meal.It's an heir loom recipe going back generations. For some it 's what connects the past with the present.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Wanting Winter In Spring

 It may be late Spring but you can still crave wintry dishes like gnocchi. You just have to make it the simple way possible and that means a box of Lidl's mushroom gnocchi. It's a simple cook but tastes like an elaborately made meal.

I saw this the other day on my weekly LIdl haul. There was also pesto and four cheese but I love anything mushroom. This appealed to me. Gnocchi is a wintry dish , best eaten and made. on a cold, blustery day. 

I knew it was going to be good. It's Lidly after all.It  is so easy  to create which is a plus during the warmer weather. It comes with the sauce packet and a packet of gnocchi that serves four (or two people going for seconds). 
It's also so simple .It just adding a cup and a half (I added two but that made it too soupy) and boiling it .When the water reaches a boil add the two packets and stir. Let it boil for a few minutes longer and then simmer for about ten minutes until the sauce thickens. The gnocchi should be tender by now.
I would definitely buy this again. The gnocchi were so tender and perfect with the sauce.The sauce was  creamy, rich and flavorful with portobello bits. The instructions said you could add cheese and butter but to be honest it's truly delicious without them. I definitely plan to try Lidl's pesto gnocchi yet and get two packages for a more substantial dinner. 

Don't worry if you want a wintry dish like gnocchi during these warm days. Just buy Lidl's gnocchi with sauce.It's satisfies that craving without any work.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Picnics For Pennies

 This is picnic season.Yet with the price of food it's hard to have a good time , enjoying the park or the beach. What to do ? Shop wisely.

Most would head to their local hero shop to get a sandwich for an outdoor feast. The problem is this can be costly . Despite their combo meals Jersey Mike's can be expensive, especially if you have a group to feed. Even a simple ham and cheese or roast beef sub can run high. Add in a bag of chips and a soda or water and you have fifteen dollars gone Times that for a family of five and its's a good seventy five dollars gone, more if the kids want extras like cookies. You could go to your grocery store. Both Acme and Shop Rite make very good heroes for a lot less and give a lot more sandwich. The grocery stores also allow you to buy bigger bags of chips and soda twelve packs  too. Smaller shops may be cheaper than the sub sandwich chains but not by much. It doesn't pay to bring fast food  hamburgers along . You can easily pack a cooler with patties and buns and make your own of you really want to cook. Keep in mind that some beaches do not have any braziers and frown upon visitors bringing their own.

A better choice is making your own picn. That way everyone gets to have their favorite sandwiches, drinks and snacks. You can also slip in fruit and vegetables for a healthy bite.Stores such like Ldl have delicious freshly baked rolls for  as low as seventy-nine cents. These are perfect with any kind of filling. Think ham and Swiss with a dab of mustard or a turkey one with an avocado slice and tarragon mayo. It's always not advised to bring store bought egg or tuna salad  on an outing yet it's fine to make it at home and then bring it. You know it's freshly made and its hans't been left out too long. Make it right before you leave. wrap it tightly in Saran wrap and place in a cooler. You could also vary this and make a chicken or ham salad to bring too. Bags of potato chips are always welcomed but you can also try the healthier Sun Chips or everyone;s favorite Pepperidge Farm goldfish. Kds love nibbles and with a self packed picnic you can toss in some grape tomatoes along with baby carrots. Carry small containers of dip for dipping. Bright fruit too. Peaches are a great take a long and they're in season Also also bring small bags of strawberries and blueberries.

You can have a lavish picnic  for a lot less. It's just creating your own sandwiches and bringing a long snacks that are good for your budget and family.It's easy to picnic for less.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Food On The Go Good Or bad

 We are a nation of snackers.we gobble munch and slurp even on the go,. Yet what's a good quick nosh> Do you want something tasty?Or good for you?

Most people tend to eat the wrong stuff. Sure, ut's great to eat potato chips , especially the many different flavored ones these days, Across the board nutritionists and doctors agree these are bad for you. They're fried carbs with salt added. A better choice is popcorn. You can buy smaller bags of the olive oil popped kind even in vending machines has high fiber content while also having increased satiety.This means you can eat a small amount and still feel sated. What about pretzels? They 're not as low calorie as popcorn but they are lower in saturated fat than potato chips. One serving of pretzels contains only one gram of fat while potato chips have ten grams. Another plus is that pretzels also have a quarter of the sodium needed for a daily dose.If you still want a bag of chips to keep you full during a road trip or picnic, then try Utz,These are not cooked in the heavy oils and still have a good flavor. Pop Chips are another brand that  is' good for you and worth trying too.

These snacks  are great if you're on the good. At home you can indulge in fruit and veggie platter either bought at your local grocery or made at home.Think carrots and celery dipped in a lemony vinaigrette this is the perfect snack for a mid afternoon boost. Grape tomatoes are another quick bite. They're good on their own on on skewers interspersed with mozzarella, You could also make a small bowl of panzinella or Italian bread salad Use small torn pieces of Italian bread soaked in olive oil, Add small chunks of the mozzarella and sliced tomatoes. This also makes for a great lunch too or a quick dinner. Fruit is a must. This is strawberry season so have a few with honey drizzled on them. You can also top a blob of cottage cheese with them or the other stars of the season, peaches and blueberries.Its a nice mix of savory and sweet and will satisfy both cravings. Iced water is the best to keep hydrated. Iced green tea is another good choice too. You could also make an iced black tea too.

We are a country of snackers. Yet that's bad. Snack healthy and you'll feel better. 

Friday, June 7, 2024

Picnic For One

 If you want to have something indulgent this summer try a picnic for one. This can be your favorite foods in your favorite outdoor setting wither the park , the beach or the backyard. It's time to treat yourself to some good food and good rest.

An easy picnic would be getting a hero from any grocery store or Jersye MIkes. The last can customize the sandwich to what you want, whether you go for a vegan or an Italian one full of prosciutto and ham.With these you can easily grab an ice tea or soda and bag of chips. Take it to your favorite green or sandy spot with a blanket  and Kindle (or go old school with a book). Bring a sleeve of your favorite cookies too and maybe a thermos of iced coffee. Keep the mess both for yourself and for the environment down to a minimim.It's a sandwich so there's no need for plastic utensils. Throw all wrappings and empty bags along with cans and cups away too. Should you bring your favorite hamburger or chicken nuggets to the park?Or what about a salad?It's up to you but it can be messy. It helps if there are picnic tables nearby where you can sit and have a proper meal. If not, stick to the simplest and relax.

Of course you can indulge yourself in a backyard picnic. You can mess up as much as you want because your kitchen and garbage cans are near by. A mini version of a salad NIcoise is a great treat Make a small salad and add a half a can of tuna in oil (you could add the whole can if you really love the fish)along with one sliced hard boiled egg.Add tomatoes ,  an artichoke heart or two along with olives . Serve with a crust piece of french bread and olive oil and a chilled glass of white wine. Another indulgent salad for one is a panzinella or Italian bread salad. Take two vine ripened tomatoes and cut into slices. Add them to olive oil A small minced onion and a minced garlic clove will also add some flavor. Through in two torn pieces of Italian bread and stir. You can also  chill it for a more refreshing bite too.  A shrimp cocktail is the perfect meal outside . Cooked shrimp is an easy buy at your local grocery store.  Sit back under a tree, in your favorite lounger and enjoy. A shredded lobster or crab salad is another summer meal perfect for an indulgent meal  for one outdoors.

A picnic for one can be a relaxing meal time. You;re with your favorite foods in the fresh air.Try it and enjoy.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

This Steak's Secret - Butter

 What makes for a good , well cooked and well flavored steak? Butter.It's been a long used ingredient in cooking up any meat .Not only that it adds such sweet flavor, melding well with the juices and the taste of the meat.

Regular contributor and chef Eric Kim wrote about this in yesterday's New York Times Food Wednesday section.He was inspired by Twelve, a waterfront restaurant in Portland Maine.everyone sits by the plancha station where the New York strips are prepared and cooked. The meat is first seasoned with salt and then the fat cap(Or fatty area on top) is seared holding it up with tongs perpendicular to the plancha.The fat bastes both sides of the meat before it's put in the oven.Butter  - usually two tablespoons of it (and here Kerry Gold is recommended) can give the same effect. Herbs such as thyme are used  a long with avocado or canola oil (again this is a personal choice olive oil also is good). The French have long used this method, calling it arroser or to baste. why use butter to cook a steak? Chef Kin states there are a lot of pluses.Butter basting helps the steak maintain an even rosy interior along with a mouth watering juiciness.Not doing this will create a distinctive red line in the middle along with undesirable hot and cold spots in the strip's interior. Another plus is that' it makes for a good sauce mixed with the juices for the asparagus Mr. KIm recommends  as a side.

What steak will work. Try to get a good boneless one pound New York strip steak with a fat cap or strip of fat along the top.The butter itself should;d be hot and foaming.If's its too watery, according to Twelve's chef de cuisine Hannah Rider, It needs to elevate the temperature within the steak. Another tip Chef Kim strongly recommends is hiding all the home's fire detectors You'll need a high heat to cook the meat and as Chef rider puts it "anything can set off." As for the thyme leaves you can add garlic which will be a good foil for the meat's flavor . Ginger also works here.Ginger leeches out the meats sugars giving the exterior a nice crusty edge, making the pan sauce shiny and sticky. You could also add a splash of soy sauce too. Reserve the pan sauce to cook the asparagus in. For the plancha effect , heat up a skillet and using tongs hold the cooked steak over the skillet's bottom. Carefully lay t down and search one side without moving. A nice golden crust should appear. Flip and brown for two to four minutes. Serve with the asparagus or better yet on long slices of crusty baguette.

A steak cooked in butter  is the best kind of meal. Baste and search for a perfect cut  inside and out. It;s worth the time.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Vanderpump Rules Food

Any show that mentions housewives and reality rules these days.The Vanderpump family, a spin off faction from The real Housewives of Beverly Hills is no exception. two cast members have opened a sandwich shop.Is it real good? Maybe reality good would be a better term.

Regular contributor and chef herself Tejal Rao wrote about this in today's New York times Food section.The shop Something About Her  was created by two ;lesser stars of the show,.Katie Maloney and Ariana Madix. Fans of the show might know Ms Madix from the Scandoval episodes  in which her boyfriend Tom Sandoval was cheating on her with another cast member, Rachel Leviss. THeir loyalty for the jilted Ms. madix played into their visiting the shop and becoming customers.Some, such as KIm MYkitta drove two hours from her home in HUntington Beach to eat at the shop. She is a diehard fan who also runs Bravo Breaking News on Instagram.Her and other fans devotion are making Something About Her successful despite a dismal year for Los Angeles eateries. The LA Times even called the previous year, 2023 "as the year that killed restaurants." Dozens of them have closed, including the famed jeans -Georges of Beverly Hills and three of entrepreneur Nancy Silverman's places.

Perhaps it;s just the fan loyalty along with the chance to be seen in a reality show that's drawing the long lines.She's All Thar snakes around the block and the wait time for a table is long. Is the food that good though? The sandwiches and shops are named for actresses such as Reese ,Meg, Viola, Diane and Cameron to name a few.Are the bites out for the ordinary. The menu is basically the same as any upscale Manhattan sandwich shop, maybe with a few less choices.The Drew, named for Drew BArrymore has whipped chive infused goat cheese along with a mango jam. Prosciutto is extra which would be almost mandatory in a Soho or Greenwich Village eatery. The Reese is a chicken salad sandwich with mustard and gem lettuce.The Meg  is a Greek salad with tzatziki sauce and tomatoes but nothing else. There should also be feta and anchovies in it to give it some body.As for extras there's only potato chips and they're probably the packaged kind. The only hot meal is a grilled cheese .Unlike other sandwich shops there is a choice of beer wine ciders and even hard teas. That's perfect for a Sunday lunch but not for an everyday one.It seems Ms Rao is Ok with the sandwiches, their taste and presentation. A place like this is perfect in Hollywood.

She's All That is a Hollywood story and a Hollywood eatery,. That's about it. It can give good drama and seemingly good food.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Cold Comfort

 The heat is here and that means being cool whether by eating or drinking. Having chilled food and beverages is a great way of lowering your body temp and dealing with sweltering days. Just chill - literally.

I've found that cool drinks are a must during these steamy late Spring (and yes it is Spring until the twenty-second of the month).I've been at McDonald's almost  everyday buying their extra large frozen Coke. THis is perfect if you just crave sweet and frosty. There are several drinks other drinks.A warm Sunday can end with a decaf cappuccino from Dunkin Donuts. of course cold water is a must too and you should always have a fresh bottle in the car to hydrate. 

A homemade cool milkshake made in this would be most welcome on a steamy afternoon.I bought this malted cup on Amazon for only $7.99 i'ts just adding milk ice cream and malt powder.Mix and serve. YOu could edge the malted glass in chocolate and sprinkles if you want to be fancy.

Cold food is important in this weather too. A favorite go to of mine is the Spanish classic gazpacho.This is a simple blend of tomatoes onions cucumber and green peppers along with olive oil and vinegar in a creamy ,blended chilled soup. It's the perfect dinner for a hot June evening.Of course salads are a must . Try another Mediterranean classic- salad Nicoise from the French Riviera. It does call for hard boiled eggs, although you can microwave them instead of dropping them in boiling water. You could also sub in chilled shrimp from  your local grocery instead of the traditional tuna.It can also be made vegan with the addition of chickpeas to instead of the meat. A cold rice salad is always welcome too. Add peas to make it like the Italian hot dish rising bis and then mix in julienned slices of ham or mortadella.Pasta salads can go from side to main dish with the addition of  leftover or precooked steak or chicken.

It's hot. Chill out. Have a cold drink or dinner meal to lower your temperature.Keep coo. Eat cool.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Colcannon For A Hot Day

 No one feels like cooking when it's hot outside. Yet the idea of take out or sandwiches  is not that appealing. A better alternative would be quick meals that can be cooked up without any fuss.The Irish classic colcannon works well for this

Colcannon is one of my favorite dishes to make and to eat .It's  is a quick mix of mashed potatoes and spinach or cabbage with scallions and garlic for flavoring.

It;s taking any leftover potatoes frying them with a mix of butter or olive oil (or cream if you want the authentic Gaelic version) . I added fresh baby spinach leaves  but you can add steamed frozen spinach of you want. Shredded cabbage can be added too. Bacon or ham bits are always a tasty extra if you want to give it more oomph. As for garlic the powdered form works just as well.

I may try to make it with vegan bacon the next time.Still it's a simple dish. It can be made any time of the year and can go well with ham or corned beef. Again it's a great way of using up leftover mashed potatoes too.ANother plus is that it cooks up quickly and that's means less time in front of a hot stove ,especially on a hot day.

If you want an easy hot meal on a hot day then try colcannon.It's also a great way of repurposing leftover mashed potatoes and adding spinach or other greens to the meal. Try it for a tasty yet simple dish.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

A Tasty Alternative Protein Powder.

 Sometimes you need a boost.It comes from the purely vegan protein powder Vega.THis is perfect for those on the go and only want to be powered by plant protein.Making a strawberry "malt" is an easy fix.

It takes about six to seven strawberries and an immersion blender.

Unfortunately my accompanying mixing  cup so I had to use a big plastic glass.

Pureed strawberries have a kind of jammy look but without the jam's sweetness.

        A scoop of Vega protein gives the drink a malty thickness This was bought at Walgreen's but you can buy it on line and in different flavors like caramel , mocha and chocolate too.

I added half a cup of Lidl's Unsweettened Almond milk. This is a rich creamy milk that gives the drink a smooth ness that usually comes from dairy milk.

Blended together, it came off a rich strawberry malted. I did order a malted cup from Amazon to make a better version. I plan on using other fruits of the season like peaches and blueberries to create all sorts of protein shakes.

Using Vega vegan protein powder is a great alternative to a meal.Pack it with fresh fruit for flavor and fiber.It'll be a tasty sip that will last you through the day.