After day of fasting the foods of Eid al-Adha are not only nourishing but also delicious. They celebrate when the willingness of the prophet Ibraham to sacrifice his son Ismail. It is a holiday of sacrifice but there is also a side that shows love of family and heritage.
Fasting is one of the important factors of the holiday.It's an actor worship that brings Muslims closer to Allah.It's also empathizing with those who don;t have access to food. Charity is also a must .Muslims mist also share or give food to those in need. Not only is food not allowed but also water, and medicine (although this doesn't apply to the elderly and sick). At sundown the food comes out and there is feasting until daylight. lamb is very big during these night time dinners. Families can make a spiced lamb curry tat's ripe with apricot and saffron.There is also the Palestinian qurbani which can be beef , lamb or mutton. There is also the choice of kababs. A popular one is galouti which iOS made from minced meat, namely lamb. The shami one is Pakistani has dal or lentils added to it and made with beef. Masala flavoring is added to it.There is another kabak from Pakistan , the seekh and it is fried beef . lamb ro chicken mixed with onions and chili peppers for a hot flavorful treat. Haruyali type of kebab has a green curry sauce on it and it's usually chicken.
Every meal ends with a sweet feasts of various desserts. Many home bakers will make ma'moul , a kind of shortbread ring filled with either pistachios, dates or walnuts.Some dinners will end with makrouta, a flaky cookie filled with dates. Cardamon and anise flavor the dough giving it a rich scent and taste. Stuffed dates are also a good dessert after the highly seasoned foods. These treats called Tamr mahshi throughout the Middle East are filled with different nuts like walnuts,pistachios and almonds. Chopped fruit and cream can also be used as fillings.A creamy rich dessert is Muhallibi, a mixture of milk and sugar thickened with cornstarch or rice.I's cooked and poured into molds to set.It can be topped with pistachios, shredded coconut, cinnamon or raisins.There is also a rolled cookie not only made for Eid but also for weddings.The dough is made with flour butter and yeast with fennel and Nigella seeds for flavor. They can be filled with either walnuts or dates and both fillings are rich with cinnamon and cardomom along with butter for the dates.
The day is for fasting. The night is for celebrating. Both savory and sweet dishes make for a perfect Eid Al Adha meal.