Friday, September 20, 2024

Fall Cooking Activity

 Its soon to be fall and  that means cooler weather and the drive tod o thin

gs. Some are goi g ro plunge into apple picking. Some baking warm yeasty breads.Some home chefs are going to dive into preserving.Theres probably a few who will dive into creating big tailgate platters

What will you be doing.Let us know

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Cooking With The Colberts

 Stephen Colbert is khown for his  sharp comic observations and great humility.Now he and his wife Evie McGee Colbert are going to be khown for their Southern cooking thanks to a new cookbook Does Tjis Taste Funny?

Mattie Kahn , an award winning writer wrote about the 7uudynamic couple in todays New York Times Thursday section.It should have been in yesterday's New York Times Food section. There would have definitely been a tasty recipe to try. Both come from Charleston South Carolina where seafood and Southern go hand in hand.From an infamous fight over using a metal spoon instead of a wooden one to cooking and baking her mothers dishes the Colberts offer the perfect blend of marriage and mealsCeladon Books fitst approached Mr. Colbert to write a book by hijself.He only jumped on boa4d when his wife was included,.

Theirs is an interest b im background. MSs McGe Colberts mother cooked often and left her daughter a plethora of recipes .They're in the book save for the Jello salads.Mr Colberts moth we,  widowed after her husband and two children were killed tragically in a plane crash  had to be frugal in ord we to feed her remaining children. Twice a month she would stock up on discount bread.She was adventurous according to his sister Elizabeth. One n8ght 8t would be German food the next French.The cookbook is mostly Southern with cheddar biscuit s and shrimp and gritsDesserts are big along with cocktails. Reviews on Amazon have mostly been five star.

If you love comedy and cooking this book is for you.The McGee Colberts provide excellent recipes to try. Its a must have cookbook.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Drinks Your Way

 Gone are the days of ord er ing a plain soda ,coffee or tea. Now drinks are c customized with a shot of this and a dash of that. Is customizing drinks the wave of the future? Absolutely.

Regular contributor Priya Krishna wrote about this phenomenon in today"s Wednesday New York Times Food section! Give Sonic and Starbucks f9r this.They were thefirstto co e up w8thcustomized drinks to suit customers` tastes. In fact many of Sonics more popular drink flavors started out as requests.Its the American need for individuality and energy that drives people to want to have a meld of flavors coupled with a boost of power.At CosMc, McDonald's new off shoot cafe customers can order all sort-of beverages31They are big om tossi g in e erything from sprinkles and whipped cream to boba or tapioca pearls.There arestraight coffees and teas for those who aren t into this craze.Starbucks also sees that one in every three drinks gets modified.The three most popular are a shot of espresso, a pump of any flavored syrup and a cap of cold brew foam.Now independent coffee shops are also following through.

According to Nic Modi a cohead of consumer research at RBC  Capitol Markets in Toronto Americans risk diversification have grown to vary widely.People love add ins in their beverages. However individual choices are not cheap.Ana Mills in Tallahassee Florida has so many extras in her coffee that the final product costs close to ten dollars at her local Starbucks. Her coffee is like a cake with its add ins of vanilla bean powder, vanilla syrup a lining of caramel syrup and cinnamon cold foam. Every month 200 dollars are gone because of desire.For some customized brews are an addiction.Adriana Loza of San Antonio visits her local Dutch Brothers Coffee for two mixed brews and one energy drink every day.She needs her cookie butter lattes for morning her Poppin Boba Fire Lizard drink for the afternoons and her Iced Caramel Pumpkin Brulee Breve for night.Without them she cannot cope with small kids or Texas heat, 

Is coffee just coffee, plain and dark and simple. Yes. However others c wan to add and add to this perfect on its own drink.Is this a trend. Yes.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Warm Spicy Breads

 Its fall and that means one thing - baking!!!! Forget the doughnuts and pies.Cooler weather means spicy, nutty tea breads that are easy to bake.These are perfect with chill chasing hot coffee or hot tea.

What is a sweet bread? (Keep 8n mind that they're not to be confused with animal organs of 5he same name.These are usually fried or sauteed), Sometimes they' re known as quick breads.Do these have yeast in them? No, they do have baki ng soda in them to make them rise. They're very easy to make and can be perfect for novice home bakers.Quick breads also encompass muffins, scones and even waffles and pancakes.There are two mixing methods .One is the muffin method,This results in a batter rather than a sticky dough.The liquid or wet 8ngredients are mixed in one bowl while the dry are sifted in another.Small lumps should remain otherwise the  crumb will be too dry.The creaming method has the butter thoroughly blended before they're mixed with the other ingredients.

What makes a tasty sweet bread?Cinnamon and lots of it!! Think a rich sweet swirl bread with a rich vein of cinnamon and sugar running through it.You can add sour cream to it gives it a dense, velvety crumb.For added flavor sprinkle on a c8nnamon sugar mix for a crunchy topping.Walnuts or raisins can be added for more taste and texture.A cardamon laced bread is reminiscent of Scandinavian buns and cakes.Its a perfect addition to any Sunday brunch or the perfect after school snack. Pumpkin is the flavor of the season so think of adding it to  your sweet bread.It's also a good way of adding nutrients to a decadent snack. Of course there is the most famous one banana bread. This crowd favorite employs over ripe almost black bananas mixed with vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg.Add in melted butter to the batter for a smooth silky feel

Quick breads are a great addition to any fall table.Bake a loaf or two.They"re perfect for the cool days ahead.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Your Fall Spice Cabinet

 The summer may have been spent cleaning out the spice rack or cabinet .Now it's time to refill with all those warming fall spices. What do get? Think richly aromatic and tasting ones,perfect for savory and sweet dishes.

Cinnamon is a must  for any autumn spice rack. It's a sweet earthy spice that can be bought in both ground and stick forms. What should you buy? Cinnamon sticks are a better choice. They're more flavorful and don't have to be refrigerated if you want to place it in the fridge. However  the powdered from is just easier to use in recipes and drinks. To be honest go for both. You can use the sticks for mulled wine and chair tea while the powdered is perfect for apple pies and streusel cakes along with sprinkling on top of foamy cappuccinos. Keep in mind that the spice can be used for savory as well as for sweet recipes.It can work well in a Bavarian pot roast adding depth and color to the meat along with adding flavor to Moroccan chicken.Nutmeg is another spice every fall spices cabinet ought to have.Like cinnamon it's sometimes better to have the nutmeg nut instead of the powdered version.The question is where do you buy the whole nuts? Some groceries will carry them. If not there is Amazon.Again it's good in both savory and sweet dishes. It;s even sprinkled onto layers of lasagna for more depth.It  is needed in the classic egg custard dish which makes for a perfect cool weather dessert.

What about pumpkin pie spice mix? Will you need it. Namely yes, especially around Thanksgiving when you bake those pies. The spice mix  can also be used for pumpkin tart and pumpkin souffle as well.Of course you can't forget pumpkin spice lattes which can easily be made hot or cold. Should you buy it already mixed or do you want to mix it at home? If you;re too buy them buy a small bottle of McCormick's if you;re too busy to mix and blend. If not it's just taking ground ginger, cinnamon ,allspice nutmeg cloves and , yes black pepper for a fiery and  yet subtle blend. Do you add sugar? You can if you want to ,Jut make sure it's the granulated kind. A homemade pumpkin pie spice blend is always a nice gift for someone with a fall birthday. You can also use the individual spices too. Allspice is a must .Its a great warming spice for such Caribbeans dishes as chicken jerk.It;s also  a must in Palestinian dishes such as braised green beans and chickpea stew. Yes it's perfect in spice cookies and gingerbread , desserts perfect on a cold October or November day. Ground ginger is another spice necessary in the fall spices cabinet.It's great in all sorts of Asian dishes and a must if you're thinking about making gingerbread cookies or cake.

Fall is fast upon us. It's the perfect time to create highly spice savory and sweet dishes. Make sure your cabinet is ready for these.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Festival Season

 late summer is the time for festivals and street fairs. These are always fun to go to and see what's up and coming food wise.It's also a chance to sample fun food and drinks along with buying neat treats.

Street fairs and festivals are not necessarily booths selling cool jewelry, accessories and Jersey and especially New York City is always bustling with them. These are great places to try everything from crepes to different kinds of burritos and tacos. What's great about these get togethers is that you can try all sorts of food that you normally wouldn't It's a chance to sample different foods like chips on a sticks This is a whole potato spiralized  and then stuck on a bamboo stick. It;s deep fried to crispiness and different flavorings can be sprinkled on it.Of course festivals also have the usual hot dogs and hamburgers but some like the Ventnor New Jersey seafood Festival, held this weekend. This city directly south of Atlantic City is offering such delights as crab cakes and possibly shrimp cocktails. There will also be oysters for those who love the treats of the sea.There is also the Comfort Food Festival  in Tom's River ,New Jersey a little of the shore from Ventnor's Seafood one. This features. local businesses like the candy store Netty's that's famous for their homemade fudge and hand dipped candies.

Of course big cities are known for their September street fairs. Chicago still celebrates it's strong German heritage with an early  Octoberfest.It's a non alcoholic one at the Lincoln Park Zoo. but you can still get a cup of alcohol free beer along with brats and giant pretzels.Another non alcoholic beer fest is the city's Bavarian Block Party . There's music and bratwurst in the city's West Loop district. Naperville, Illinois hosts an Irish Festival complete with a whiskey tasting What about the West and East Coast? San Diego is hosting a  couple this weekend if you can get last minute tickets to them.One is RB Alive and it offers a wide array of food trucks, wine tasting and a beer garden. Further north in San Francisco, there is a dearth of great food fairs. Chocolate lovers can had to the San Francisco International CHocolate Salon to sample everything chocolate.There are even chocolate sculptures to admire  as you nibble on dark , milk vegan and white chocolate. Of course Manhattan hosts a wide range of food festivals and street fairs right now, There are fairs and harvest festivals right now in all the boroughs and you can sample everything from Italian to Caribbean treats throughout the month.

The weather around the country is perfect for festivals and fairs. Check out the ones in your area and enjoy.It's a great chance to sample fun food and buy cool stuff.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Fall A Quiver

 Friday Fall questions are back (even though it's late summer) and the first one is what autumn food are you looking forward to having? Is it a plump apple cider doughnut? Fresh apples or cider? The ubiquitous pumpkin spice latte? Large Sunday dinners that features roasts and two to three sides? Or is it just a cup of soothing hot tea on a Sunday afternoon?

Let us at Foodie Pantry know🍁🍁🍂

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Cult Of Weiser Melons

 There are new stars in SoCal and its the Weiser. They're hitting Los Angeles by storm and becoming the darlings of the West Coast culinary world. Yet what is it about this fruit that makes them so special?

Regular contributor and Los Angelino herself, Tejal Rao wrote about this fruit phenom in yesterday's New York Times Wednesday Food section.The Weiser melons  are grown by by Alex Wiser son of the original owner Sid in the farmland outside of Los Angeles. The farm , once known for its; potatoes and apples now grows a wide variety of melons. These are usually sold at trendy farmer's markets through the Los Angeles area. He offers several different ones, namely eight varieties all used by the top chefs of the area. Weiser melons are so known in the area that they;'re named dropped on melons. They're also versatile being employed in a variety of savory and sweet dishes. Famed chef Aaron LIndell who runs  Echo Park's Quarter Sheets pizzeria uses two kinds in his sweet and sour salad. His melon salad uses Bonny a sweet and sour melon variety along with PIel de Sapo or brilliant melon.The chilled fruit is drenched in a vegan fish sauce, left to infuse with melon straps tweaked with lime juice and olive oil.It's served on a bed of toasted sesame and coriander seeds.

Other chefs have gotten creative with the Weiser melons as well. Yang's Kitchen in Alhambra uses the melons for  a pale orange soft serve ice cream.It's flavor is so intense and sweet many would mistake it for being artificially flavored. Some diners have it swirled with vanilla and compare it to  the taste of Melona - a Korean ice pop.At the Iranian restaurant Aziramin Silver Lake  the farm's cantaloupes are frozen into a delicate and hydrating paoudeh, a granite infused with rose water.It's layered with half a dozen more varieties of chilled melon. A mint syrup is drizzled over this. Yet many home chefs also go wild for the Weiser melons There are also melon jam filled doughnuts  at Ed Cornells  Cafe Tropical. They're the Weisermelon Doughnuts.What makes the melons so successful with both professional and home chefs is wide choice of different types that appeal to the many ethnic groups that make up the area. Ms. Rao asked for help as she soughtt different ones She chose several different ones, such as Piel de Sapo and the Cavaillon both sweet in their own way.

Weiser melons are the darling of the LA area. Hopefully they'll make their way to the East Coast. It would be wonderful trying these sweet gems when they're in season.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Burger Land USA

Americans love their hamburgers. This German import has been  a favorite in homes and in restaurants for well over a century. People love to eat the patties out in restaurants with innovative ideas. Which one has the best? It's not any fast food joints that's for sure.

Regular contributors Trjal Rao and  Priya Krishna compiled a list of the most original and best hamburgers in today's New York Times Wednesday Food section.Some  burgers reflect their surrounding areas such as Austen ,Texas' Camoechana restaurant with their cuantas hamburguesas recipe. This is a beef patty that chef Beto Robledo has added a carne asada sauce along with longaniza (a Mexican lanjager), chmichurri sauce cilantro and  a corn crusted Mexican cheese. For those wanting to try a different type of Asian fusion there's Seattle's Lao burger.It comes from Burger in Seattle and chef Khampeang Panyathong adds ingredients from his native Lao.  The burger is accented by toato jeow, a sweet earthy chili sauce  along with taro stems for lettuce and added pork belly.Brookly, always the birthplace of trendy has the tasty Made in Lagos burger at Akara House in Brooklyn. Chef Funso Akinya doesn't so much as create a meat patty but a bean based fritter, popular in his native Lagos.It's sandwiches between Ed tow plantains and is doused with the peanutty flavored suya dressing.

Chefs of other nationalities have made this simple dish all their own. There is the KRapow and Laab Smash burgers that Los Angelles; Ban Ban Burger . Sisters Katy Noochlar and Amanda Maneessilassan used their Thai roots to come up with a sandwich that has a thick smear of garlic holy basil and birds eye chilis on it while the laab is seasoned with an aromatic paste of lemongrass, makut lime chlis and toasted rice powder. Chef Eileen Andrade puts a fusion spin on hers at Amelia's 1931 in Miami. It reflects her Peruvian and KOrean roots. The patty is a beef and chorizo mix marinated in a blend of sesame oil, chili sauce and gochujang.. It's topped with Gruyere and served with shoe string potatoes. Yes there are American style burgers on the list as well. Abbas Dhananai whose family owns nine hundred Burger King and Wendy's franchises  creates a halal smash burger at Houston's Burger Bodega. Manhattan's own Haburger America has created the perfect smash burger.It a thin, crisp edged burger served on a buttered potato roll. Milwaukee has its' Lucy Goosy made at the Hot Dish pantry .This is a sandwich stuffed with a beef patty and slices of Wisconsin cheddar.Bozeman Montana gives us CHolms single from Cholms Burger a three ounce patty covered in gooey  American cheese on a potato bun it also has smoky bacon ends added to the meat thanks to Chef Cory Taber.

America has its' burgers. These are the places that make the best and the most original. Like America itself the patty is always changing , yet remaining true to itself.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Easy Granola

 Granola is a versatile mix of good for you and good tasting ingredients. It makes for a good hot ro cold breakfast.It's also a great sweet snack to munch on too. Best yet you can make your own and toss in what you like.

How you want to make your granola is up to you.  White refined sugar can be added but many home chefs prefer the healthier option of maple syrup. You will also need oat, namely hearty whole grained ones. Use gluten free ones if  someone in the family has celiac disease. As far as for nuts pecans and walnuts are usually the preferred choice.Slivered almonds are a;so good as are cashews,peanuts and pistachios. Sunflower seeds add a bit of much needed saltiness along with macadamia nuts.Granola is usually baked and it needs oil as a binder. Coconut oil works well but you can also use melted plant butter along with browned butter.A drop of wildflower honey adds a layer of sweetness and earthiness. if you want to add it.As far as with spice cinnamon is always good but if you want to be seasonal , a pinch of pumpkin spice mix can be stirred in. fruit is always good in granola. Think chopped dried cranberries, cherries or apricots.What about chocolate chips? These can be added later when the baked  granola is broken up.Flaked coconut can be added later too.

The next part is the most important - baking the granola.Use a  half sheet pan for this or just one half of a regular sized sheet pan if you don;t have the smaller one.Remember to line the pan with parchment paper. The sweetener will stick to the pan and it could be a mess if the granola slightly burns. You could also use a parchment line glass baking dish (think pie pan) for this too.Press the mixture down with the back of a spatula. This will give the mix nice crispy clumps that you can crunch on later. Bake at 350 degrees Farenheit for a short time - only twenty to twenty-five minutes. It shouldn't;;t be too overly browned.Let the granola completely cool down  - about forty five minutes before you add the chocolate chips or coconuts. Store the mix in an airtight container for two to three weeks (if it lasts that long).It can also be frozen for up to three months too. Granola can be eaten like a snack . straight from the container or you can have it with hot or cold milk too. keep in mind that granola also is wonderful topping ice cream too. You can make a quick apple crisp with it too.

Homemade granola is a real treat.It's even easy to make and create variations. Try it for a good fall breakfast.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Easy Vegan Meal

 Even vegans and vegetarians have busy lives. It's important to have a filling yet quick meal that works both on weekdays and weekends. That's where Tofurky comes in.Yes they created that holiday loaf but they've also branched out into other vegan foods. One is plant based Chick'n Thai Basil. This is an easy cook and tasty one too,

This was my Saturday supper. Their Thai Basil chicken is a slightly spiced faux chicken strips that just has to be quick sauteed in a skillet.

I like Tofurkey products. I've eaten their pepper turkey slices along with the loaf that goes into my oven every Thanksgiving and Christmas. This was going to be good.

These are "shreds" that have been dipped in basil flakes,along with red pepper and poblano pepper. The pepper flavor is mild with the basil being the more dominant flavor. These are sauteed in my favorite , three tablespoons of Lidl olive oil (you can use any kind).
Saute for two to three minutes on both sides and in six minutes you have a tasty chicken dish. I paired it with Lidl's jasmine rice. Their microwave rices only take ninety seconds to cook and it's a great base or side.
Together the chicken and rice were a filling meal. You could add some chili crisp to bring out the meat's spiciness.but's is delicious on its' own.
I really liked this and I'll be making it again.It 's a good weekend meal that's filling and cooks quick.

Tofurky's Thai Basil chicken paired with Lidl's jasmine rice is a great and easy cook.It only takes a few minutes to create a hot lunch or dinner. This is perfect for super busy vegans and non vegans alike

Friday, September 6, 2024

Eating On The Road

Fall brings about busy days,  There's a chance that  Either you're rushing from work to a soccer game or spending a Saturday or Sunday more in the car than in your house. That means you'll have to eat sometime and it's usually on the road. what to do? Pack nutritious lunches and snacks to tide you over.

It's very easy to head to any fast food joints and grab pieces of chicken, a burger or a slice of pizza. This is fun every so often but these foods can do an all over number on your body.Grease and oil does not sit well after its' been bolted down. There are better choices.If you are going to go to a fast food then think wendy's that has a baked potato.Its low in calories but high in nutrients. Another is a hero.Jersey MIkes' which is all over New Jersey has good choices like turkey and grilled portobello mushrooms as fillings. You cna fill the sandwiches with veggies as well, Another choice is  anything made from home.Leftover rotisserie chicken can be sliced and put between whole wheat bread for a quick meal. Leftover meat loaf cna be eaten cold and sliced as well. Salads can be bought or made at home and eaten quickly too. Start with romaine lettuc as a base.It's the most nutritious and the most flavorful. Add a  protein such as tuna, salmon, chicken or turkey along with a variety of cut up veggies. Sliced peppers, cauliflower, and broccoli are good choices. They provide color and flavor along with vitamins. A simple vinaigrette works here.

It['s also tempting to get quick snacks too.fries and a soda may b satisfying for the moment but you'll either wind up gassy or hungry. The same thing with those snack cakes too.Think nuts,fruit or a healthy trail mix.Almonds are a great snack. They lower cholesterol and blood pressure. There are flavored ones with a dusting of wasabi or salt and pepper. Almonds are tasty plain however.You could also make an almond butter sandwich instead of a peanut butter one. It a tad healthier and something different  too. Another tasty and good for you snack are walnuts. They reduce inflammation along with lowering the risk of heart disease. Their earthy flavor may be more preferable than much as we'd like to bring a sleeve of Oreo;s or a bag of Tate's chocolate chip cookies, its better to have a baggie full of fruit. Grapes are in season right now and a small branch of them is a excellent snack while on the road. Take non fussy fruit too such as apples and pears  - now in season. It;s just eating and then discarding the core (save the seeds so you can plant and have your own) As for drink, seltzer or plain tea works better than soda or one of those fancy sugar laden coffees.

This is a busy season. You'll be on the road a lot and that means eating on the road too.  Eat well and eat healthy for a better trip/

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Injira The Bread That Is The Backbone

 Ethiopian and Eritrean cooking is mostly deliciously rich stews. These need a good bread to stop up the sauce and flavors.This would be injera, the porous bread that is a staple in both cuisines. It's one of the easiest breads to make and a great accompaniment to fall's flavors.

New contributor Naz Deravian and cookbook author of the fascinating Bottom Of The Pot Persian Recipes and Stories wrote about this vital staple of both Ethiopia and its neighboring country Eritrea.It's a sour springy flatbread rich with nutrients. It serves as both a bread and a utensil. The two countries have cuisines heavy with stews such as alitcha kik a split pea one , Shira  a chickpea and tomato mix and doro wat, a spicy chicken mix.Injira is known for its' "eyes" tiny holes that stop up juices . The malleable texture allows it to be torn off and allowed to stop up sauces as well as being used as a kind of spoon. Los Angelenos can buy the bread from Gennet Wondimu who started her catering business out of necessity after her husband's death. she also makes it without the usual added grains of barley. The original teff flour is gluten free which makes it perfect for those with gluten allergies. demand for it grew as Los Angeles hosted more and more Ethiopian restaurants.

Injira can be made at home and Ms. Deravian includes it. Teff flour is required to get the most authentic look and flavor.It can be found on Amazon but some groceries carry Bob's Red Mill brand . Home bakers do have to create a starter - not unlike sourdough. This is called leet and it's a mix of water and teff.It's left to ferment for a few days and then added to boiling water until it forms a thick smooth paste called absit..This is to ensure the injira doesn't;t crack and is springy. The absit is stirred into the remaining batter until it's smooth and pourable. Getting this right will either make or break the bread. This may be tricky for a novice baker. It takes a lot of practice and the right environment for fermentation,Once done it can become second nature as Ms. Wondimu attests. What about the griddle or the mitad? Use a non stick pan, making sure  all residual oils are wiped from it.Use a paper towel for this. Pour the batter into the pan .It should be a thin stream and forming a circle in the center. Try not to have any thick areas. Its done when the eyes or holes pop and cover three quarters of the surface.Cover and finish cooking for thirty seconds more. Take the pan off the head and use a spatula to slip the injira onto a towel to cool. Stack the breads  and they can be stored for up to two weeks.

Injira is the staff of life for Ethiopians and Eritreans.It is perfect for stews. Make it to discover this great staple.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Easy Dinners For Busy Days

September is here and with it the start of busy days and weekends. Is there time to cook a tasty and nutritious dishes? Yes! There are many easy recipes out there that work for you and your family.

Regular contributor Emily Weinstein wrote this must keep article in today's  Wednesday New York Times Food section. She is no stranger to creating long lists of recipes. last year she created a list of one hundred (!) recipes. Some are in today's paper but they and the others can be found on line. This is not just for this month. The months ahead will be crazy busy with everything from holiday shopping to holiday cooking. The recipes are great for home chefs starting dinner at a later hour due to work or personal business. They're also great for leftovers too, lasting for two days instead of one.Families will love the skillet only chicken with mushrooms and caramelized onions.It's giving a French onion soup vibe but has much more, Vegans ans vegetarians will love the lentil cacciatore. It can be varied with white beans ot brown lentils.Its a flavorful dish thanks to the tomato paste, garlic and capers. Carrots are added to get rid of that sometimes overpowering tomato tang.Kids will love dumpling soup. Frozen dumplings are used along with very thin rice , dried wheat or egg noodles. Broccoli florets and baby bok choy give it that nutritional boost while miso supplies a flavor boost.

Kids will love any of the next recipes.There's a sticky miso salmon bowl, not unlike those takeout bowls many restaurants offer. Kids can add such toppings as nori, kimchi, chili crisp and slices of cucumber avocado and radishes. The salmons get a rich flavor thanks to it being  first marinated in a lime ,honey and oil marinade and then broiled on a sheet pan. Smash burgers are always a must on any menu rotation. Ms Weinstein gives sausage smash burgers. Loose pork , whether mild or spicy  is used for the burgers .They're topped with a sauteed mix of any color bell peppers onions and garlic. The burgers are fried after these and served on toasted brioche or buns. Oregano can be added to this. Of course everyone will love the peanut butter noodles.Two kids favorite spaghetti and peanut butter are combined along with butter,Parmesan cheese  and soy sauce to form an Asian influenced dish. Top with more Parmesan if you want. Another meat free dish is eggplant adobo, eggplant is cubed and sauteed in olive oil, salt and pepper first, This is placed in a bowl to make room for cooking the adobo.The sauce is coconut milk,soy sauce ,vinegar and sugar cooked in the same pan as the eggplant in the oil. The eggplant is added back in an d cooked for ten more minutes. Add rice to it for a heartier dish

These are easy dishes for busy nights ahead. Make them for a quick dinner that the family can enjoy. They're a simple cook - perfect for the non stop days ahead.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Kitchenscaping It's A Thing

 There's all these new culinary and kitchen related  trends thanks to social media platforms. Now there's a new one - kitchen scaping where people arrange everything in the kitchen so it looks magazine ready. Are they inspiring? There's the question.

Let's put it this way - my table isn't "scraped"

It is messy, full of bags of various snacks and tons of cups and glasses. There is space to chop and dip. There even a space for eating for one. One day this will be cleaned. Not now. Do I need to bring in a kitchen scraper? I don't know. I have more respect for kitchens that are messy and lived in. It means people actually cook here. They chop. Things squirt and squish here. There are sticky  drips. This is what a kitchen should be like,

Maybe the closest I have to a kitchenscape is my stove is neat and I like how essentials, like my salt, olive oil and vinegar (and yes they're all from my favorite -  Lidl) are evenly aligned. I can easily reach for them whether I'm sauteing veggies for ratatouille or creating a cooling gazpacho. Will the rest of my kitchen - especially my fridge -  be scaped? Eventually.

Kitchenscaping. Yes it is a thing. If you have a pretty kitchen show it off. Yet the more interesting kitchen is always the messy one. It has a story to tell.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Remember Labor Makes Food

 Today is Labor Day and we should honor all those who contribute to put food on our tables and in our school cafeterias, Keep in mind that lunch ladies and your waitstaff at your favorite restaurants all do the same thing - serve food.

Give praise to all those serve you. Most are working for low wages .Do what you can to boost their day either by a generous tip or a warm compliment. They 'll greatly appreciate that you thought of them and cared.Praise both the chef at your local restaurant and the cook at your kid's school.Think about giving both gifts for the holiday coming up.

It's Labor Day . Remember those who labor to bring us hot and tasty meals.