Friday, May 17, 2024

A Yummy Boost

 if you feel tired mid day or after lunch maybe you need a yummy boost. It could be anything from a handful of walnuts to a refreshing glass of ice green tea. This is what's needed from keeping you crashing at your desk, whether at a home office or a a more traditional one.

Anything can cause fatigue. It could be an underlying illness like diabetes or sleep apnea. Mostly it's our addiction to our devices. We stay up late answering e mails, watching the latest Tiktok videos or scrolling through social media. The morning is fine. we get up, have that breakfast and bounce about. Yet after lunch we may feel the need for a good long nap. This is perfect on a weekend with nothing to do but it can be a pain when you have papers to look over or kids to pick up from school.One of the top boosters are nuts. These can easily be bought in a package or a jar and kept in a handy drawer. A handful of almonds can help as can any other nuts. You can try the flavored ones for a different taste however the ones lightly salted with sea salt work just as well.Even peanut butter can be used for an energy booster. Make a plate of cracker sandwiches with them for a tasty snack. vary this with spreadable cheeses because dairy is  definitely fatigue fighter as well.  Having Brie or Gouda is a lovely way to enjoy a break. Another dairy rich snack to try is cottage cheese. Cut up either fruit or vegetables for a tasty cup.

Veggies also provide a lift as well as giving.extra nutrition.Try cut up carrots , broccoli and green peppers dipped in a fun oil and red wine vinaigrette. Add seasonings such as oregano and thyme to spice it up. You could even create a small salad with the addition of grape or cherry tomatoes. Any fruit is excellent for keeping away mid day tiredness. A fruit snack is also a great way to satisfy a sweet tooth(stay away from  any processed baked goods when you;re feeling sluggish - these will only add to the problem). A handful of cherries or grapes is always great for a quick bite. You could also make a fruit salad with them along with chunks of melon and apples . Drizzle a mix of honey and Greek yogurt over them to make them a bit more interesting.Add some grated dark chocolate or chocolate chips -another fatigue fighter. You could also have a bar of very dark chocolate to munch on as well.This and a hot cup of tea is a treat as well, perfect for keeping you bright eyed and awake.

Don;t worry if you're droopy and drowsy in the afternoon.There are yummy boosters that can revive you. Try them to make the most of your day.