Tuesday, April 30, 2024

A Light Supper

 Sometimes you don;t feel like eating a big dinner or supper. What do you eat then? A very light meal is always helpful.

As much as you want a  Ramen - which is good every now and then - you can always go with a fresh soup. It;s easy t create a veggie broth and then freeze it for the week. it starts with sauteing an onion and then adding tomatoes, green beans carrots, and garlic. it can be strained through a fine mesh to produce a clear broth . During the week add some pasta or rice to fill it out. Mini ravioli or tortellini can also be added too , just to vary it. A quick pasta is also a good and light meal. Nix the heavy tomato sauce and think pasta con burro, This is just pouring melted butter over pasta and then tossing it. A squirt of lemon would add some zing to it. A cold pasta salad would also work as a light dinner or supper. Stores like Acme sell turkey and ham chunks from their  deli counters. Add these to it along with grape tomatoes, olives, broccoli and cauliflower florets.Mix in olive oil, red wine vinegar and some oregano for a tasty dressing.

Eggs are also the perfect base for a light supper. The famed British chef Nigella Lawson is a big fan of these and has created several interesting ones. You could just have a simple one without anything added but you can also add interesting cheeses like cubes of Bries which would melt nicely or Gouda which would give the eggs a nicely salted flavor. You could also make the French classic omelet aux fine herbes. Add finely chopped parsley , chives and tarragon in in along with butter for a silky , smooth texture and rich buttery flavor. Scrambled eggs are also good too,. You can add  chopped tomatoes or shredded spinach or even leftover ham or bacon. Pile on buttered toast for a satisfying sandwich . Poached eggs or eggs Sunnyside up make for another easy light supper. This breakfast for dinner vibe is an easy cook and perfect with some buttered toast. Add a few slices of turkey bacon if you want something more substantial.

Too tired for a big meal? Then think a light supper or dinner after a hard day.It';s an easy cook and an easy eat.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Just Add A Splash

 Any kind of frozen vegetable is a blank canvas. Once cooked you can add anything to create a bold or delicate flavor.A dash of this. A splash of that and you have a new side dish sire to please everyone.\

I started with Wal-Mart's frozen chopped spinach

This is the perfect canvas for soy sauce and garlic powder.
It was a good, heavy splash (about a quarter of a cup) of soy sauce and about two to three heaping teaspoons of garlic powder.
Stir into the cooked spinach . You could add more soy sauce if you want. Another add in is miso and onion powder if you want a different flavor. Fresh minced garlic also works here along with olive oil and pepper flakes. The standard is butter but you could also add some lemon too for a bright fresh flavor.

I served it with  Garfdein's chcoekn nuggets elevated them . 

You could also try it with steak too for a different spin or just serve with rice for a main vegan dish.I love how the intense spinach flavor is tempered with both the soy sauce and garlic. It gives it an Asian vibe.

A dash of this .A splash of that helps any frozen veggie. Experiment and have fun, creating new dishes.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

A Cake Full of Flowers

Spring cakes should be light and beautiful, reflective of the season.What better than adding flowers whether the real thing or edible. They add to any bridal or shower cake along with making a lovely Mother's Day treat.

What can you use> An y fresh or even candy flours work.If you;re opting for fresh.Please use edible ones. No one wants to be poisoned by a cake decoaration. The same applies to the greens used.Think of decoatinga pretty white ro plae pink frosted cake with roses,nasturtium, chamomile, lavendar and hibiscus. if it can be made into a te ait's safe to eat. As for the greens, sprigs of basil and mint work however keep in mind these are strong smelling and could leave a tingle of flavor on the icing and cake. Bay leaves also are good and can sub in for rose leaves.How to attach them to a cake? Cut the stems off and then using florists tape to gather them together.it's just gently inserting the stems on an angle into the frosting. You make want to have a thick blob of it so the stems adhere nicely without the threat of falling off. Another idea is attaching it with a water tube filled with water so the flowers maintain their freshness.

Chocolate, fondant and marzipan also make for exquisite flowers as well.  You can easily buy molds for any kind of colored chocolate on Amazon or in places such as Michaels' A mocha cake would look lovely with a few dark and milk chocolate Bloons gracing one side. An engagement cake would look ;lovely with pastel colored chocolate,  which can also be bought at Michael's. Try to use  good chocolate like Ghiradelli's melting wafers for this. The better the candy , the better the consistency. Marzipan, that thick almond paste also works well for sculpting all sorts of flowers and leaves. Keep in mind you don;t have to go for authenticity here. Thin petal s will tear easily. Roll out and cut ones with a half inch thickness to them . Shape the petals by flattening them with the back if a spoon and them assemble to form flowers. Fondant  flowers are basically the same way. You can use fondant tools such as cutters and scissors to form leaves and petals.Keep in mind that dying both substances can be messy.Use a gel dye for all the flowers and greens.

Flowers on a cake add beauty. Try decorating your cakes with these for a refreshing ,pretty look.It's a salute to the garden.

Food Thrifting

 Clothes thrifting is a big thing right now. It's basically heading to the local consignment store and getting good et slightly used clothes and acessories on a budget. Now with rising food prices home chefs are practicing food thrifting of a sort. It's basically   budgeting to deal with those rising costs in the supermarket.

Associate food editor at the Wednesday Food section, Kristin Chambrot wrote about how to spend wisely  two days ago. Everyone is feeling the pinch across the board and it helps to shop wisely.Ms. Chambrot consulted with several experts about what to do and how to get the most for your dollar. One, ,blogger, Beth Moncel of Budget Bytes urges consumers to evaluate.Download budgeting apps such as Pockethuard and Mon arch will let shoppers import all their financial accounts into a centralized hub. There's also the second option of going old school and using an account book(read notebook) and tallying with a pen or opencil and calculator. Set a limit as to what you want to spend.Keep in mind every household is difference thanks to size and needs. Fifty per cent of the family paychecks should go to basics. Also go over what everyone is eating. They may not be consuming everything.Do what Dasha Kennedy, author fo Broke Black Girl does, figure out how much one person eats and times it by the number of people in the household.

As any home chef and homeowner will tell you making a list is all important.Yes it;s fun to get the extras that everyone loves. Just don;t go overboard when shopping (along with remembering that all important rule. - don't shop hungry.You'll wind up with everything under the sun in your cart).Ms.Chambrot recommneds gravitating to filling,tasty dishes that have low cost ingredients. Think a vegetarian chili with beans or a coconut chuicken curry. Another aspect that should be mentioned is where to shop. Go to stores like Lidl and Aldi for really good prices on canned goods, veggies and boxed goods. Lidl has excellent mushroom soups for 68 cents a can and bigger cans of hearty minestrone and pea soups for $2.58, Buy their brands of national brand cookies and cereals for three to four dollars cheaper along with their twelve pack of soda for only three dollars. Aldi has excellent pastas, risottos and spaetzles along with snacks and crackers for only two to three dollars. If these aren't;t in your area, Wal-Mart Costco and now Target has some really good prices on basic food items. Also take stocl of your pantry and never let anything go to waste.

Food thrifting should be apart of life,especially these days. Budget and spend wisely. You can wind up with tasty dishes that cost only pennies.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Ideal Garden

 All home chefs and home owners dream of the ideal garden.it can be bursting with tomatoes. Have stalks of corn. Rows of asparagus.

Here's the question - what would be in your ideal garden? (Mine would be tomatoes and asparagus , possibly spinach.) Let us know and if you want include pictures of past harvests

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

A More Susrainable Catch

 Seafood restaurants can be snobbish. They serve fish from everywhere in the world yet ignore the ones from the local waters. Thankfully that's changing. People are discovering a more sustainable way fo enjoying fish.

Regulr conteibutor melissa Clark wrote about this in roday's New York Times Food section. Many waterfront restaurants likethe ones in East Hampton will have pasta topped with red shrimp from Argentina or fish counters will feature imported salmon filets rather than locally fished mackeral and black sea bass. THis sort of favoritism is not good. A catch could wind up changing hands three to four times and being trucked hundreds of miles to centralized dealers. Thanks to this the meat is in far worst shape. A whopping sity-five to eighty percent of seafood consumed in the US is imported.Strangely enough the US ships out around five billions dollars in seafood.Joshua Stoff, an associate professor of marine policy at the University of Maine and a founder of the Local Catch Network feels that sending seafood overseas shifts a significant portion of profits away from communities that desperately need it.

Thankfully that's all changing thanks to Professor Stoff and people like him.Their website Local Cathc Network is guiding home chefs to local sources for their seafood choices.Now even large retailers like WHole Foods have even started programs in coastal towns where they buy a portion of their seafood directly from  fishing boats.In New Orleans Porgy's Seafood Market buys all its;seafood from local fishing boats.It;s one fo the local shops that is devoted to buying from the locals. Even its name Porgy's reflects the local catch . They  are plentiful and sweetly flavored yet hard to filet and cook.This is where deep frying them comes in handy which makes the fish more desirable to eat.Nearby there is Mermaid;s Market in Brooklyn that regularly sells locally sourced seafood. Fish lovers can buy easy to filet and cook hake and golden tilefish.Long Island also has some excellent clams and limpets along with sea bass and mackerel. Use these for your seafood dishes. Ms. Clark even includes a rrecipe for filoets with tomatoes , mushrooms and bacon.

Think local when  buying seafood. It helps local fisheries along with the environment. Sourcing and buyign local is not only good but also delicious too

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Your Culinary Footprint

 With yesterday being Earth Day, it's time to reevaluate what  being done food wise for the planet. Are home chefs being conservative? Are they being thoughtful?

One of the best ways is cutting down on your meat consumption. Meat consumption increases the amount of carbon dioxide methane and nitrous oxide> WHat can you do? Try meatless Mondays where you can have a good pasta with just a marinara sauce or better yet any plant based meat.Impossible Meats and Beyond Meats have excellent burgers that taste like the real thing. Now that i's coming into barbecue season, think about grilling these for a fun evening meal. You could also have more veggie dishes like  the Irish classic .This also uses up leftover  mashed potatoes by mixing them with butter garlic and any green, such as cabbage spinach and or kale. Eat more potatbella mushrooms too. These are an excellent source of protein and they're just downright delicious when fried in an air fryer.They actually do taste like steak. You can also just go completely vegetarian or vegan too. It may take some getting used to but once you switch over cooking and eating plant based foods will become easier.

Do you wash dishes or pop I=them in the dishwasher? Hand washing them is environemntally safer just don;t waste water. Many a home chef is guilty of this. Use what you have Leave the super dirty dishes , pots and pans to soak overnight instead of using gallons of water to clean them. Soak them with a mix of baking soda and white vinegar. This will loosen any tough greasy bit. If you're thinking about getting plastic plates both for indoor and outdoor dining, you may want to think about buying ones made from recycled plastic. Composting is big and it's a great way to help the planet.Use those garbage to grown lush fruits and veggies. What makes for a good compost heap? Have plenty of brown material for carbon and green for nitrogen. These make for a rich soil and lush plants.There should also be plenty of water and air too. Keep in mind that even tea bags and used towelettes like Burt's Bee;s make up wipes can also be tossed in. Rake up all those grass cuttings and also make them part of your compost heap.

Be more alert and conscientious about your culinary habits. Treat the Earth well. The results will be a cleaner, happier place to live.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Barbecue Ready

 The days are getting warmer and that means one thing - grilling! Yes, it's barbecue time and that means getting the grill and the yard ready for fun and relaxed dining.

The first thing to consider is the grill. How is it? Do you need to get a new one or just clean it? Almost every store from Wal-Mart to DIcks sell them. What you buy is up to you. If you're not into elaborate cookouts then go simple. Wal-Mart has some good ones that sell for around $96.00.THese are perfect for easy grills like ribs, hot dogs and hamburgers.There are also smaller ,  portable ones if you have a tiny  or small backyard. These can be taken out when needed and then stored  after cooking.A fun idea is adding a pizza oven .LIdl has those for under $100 and they can be used not only for pizzas but also flat breads and calzones. For those foodies and dedicated home chefs, there are more elaborate grills.These come with extensive work stations to prep salads and meats along with shelves to store foods and utensils. Keep in mind these are very expesnive with some going as high as $16,000 .This is because the work tables are usually made of Travertine marble which costs. If you decide to keep your grill remember to clean it/ You can easily buy a cleaner called Good Gone Grill and Grate from Amazonb.It's only sisteen dollars and an easy spray on. You can also use Dawn's Power Wash too along with a good scrub brush easily bought at Home Depot or Lowe;s/

What about seating? The one you have will probably need a good scrubbing and airing.Again Dawn Power wash works wonders here .It'll just get any accumulated dust off in seconds. Most with removable covers can be tossed in both the washer and dryer. THe last will leave them fluffy.This is also the method for ones with removable covers too.What do you do with those table umbrellas?Again Dawn and a good power wash will get rid of anything from those lovely bird "gifts to any rain smudges. If you are looking to replace or add to your set then look no further than your grocer store. Acme has some nice sets for as low as $78 dollars. They along with sotes like Stop and Shop also have tables and chairs for eight; perfect if you;re expanding your patio area. For more elaborate seating think Wal-Mart or even Wayfiar for wicker chairs and a wicker based table. LIdl has Adirondack chairs for $1600 and a porch swing set for around $79.. The store also has a nice selection of outdoor rugs  perfect for that final touch to your outdoor dining area. As for plates, think Target for sturdy melanine plates that are selling for only $5 a plate. You can also buy an entire set for only $21.95>This comes with utensils, cutlery and salad plates along with bowls and glasses. 

It's times to reassess your backyard eating area. Have it ready for that first all important barbecue .Be ready for a lovely meal cooked and eaten  outdoors.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Perfect Kitchen Shower Gift

It's shower time and that means trying to find the right gift for the couple who are big on cooking and entertaining> Do you go for the classic ?Or the practical? Something fun or long lasting?

Most couples do have a registry but most of the lsited items are usually picked up by the bridal party or the parents.What are some practical gifts for the couple? You can never go wrong with an air fryer. There are several different types, from the smaller ones to the larger ones that you can even bake cakes in. Power Air Fryers, which Target sells, are the best brand They last a long time and cna hold up to many washings. You could also consider giving the Dash brand one which is much smaller and is perfect for two people. Both Target and Kohl's sell them Another gift that is very practical is an immersion blender. This is  a must especially for those duos who love to make soups and sauces.Kitchen Aid is a good brand and makes for  creamy textures in both soups and sauces. It;'s also great for purees. Crock pots and Instapots are also good gifts to give. These are perfect for couples who work long hours and need a hot meal to come home to. Go with the Classic brand for this. They last a long time and are perfect for cooking up small batches of chili and tomato sauce.

The other way to go is classic and fancy.There is a great site called. Replacements.com that have many vintage sets.Here you can find classic Mikasa and Waterford. They also have very beautiful Christmas sets in a variety of patterns. A twelve piece set called Santa Company can be bought for as low as $59.99.There is also The Night Before Christmas for $69,95 which is a lovely , cheery set that cna be for years. Replacements.com also has beautiful sterling silver flatware sets too. There also also stainless steel sets and various other knives and servers.Try the site for crystal sets too.An elegant gift is a crystal cake stand which definitely be used for holidays and special occasions a brandy decanter is another special and winderfukl gift that will add a touch of class to any home bar. A classic and vintage gift is a hand embroidered tablecloth and napkins. Decades ago this was a cherished and treasured gifts many young's brides prized. You can still find them on Etsy. Embroider it yourself if you';re handy with a needle and thread.If not look to Etsy for beautifully wrought patterns starting at$88. 90.

It's up to you s to what to give at a bridal shower. You can go for practical. You could also try for a classic timeless gift too. It;s your choice and what appeals to you.

The Fluidity Of A Seder.

 Passover starts this Monday, April 22nd and with it comes centuries of recipes and traditions. However like any holiday meal it can be modernized to suit a family's ever changing and growing tastes. It's a perfect marriage for the new and the old.

Regular contributor Joan Nathan wrote about this in Wednesday's New York Times Food section. Passover simply started as a Spring feast>it is thousands of years old with the first one being out lined in the Book Of Exodus. Then the Israelites ate Maror, or what is now known as arugula.This represented the bitterness of enslavement>It;s now dipped in salty water to symbolizes the tears shed during this time. There is also a hard boiled egg, burned in the oven or with a match to symbolizes birth and rebirth. A roasted lamb or beef shank bone and later chicken leg and  roasted beets for vegans and vegetarians symbolize the sacrifuce .Haroseth , gefilte fish , chicken souls and matzoh brittle came later with the Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe. Ms. Nathan adds her own spin on the meal, with her Polish mother-in-law's take on gelfilte fish, basically fish dumplings made with whitefish, pike and carp. She took the original recipe and reduced the cooking time from two and a half hours to just twenty minutes. Yet a new generation is not into this so she has subbed in a terrine made with salmon or halibut or a white fish salad served on top of matzoh.  She includes this recipe along with one for  brisket and a chocolate hazelnut Schaum torte taken from her son's Danish in-laws

Her family's German influence is there too.She had alwasy ened her seder with her father's chrenslach or a matzog fritter he had while growing up in Germany. There was also another of his favorites a kiss or a Schaum torte. It simply a large meringue with strawberries on top to symbolize Spring. The recipe was carefully written out in German and was made for centuries.It dis get a update thanks to her daughter-in-law's family and with it a new spin.It 's filled with bitter chocolate to cut the sweetness and roasted hazelnuts.What was once was a tradition with a Danish family has now made it to Ms.Nathan's sder where it is a staple.Has her brisket recipe changed this much as well? It's stil cooked with herbs such as thyme and rosemary and made even more flavorful with the addition of crushed or diced tomatoes and red wine.There are also the traditional carrots and celery added as well. Again it;s a versatile piece of meat. For a different spin try smoking it or even barbecuing on the grill. The same goes for her whitefish salad. It can be an original recipe made with mayo, onions and chopped celery. Add dill if you want to or not.

Passover holds traditon but those changed with each generation. Recipes are added. They're improved. It all leads up to a flavorful meal that every generation can enjoy.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Memories Of Spring Holidays

 Passover is coming up. Meethi Eid has just passed . Everyone has favorite memories of these holidays. What was your favorite Seder like? Was it the macaroons? The brisket? 

What about Meethi Eid ? Was it the tabouli eat after a day of fasting ?Or was it the dates to celebrate the first bite of the day? Let us know and include recipes

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Best Of Boston

 Boston is known for its brand a clam chowder. Yet there's so much more to this historicv, multiethnic town. It rivals New York, La and Chicago for excellent and varied dining. Boston may be known for it's great history but it's famed for its' great foods.

Today's New York Times Food section esplored all aspects of the town's  vast array of eateries.,Yes, there is seafood and the best is found at Belle Isle Seafood.It's located in nearby Winthrop a seaside town near Logan Airport. You can splurge on the lobster pie but also try the fried seafood with a side of onion rings or fries. There is clam chowder too if you want a cup. There is also Row 34 which has fresh locally sourced lobsters caught by the chef Jeremy Sewalls' cousin and his son. The restaurant even makes its; own satime crackers!These  work with the smoked fish that's cured on the premises.Boston is an Italian town with a rich history of immigrants contributing to the city's table. Try Via Cannucia run by Stefano Quaresima. Chef Quaresima is known for his baking skills , supplying the restaurant with cream buns and bombolini doughnuts. He also creates flavorful frittatas and mouth watering red and white pizzas as well as in house  baked desserts. Giulia's  in Cambridge,is another great Italian eatery that is a must try.Diners get to enjoy the homemade wild boar papperdalle  along with bucatini ameritriciata

Asian food is also popular here. Tourists should try Ming Seafood Restaurant in Quincy where they can have a plate of shumai, steamed dumpling that features a shrimp truffle filling wrapped in a cuttlefish ink wrapper. For fun the chef sets a Mano pudding set in a rubber ducky mold. There is also The Eaves ,a Viernamese restaurant in Union Square.Chefs, married couple Vincenzo Le and Duong Huybh reimagine classic Vietnamese dishes with a New England twist. Cha Cha la Vong usually made with catfish in Hanoi is remade with New England monkfish, The city is usually known for its' clam chowder but Yume Ga Arukara is changing that. It serves udon, those thick Japanese wheat noodles in a dashi broth Diners can choose to add in scallions or beef slices along with crispy tempura bits. Toro offers Spanish tapas,  a nice change up from the other cuisines.There's a wide range of seafood along with meat  and vegetable small plates. Diners can enjoy croqueta de bacalao,  salt cod croquettes along with flank hanger steak or pimentos. There's also a  choice of delicious paellas  that come in two types a vegetable one and a seafood one. American restaurants loke Field and Vine and Cutty's are also featured too along wht Sofra a Greek pastry shop.

Boston is not just beans and clam chowder.It has a rich and varied table.There is seafood but also other dishes from other cuisines that are flavorful and tasty.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

To End A Seder

 Passover is less than a week away.This holiday , starting next Monday APril 22nd, is full of good food. How do you end a Seder? With a tasty dessert?

All Passover desserts are flour less yet you can make a delicious cake or kugel. The most traditonal dessert  are apple  cake and  coconut rich macaroons. Apple cake can be made with almond or ground matzoh meal.There are still eggs added to give it body and spices such as cinnamon or nutmeg. It can be varied with the addition of ground walnuts. Flour less apple muffins can also be made  as a sub in for cupcakes. it;'s more or less the same recipe as  for the cake  Macaroons can be made at home. They only require four ingredients, egg whites, ,sugar vanilla extracts and shredded coconut Vegan ones cna be made if you sub in kosher aqua faba or chickpea water for the egg whites. Chocolate chips can be added or the macaroons can be dipped in chocolate for an even tastier treat. The macaroons can also have a bit of lemon zest for a citrus-y take on the recipe. The original macaron recipe can also be made for Passover  since they're made without flour. You could do a simple vanilla, chocolate coffee or any fruit flavor with a matching or contrasting buttercream filling.

Of course you could always bake everyone's favorite  - a flour less chocolate cake. This is a blend of  just eggs, butter ,cocoa powder sugar and vanilla. Eggs are used to act as a binder.It is a thick, fudgey cake that's more like candy .Can cupcakes be made this way? Absolutely! Yes! Again it's the same recipe but poured into cupcake papers. Again eggs are the most important ingredient here because they act as the binder that brings all the other ingredients together. These can also be made in vanilla too if you want something different.Cookies can also be made for the holiday. Surprisingly there are even flour less chocolate chip cookies along with other types. What gives them substance? Both oatmeal or almond flour work. You should add baking powder to give them some rise otherwise they'll be too flat.Mix it and the flours together before adding the other ingredients. The wet ingredients are then added as with a regular cookie recipe and then the chips. The dough is then rolled into balls and put on a  cookie sheet. 

What ends a good Seder? A good dessert. It could be a traditional apple cake or a chocolate chip cookie. It's up to you how you want to  create a fun and delicious ending.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Risotto Sub Ins

 Everyone loves a good risotto. There's the creaminess and the flavor. The crispiness when it's been refried The day later. The only problem is that arborio can be hard to find or can be temperamental at cooking. What to do ? try subs.

This has become a thing with many chefs.The famed  chef and cookbook author Nigella Lawson is constantly trying new variations using barley and orzo. Yet many home chefs will ask can I sub in regular rice for arborio.The answer is yes but keep in mind the dish won;t have the creaminess simply because arborio rice is a short grain starchy variety. You can use it especially if the rice is really a supporting flavor. It can work well with chicken and a tomato sauce. Can you make the classic and heavenly delicious risotto Milanese>Yes but keep in mind that it won;t have that creaminess .You could add a tablespoon of plain Greek yogurt, creme fraiche or even heavy whipping cream to replicate the texture and mouthfeel. The risotto will still taste good with or without the creaminess. It's the saffron and chicken broth that really make the dish.What about brown rice?Again yes. To make it healthier and creamier you could add white cannellini beans ( don't try this for a Milanese). The beans impart a nice flavor and work well with the chicken broth and tomatoes.

What about orzo and barley? Yes orzo, that rice like pasta can easily be subbed in for arborio rice. Many home chefs and commercial ones claim that it makes a better Milanese than the arborio rice. You use the same ingredients, the saffron threads, the white wine and chicken broth. To achieve the famed creaminess add two tablespoons butter or a plant based one such as Melt. Of course orzo can be used in traditional risottos that also have tomato sauce and mushrooms. It can even work in making arrancini those stuffed deep fried rice balls. Is pearl barley a good risotto sub in? Yes!!! You can even make Milanese style with it!! Keep in mind that it does have a slightly nutty taste that may come through in dishes made with lighter sauces. Many home chefs pair it with a variety of veggies. Many add vegetables normally not associated with risoot like carrots along with squash and even soy sauce. It's a great risotto to make using a current season's harvest. Try kale and butternut squash in the fall while the summer calls for corn and cherry tomatoes.

Risotto doesn't;t have to always be made with arborio rice. Try orzo in a pinch or pearl barley if you have that. Use up your white and brown rice for a risotto Milanese or a traditional tomato one.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Lighter Sides

 Warmer weather means lighter meals and with them come lighter sides.Let the mashed potatoes and green beans casseroles rest. Try dishes and recipes that are not are heavy, but more delicate. T

o most laughter meal is chicken cutlets or fish.what works with these? If you're in a hurry, try these,

The SUddenly Salad by Betty Crocker is easy enough to make.It comes with the pastas that has to be cooked and seasoning.The last is made with oil and water and then is tossed with the rotelli.I plan on using this as a side with plant based chicken tenders.You can also make this using any chuncky pasta and a variety of differnt seasonings. Add grape tomatoes and cut up broccoli florets  for more flavor and substance.

The other , Knorr's Spanish Rice is another easy make.It's ust cooking the rice and adding either a tablespoon of vegetable or olive oil.THis can work with chicken, or fish. You Ould even add leftover Londin Broil to it for a quick meal.Again it can easily be replicated with tomato paste cooked into white rice. Lemon rice is a great addition to any main dish.Use fresh lemon juice and zest for this along with either butter or a plant based one like Melt. Almonds work well in this too if you want a more exotic side, especially if you're cooking chicken shikebobs.This also is a good side dish to grilled salmon too. 

Switch to lighter mains and sides as the weather becomes warmer.It could be a pasta salad.It could be a side of rice. Either one is very good.


Friday, April 12, 2024

Chicago Restauranr Paradise

 Chicago has always been known as a foodie's city.It has a wide variety of eateries from stands to fancy restaurants.It also has a wide variety of cusiines from downhome American to the best of the world. Luckily there's a guide to help you eat through the Windy City

The New York Tmes wednesday section highlighted the best of this interesting city. If you want down home Chicago food them stop at Johnnies; where the quintessential Chicago sandwich is being made< Beef is roasted and laded with different soices.It's shaved thin and piled onto a roll and topped with giardinaria, pickled veggies. The place is also known for its' hot dogs and lemon Italian ice.It';s located outside the city in a charming town called ELmwood Parl. Then there is Superdawg where everyone goes for a "dragged through the garden " dog.This is a hot dog laden with diced onions, neon green relish peppers,tomatoes and tomato slices.Celery salt is sprinkled on and a dill pickle spear is added. Add their fries and a shake or malted for truly blissful eating.CHicago is also the home of the Midwest beef market. Try Uncle John's Bar-B-Q on the South Side where ribs and smoked turkey reign supreme.

Of course there are fancy restaurants, as in any other big city. Avec has a variety of good Mediterreneam starters like labneh along with chorizo stuffed and bacon wrapped Medjool dates. Chicago has always had a large Italian population so both pizza and pasta thrive here. There is Monteverde in the west Loop,This features freshly made pasta and a rich Neopolitan sauce that is made up of a variety of different meats. Kim's Uncle Pizza, in nearby Westmont offers CHicago tavern style pizza, ones with crackly crusts cuts into squares.They're topped with tangy sauce and nubs of crackly sausage. Shanghai  Terrace offers a wide range of CHinese dishes from SHanghai to Scechuan. Try their fried rice with Wagyu beef and taro. The city has a burgeoning Mexican population so Mexican eateries are also big on Chicagoans dining lists. Many go to Mi Tocaya Antojeria for the steak burritos and the wedding day special a while mole called mole de novia.Al Bawadi Grill is for those who love good Middle Eastern fare in a luxurious setting. They offer the usual hummus,keftka and shish kebabs.

These are just some of the eateries CHicago has. Visit this fascinating city for Lake Michigan and the town history. Stay for the amazing array of restaurants.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Spring Veggie Time

 It's Spring and that means a plethora of fresh spring veggies to eat. We're curious here.What's your favorite? Do you love fresh peas that can be made into everything from soups to salads? Are you big on asparagus dishes (I am! It's just my favorite vegetable of all time!) Do you love artichokes steamed or stuffed?

Let us know what you like as you transition from heavy winter dishes to lighter warmer weather ones.Is there a recipe that features them that you'd like to share?

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Kitchen Myths Busted

 Everyone has grown up with at least one kitchen myth. These could be old wives tales,family lore or just lies that somehow become truth. There are certain stories and suggestions that do have a base in science and truth .It's just hard to discern what's good to follow and what's not.

Regular contributor Julia Moskin wrote about this in todays' New York Times Wednesday Food section.Everyone has grown up with  all sorts of kitchen mysths. Some are grounded in reality like the old chestnut "Only eat seafood in miths that have an "r" in the." This comes out from when their was a lack of refrigeration and seafood could only keep during the colder months.Then there's the one that  has against washing mushrooms. This is a restaurant based myth that's actually a truth . Just rinse them off only when you ready to use them. There's also tbrown eggs that are healthier than white. An egg is an egg.The color has to do with the ehn's feather color , not if the brown eggs have more protein. She also explores the myth of not using soap on a cast iron pan. This comes from over a c entury ago when most household soaps contained lye which could erode the top layers.Some tales include wetting the pans. then scrubbing them burying in sand. You can just wash it with warm water.If there are stuck pieces like bacon or steak then add a few drops of dish detergent to clean it.

Other myths include that old chestnut pasta water should be salty as the ocean.Here Ms. Moskin tried out this , using salinity levels from one to the Pacific Ocean and Mediterenean Sea. She prefers a saltiness that's similar to chicken both. Anything too powerful, and the pasta loses its' flavor.What about washing rice until it runs clear before cooking.Years ago , rice did have to be washed to remove everything from chaff and dust to vermin! She also experimneted with this and it turns out washing the rice does nothing to it. Besides most rice is bought clean anyways. Then there's the fairy tale of having your ingredients prepared and your're cooking oil heated befiore starting to cook.Is this true?No. you can start the oil cooking and add the ingredients at the same time.I always do this and everything tastes just fine. I think it's adds to a dish, give such -proteins as mushroom, tofu and meat extra flavor.What about browning meat at the start of the cooking process  to seal in the juices. This is a falsity too. Brown only steaks and roasts. Stew meat doesn't;t need to be browned It can be cooked with other ingredients .The same applies to meats cooked for soups too. 

Myths abound everywhere. They're especially prevalent in the kitchen, Yet there's a lot of truth in these sayings. It does pay to experiment

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Spring Soups A Lighter Flavor

 Even though the weather is becoming warmer there's still a need for homemade soup. Yet Spring soups are not only easy to make but light.They're also burst with fresh green flavor, perfect for welcoming a season of growth and renewel.

MInestrone is the obvious choice for a Spring potage.It's a vegetable soup that's full of garden goodness. For Spring swap out the heavy beans and pasta for Spring greens, kale and asparagus. If you want some protein add chickpeas but the soup can taste just as good without them.Also add in a couple of fresh garlic stalks which should be growing depending on where you live. Two Spring staples - peas and artichokes are added.Dandelions are starting to show right now. You can add these although they can sometimes have a bitter taste.Be prudent with them.If you want to add artichoke hearts you can. Remember to keep the bones of the soup.A good broth whether chicken or vegetable and a can of diced tomatoes. For the last try the fire roasted ones for some complexity. sprinkle of grated Parmesan will finish it off before serving. Since this is a vegetable soup, you can nix the side serving of salad. Crusty French bread with butter is good with it or even the extra thin bread sticks - grissini from Torino.

Surprisingly enough onion soup can be tailored to fit the Spring. Instead of regular onions try verdant scallions enhanced with the addition of soy sauce. Potatoes give the soup it's creaminess. You can use water as a base for a lighter flavor or vegetable broth for a more flavorful one. The onions and potatoes are sauteed first in olive oil with a bit of butter or butter substitute. The broth or water is then added in a long with the soy sauce.Oregano is added for more flavor if you want to. Everything is them simmered for a few minutes and can be blended with an immersion blender or poured into a traditional one. Another warm weather idea is foraging for your soup's ingredients. You can easily make a dandelion leaf one or one that is rich with nettles. Dandelion is good paired with spinach so you can add some leaves to the broth . Carrots give this all green potage bright pops of color and some sweetness too.Nettles taste like spinach  but with a peppery aftertaste. Again , these can be combined with spinach and cooked in a vegetable broth for a refreshing soup.

It's Spring yet don't put away that stockpot! You can create tasty light bowls of a flavorful soup. Try them for a light Spring supper.

Monday, April 8, 2024

An Eclipse With Oreos

 If you cou;dn't see today's solar eclipse, then take a look ar this Oreo eclipse.It's sort of the same but the Oreo is tastier. 

I;ve just discovered their Java Chip ones These are pretty good and have a cappuccino flavor. Although my favorite cookie is Lidly's Sondey ones. Theirs is the most flavorful without being overwhelmingly sweet.


Watch the videos below .Make your own eclipse with your favorite sandwich cookie>Do you like the Traditonal Oreo?Or Lidl's Double Stuffed Ones? Let us know.


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZpHTgMtgXsQ?si=h8G78MfAguaJ1SkI" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Wendy's Creamsicle Is it A Dreamsicle

 Wendy's has brought back this Creamsicle Forsty for a short while, replacing its' famed vanilla Frosty. Is it just has tasty as a real Creamsicle, a mix of orange and vanilla ice cream?Is it just tasty as the chocolate Frosty?

I had to try it to see. To be honest I 'm not a big Creamsicle fan but I do like a good orange sherbet.However  was reminiscent of baby aspirin.It was a little too sweet. There was the citrus and vanilla flavor but it was overpowered by a sugary sweetness.There could be one solution to cut this - freezing it.
I put it in the fridge for two hours .It did have a nice ice cream consistency , but the flavor was still the same. Freezing it didn't cut the sugariness.I think for it to work is if Wendy's' added unsweetened orange juice to this. The juice's tartness would work equally well with vanilla ice cream. It's something for them to consider.

Is the Frosty Creamsicle worth it.? If you;re a big fan of Frosty's, yes. If not try Wendy's Frosty's sodas. These are cool and refreshing without a lot of sweetness.

Friday, April 5, 2024

An EAsy Spring Party

 What works for a Spring party? Light dishes that are still tasty and filling.They could be seafood or a salad? It could lead off withh chicken.Any would make a memorable presentation.

First time contributor  and cookbook author Kidey Heuck gave three interesting dishes in wednesday's New York Times Food section. To start off the season you could easily make her littlemech clams with cherry tomatoes.They're served over peark couscous for a light take on the upcoming seafood season, She recommends chopping the tomatoes ahead of time. The littlemeck clams are first soaked as the tomatoes are cooked with dry white wine and red Chiles. This makes for a spicy sauce that would go well with crusty bread for dipping. It should be served with a simple green salad as Ms Heuck suggests. You could also experiment with grape tomatoes too for a sweetr taste.If your guest prefer chicken then try her whole milk yogurt with sharma spices such as ginger, turmeric and allspice along with cinnamon, coridandr and cumin. Roast veggies work great here.

The third dish is a taverna salad. This sia perfect dish for vegan and vegetarian guests. CHickpeas provide the protein . Tomatoes, yellow peppers, and English cucumber give it color and flavor while Kalamara olives and chopped red onion provide the taverna flavor.Parsley and shallots are chopped and added too. It's topped with toasted pita and halloumi cheese. This is a Cypriot based cheese often used in many Greek dishes. THese are slightly toasted and then cut into  two to three inch cubes and tiossed into the salad. A variation on this is serving it with stuffed grape leaves or subbing in feta cheese for the halloumi. Remember to get good Greek olive oil for this. It has a much  richer flavor than Italian olive oiil. Ouzo would work with this as well. Serve with more pita and tahini dip if you want. This is also a good salad to make ahead , especially for Spring barbecues.

These three dishes are perfect for Spting dinners. Make them and enjoy their rich flavor. They're full of spices and herbs, which bring a warm weather freshness to them

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Easter Leftovers

 Here's the question of the week - what is your favorite Easter leftover ?

Is it the ham that' ground into a deviled pate? Those Cadbury mini eggs baked into cookies? Or asparagus turned into salad?. 

Let us,know and provide recipes if you want.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Plastic's Tight Grip

 Like it or not plastic has a tight grip on how America eats. Without it  our produce along with meats and fish could go bad. We can get sick.Yet our addiction to plastic is deadly. IS there a happy medium for the future?

Regular contributor Kim Severson wrote about this very real problem in today's New York Times Food Wednesday Food section. The US alone [roduces the most with forty percent of it being plastic. The country also has a problem with food waste too. yet one cucumber rotting in a land fill is not as bad as plastic. Yet plasric helps in reducing food waste. Americans have a bad habit of buying too much and not eating or using what they buyThe average American family spends $1500 on produce yearly Not that much is eaten and it's thrown out.The Biden Administration is trying to reduce this. There is already a draft to create a strategy by 2030. Plastic has been protecting produce since th 1930's - for ninety years!It started with cellophane wrapping vegetables and fruits and keeping them fresh, to the plastic clamshells big in the 1980's and those popular bagged salads that arrived a decade later in the 1990's . The top trend now is converting the plastics to biogdegradable wrappings according Soren Bjorn chief executive officer at Driscolls' the company that produces all sorts of fruit.

Other countries are also tackling this, Spain has a plastic tax. France has a severely limited plastic wrapped produce. The Europan is also adding more restrictions to stop plastic consumption across Europe. Canada is trying to hammer out a plan that could eliminate plastic packaging of produce by ninety-five per cent by 2028. Here , companies and scientists are experimenting with new ways of combatting the overuse of plastic wraps. There are some possible alternatives. One is bags from trees. An Austrian company is employing birch and beechwood trees to create celllulose for paper bags.Other companies are creatng netting from trees that can decompose in a few weeks. Then there are the films from surprisingly orange and shrimp shells.Most fruits and veggies now have an edible coating made from plant based fatty acids. This is sprayed on cucumbers, avocados, and other produce. Clamshells are now being tackled with the classic plastic being replaced by cardboard. This will be good for the more fragile fruits and vegetables.

How can plastic wrap consumption be  lessened. It will takes laws and innovative ideas to do such.It can help in a small way of protecting the environment.,

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Spring Pastas

 Everyone thinks that pasta is for the cooler seasons like fall and winter.Yet there's nothing like a good Spring pasta. There;s so many different types of veggies you can add to the sauce>It's a fresh taste for a fresh season,

Gnocchis really shouldn't be classified as pasta yet they are. I found a really good brand at Lidl .It 

They came with their own sauce  which was tomato, bell pepper and zucchini coins. The gnocchi's flavor was elevated thanks to the different veggies
Keep in mi nd gnocchi and any pasta would benefit from a pepper and squash sauce or better yet a spinach pesto. This last is on my radar to make. Basil can be oo strong. Spinach has the right amount of sweetness and earthiness to bring out any kind of pasta's flavor. 
I like using in any Spring pasta. My Easter lunch was bunny , chick and egg shaped pasta - so cute - with my signature mushroom and spinach sauce. This is my all time favorite , because the spianch and baby bellas are perfect together.  Each complement each other and the pasta.All it needs is a pinch of garlic powder and that;s it. Another tasty sauce is fresh mint and peas, perfect with angel hair..An asparagus,lemon  and butter sauce is also a tasty combination.,

Pack away the heavy sauces. It's Spring, Time for lighter fare and lighter sauces.

Monday, April 1, 2024

April Showers Bring Wedding Season

 It may be a day for jokes but April is a serious month. This is the time for those bridal showers that herald in May ,June and even July weddings. Get out the planners and start looking up recipes . A good shower requires a good menu.

The first step is considering the them of the wedding.If it's one that takes place on a farm or in a farm house then consider a farm house themed shower. you don;t have to go all farm to table but you can have dishes that reflect the land. Think of the crops that are grown on a traditional farm. One crop is beans. You can easily make a cannellini hummus  by using white cannellini beans instead of chickpeas It's the same as regular hummus with the addition of tahini and olive oil for a creamy smoothness. Best of all you can make large batches of it if you have a large number of guests. A fun dip is cowboy caviar which is always a crowd pleaser.It's mixing beans with corn. cubed avocados and tomatoes. Celery and parsley are also added for flavor.Onion and black eyed peas are also added for flavor. Veggie loaded quiches  make for a good main course for a farm themed luncheon.Try a variety of different ingredients from ham to broccoli. Another main dish is chicken pot pie galette. This is a savory take on the classic French dessert. Simple roasted Cornish hens are also a good mean meal too. As for dessert. just plain scratch cupcakes work . Think elegant simplicity with basic ingredients.

Many Spring and summer weddings are beach themed. This makes for a perfect reason to have a beach themed bridal shower. Of course seafood is on the menu. You can easily have shrimp in lettuce cups with a splash of shrimp sauce. Another idea, if you want to splurge is a lobster salad or lobster rolls. If you feel this may be too expensive, one you can check your local Lidl .The store is selling them for $14 a piece.Also check out deals at Wal-Mart and Sam's CLub where they range around $16 for one. A better substitute is crab which is versatile for a number of recipes.These are much cheaper being $8.99 for snow crab legs cluster. Salmon and scallops can also be used. Salmon is one of the most versatile fishes. You can easily make  large sheet pan dinners with it. Give it a Spring twist by cooking it with asparagus  and new potatoes. What about dessert at a beach themed shower? Think cupcakes with frosty blue icing decorated with colored shells and edible pearls. An ocean cake can also be made with the layers being tinted in blue and green. Carry the theme over to the frosting. and scatter candy shells on top for decoration.

It may be April Fools's Day but it's time to get serious about shower season. Start planning for yours.Pick a theme that works with the theme of the wedding.It's be a nice preview of what's to come.