Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Cider The Perfect Fall Drink

Cider is the perfect drink for this chill autumn weather .Whether it's the sweet or hard variety it has zip and zing, making it perfect for a dinner time treat or a holiday punch. Enjoy it with a whole slew of foods ,from hors d' oeuvres to a hearty beef or pork meal. It brings sparkle and zest to any meal.

Cider is one of the oldest drinks in the world, first fermented by the ancient Britons, The Romans enjoyed their drink of pressed crab apples and it soon spread throughout the Empire.Hard cider is still popular and treasured in Normandy where they've taken cider making to a high art.The drink was used in wassailing , as an offering with bread to protect apple orchards'from blight.Apple cider today  ranges from dry to sweet in taste and its' coloring ranges from light orange to yellow.Sweet ciders are usually locally made, coming from New England states such as Vermont and New Hampshire. The best hard cider comes from England and France although some are American made.

Sweet or non alcoholic cider is a great accompaniment for  Thanksgiving dinner. It can be shared by both adults and kids alike and has the right amount of zip .It's not as potent as any alcohol drink and healthier than soda.It also brings out the different flavors of the meal , from the turkey to  the stuffing and potatoes.Serve it mulled or warm with orange slices and cloves for a tree trimming party in a few weeks. Hard cider makes a nice alternative to champagne at parties. It does have more of a kick to it and it does go down easy.Be careful with it because a few glasses can knock you silly. Still a tall flute of it makes a wonderful drink with Camenbert rounds or cheese puffs at parties,

Cider, whether it's sweet or hard is a great drink for the autumn.,It goes well t any party or gathering, with its' tangy apple flavor. Serve it  for some zest and zing .

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