Monday, November 18, 2013

Swimming In Seaweed

Seaweed isn't usually on the top of everyone's grocery list.Yet, it is not only tasty but high in nutrition.It's also a perfect departure from everyday ingredients too. even holiday parties and meals can be made more interesting just by adding it to the menu.

This veggie from the sea is a good addition to any diet , especially now in the cooler months. Eat a gram of it and get your daily dose of iodine. Seaweed is also high in Vitamin C and the arame kind is rich in potassium..It is also loaded with Vitamin B12 and taurine.Calorie wise it's only 30 per helping which makes it a nice alternative to land lettuce.It also helps in burning calories as well, perfect for those wanting to fit into those slinky holiday party dresses and pants.Seaweed has a slightly fishy, slightly briny and slightly leafy flavor.It becomes addictive once you get used to it. Start off the with dried  and salted chips to become acclimated with it.

Any kind of seaweed is highly versatile. The most used is the nori variety, which makes for the outer layer of all sushi.However you can also use the nori in a seafood risotto dish .Another way is in a light miso soup where  it adds both color and flavor.Seaweed makes for interesting salads. You can just serve it with a rice wine vinaigrette or add cucumber and grape tomatoes for a refreshing change of pace.Another super salad is mixing the different types with kale . This will give you not only a tasty lunch or side but a dish packed with Vitamin C and loaded with potassium too.

Add seaweed not just to add color and punch but also for its' nutritional value. It;s a great way of getting all those vitamins and and a good helping of  minerals too . Get away from the land lettuce and discover what the sea can give us.

1 comment:

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