Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Tofutti's Pizza Treats

Nothing beats a pizza oozing with cheese.Yet it can be too much for any pizza lover's cholesterol or diet. Luckily Tofutti comes to the rescue with their latest creation:Pizza Pizzazz. It stills give you that great taste without all the worry.In fact it's a pretty healthy and pretty fun dinner.

Tofutti is a Cranford New Jersey based company that specializes in dairy free and tofu based cheeses and frozen treats. They are famously known for their Tofutti Cuties, little dairy free frozen tofu sandwiches that are actually better tasting than their dairy counterparts.Now the company comes out with two new pizzas, the classic original and the four cheese. They're easy to make. Just pop in the toaster oven for twenty to twenty five minutes and out comes  an ooey gooey treat. What's great about Pizza Pizzazz is that it has zero cholesterol. Those who have to worry about that their cholesterol can put those concerns on hold with this. Tofutti also puts a generous layer of tomato sauce between the cheese and crust toogiveing it an extra boost of healthiness.

I tried both the classic original and the four cheese varieties. What I love is that Toffuti puts a generous amount of the soy cheese along with the "real cheese" flavor. You could serve both to pizza lovers and fool them with the flavor. The slices were generous, and one box contains three portions.Since the servings are oblongs you could also slice them into bars or small squares for party appetizers.Another plus is that you can add extras such as soy pepperoni or olives for extra kick.

Pizza lovers rejoice. There is a better and healthier alternative to cheese pizza.It's Tofutti's Pizza Pizzazz and it's  great!

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