Monday, October 13, 2008

Columbus Day - The Combining of Two Worlds

This is Columbus Day 2008 and I won't be writing about Italy's contributions to world cuisine. Being part Italian I've done that so many times before in this blog. Instead I 'll be writing about how both the New and the Old Worlds have influenced each other.

Before European exploration, the Western Hemisphere had more fruits and vegetables but didn't have the "civilized meats" of chicken, pork or beef. The indigenous people relied on their game such as wild turkey., boar and buffalo along with fish and shellfish as their source of protein. they did have diets rich in fiber and grains. There was plenty of wild rice, berries and vegetables to insure healthy lifestyles. They did not have the European decadence of food where dishes were cooked in butter or where there was plenty of rich dairy and spices. it could be considered what a modern all natural diet is today. Different tribes introduced English settlers to the vitamin drenched squashes and corn as well as the all natural sweetener, maple syrup. South and Latin American tribes introduced us to chocolate and tomatoes,

Unfortunately the Europeans brought with them their love of greasy , over roasted, food along with baked breads and cakes. Most Europeans only ate cabbages, leeks, turnips and parsnips. Yes these are good for the diet but they are not as varied as what the New World had to offer. The European settlers brought about more sophisticated ways of cooking and baking. They also brought the complex process of wine and beer making. They also cultivated fruits such as strawberries and apples.

This Columbus Day , consider what you've eaten. Was it strictly all New World or Old World with some of the products from the Western Hemisphere? Think about these as you have you Columbus Day dinner.

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