Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Spice Trade

Fall is the season to spice thing sup with your dishes. A touch of curry here will warm up any rice dish. A dash of coriander to a soups give s it a new spin and a mellow flavor. experiment with some new spices and your old dishes. Add something new to a tried and true recipe for extra zip!

Most everyone uses some kind of pepper to add zing to ordinary foods. Instead of just regular ground, black pepper, try the more fiery cracked sort. For added zing add paprika. It will not only add flavor but color to bland dishes.Saffron, nutmeg and cinnamon will also do the same thing (you can add the last to any savory dish)

A lot of people are wary of spicing up their main meals. If you're not used to them add just a small sprinkle and see if it's the taste you want.Also mix some in with mayo or ketchup to create a spread , If your family likes it, then try it in larger quantities in mashed potatoes or turnips or over roasts. You may want to vary one or two a week. Spices can become pretty tiresome if used three or four days in a row.

Be adventurous with your cooking and try a few spices. They will add warmth to your dishes as well as making them memorable. They will give the most ordinary dishes zing and zest.

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