Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Sweet Treat - Biscotti

There's nothing like a good biscotti to start off your day or to have with a good cup of coffee. These anise flavored treats have been an Italian staple for centuries. For many of us they bring back sweet memories.

Biscottis' have been part of the Italian culinary landscape since Roman times. the ancients were fond of of having small cakes made from honey and nuts. The biscotti is similar to this but they are twice baked or in Latin, bis cottum (it's where the French and the English get their word biscuit from). Sailors used this method as well for their bread because it kept so well on voyages hence we get the biscotti's English cousin - the hardtack or sea biscuit.

Since biscotti have to be dipped into something to be eaten , they are usually served at breakfast or for a snack. They are also served as a dessert with vin santo (holy wine ) or the sweet Sicilian wine , Marsala. In my household, we often had biscotti with butter slathered over the top (typical Piedmontese, with our love of butter). This is really the best way to eat biscotti. The butter brings out the taste of the anise and softens the biscuit's hardness. Many Italian bakeries will have biscotti on the ready and it's always good to buy the the night before for the next morning's breakfast.

Biscotti's are a wonderful snack or morning treat. Slather some with butter , have with your favorite coffee and start your day. You'll won;t care what the day brings. You'll still be savoring this perfect Italian treat.

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