Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Super Sized legacy

 it's been twenty years since the eye opening documentary "Super size Me." Have things changed? Are we still addicted or are we wary? The answer is surprising.

New contributor and regular New York Times Brian Gallagher wrote this interesting piece in today's New York Times Wednesday Food section. Twenty years ago document maker Morgan Spurlock subjected himself to eating McDonald's for a month  for this eye opening film. He put his health in danger as he chowed down on the worst that the chain had  to offer. After it showed the film sparked controversy and MCDonald's , soon found itself being loathed by the public. It was one of the factors in  a rising sea of childhood obesity and early onset diabetes.In fact the film was inspired by New York City parent suing the conglomerate for their childrens' health problems. However McDonald's catered and still caters to kids who love its burgers and nuggets.  As Frances Flemining-Milici, the director of marketing initiatives at UConn Rudd Center For  Food put it."If it's marketed towards children, then it's probably bad for you. "Recently New Jersey senator Cory Booker along with fellow senators  Bernie Sanders and Peter Welch introduced the Childhood Reduction Diabetes Act which stops fast food joints form advertising to minors and require stronger health and nutrition warning labels.

Despite this parents will still buy McDonald's for their kids. Many even add extras like soda instead of the milk that usually comes with a Happy Meal. The company is still a top seller around the world.Its' stock price nit a high January of this year and nearly went up a whopping one thousand percent since "Super Size Me" hit screens two decades ago. Milleninals are the biggest consumers.They were little when the movie came out and most of their life and important events were celebrated at McDonald's. It also helps that celebrities are pushing the food on various platforms.Sales of Quarter Pounder soared after rapper Travis Scott was advertised, eating it. This is also true for other fast food joints such as Popeyes' who has Megan Thee Stallion as their spokesperson, Justin Bieber for the Canadian doughnut chain Tim Horton's and LIttle Nas X for taco Bell. The last calls him their "Chief IMpact officer." To be honest Mc Donald's food isn;t as calorie rich as Chipotle who blatantly advertises their "healthy menu. A standard chicken burrito is 100 calories while a Big Mac has only 500 calories.

There will always be McDonald's and other fast food joints . Keep it as a fun treat .Maybe that's the best way to deal with it.

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