Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Strawberries At Your Fingertips

 One of the joys of having a garden is planting anything you want. Strawberries are a popular and much loved crop.Not only are they a high yield harvest, they are also a versatile one. They can be made into anything , from preserves to salad dressings.

Before you even buy the plants start staking out your garden. Strawberries thrive in bright sunny areas in soil that has a pH factor anywhere from 5.5. to 6.8. You can easily buy a pH indicator at any of your Home Depots' Lowes or Wal-mart.If the pH is too high or too low then mix in nutrients to help balance the dirt.Aged compost also helps in produce lush ruby berries with verdant leaves. THe plant is a perennial so it will die off in winter  but will return in the Spring. Many types of the Berry produce what is known as runners with baby pants at the tips. These runners often root themselves nearby yet remain attached to the mother plant. These types of strawberries produce more fruit if you clip off most of the runners, each plant should have no more than three daughter plants each summer. Because of all this extra growth try to plant the strawberry plants about eighteen inches apart.Let the roots be covered with soil while the stem or crown has adequate light and air.If not this will rot causing a blight.It usually takes three weeks to a month to see any fruit.

Once grown, there is a wealth. of recipes to try. Some home chefs may be brave and try to make jam or preserves.it;'s basically mashing fresh strawberries with sugar , lemon and water and  cooking in a saucepan. You could even add a pat of butter for Canadian style jam. It's then pouring this in sterilized jam jars.It makes for a nice memory when you're spreading it on warmed croissants in the fall and winter. Strawberry pie is another treat to make .It makes for a great dessert after a barbecue. A tart made with the fruit topping a creme filling inside a buttery tart crust is always a sophisticated treat. A different spin is strawberry bread which is a sweet tea bread rich with the fruit. A strawberry glaze covers it. Fresh strawberries can also be used to make delicious homemade ice cream along with a tasty butter cream frosting for chocolate or vanilla cake. Keep in mind that they can also be used in a tangy dressing. This is blending s a puree with olive oil and apple cider vinegar. Honey is added for sweetness. This is a great salad over a spinach and chicken salad. You could also add the fruit along with almonds for a really special lunch.

What a treat to have fresh strawberries. Grow them for a lovely  harvest. You 'll love the taste of these ruby red gems.

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