Thursday, February 29, 2024

Hearty And Meatless

 There's this myth that meat has to go into a stew.It's what makes it's filling and flavorful, right? Yet there are vegetable only ones that can b prfect for an end of winter night.They're full of good things and taste too.

Melissa Clark gave three hearty recipes for vegtarian stews in ysterday's new York Times Wednesday Food section. Meatless stews actually cook up quicker than their meat laden cousins simply because sinew llaced joints have to be softened. All home chefs needs is a base of alliums such as onions or garlic along with sauteed veggies.Liquid is added along with more vegetabes and possibly grains beans or tofu>it's simmered until everything is tnder Keep in mind that starchy vegetables like potatoes or beans will thicken the broth, turning it rich and silky. You can add wine as done with traditional stews. what's chosen is up to the home chef. Ms. Clark offers her first recipe is based on the Japanese nimono which is sweet potatoes simmered with soy sauce and shiitake mushrooms. There is also sesame oil and rice wine added for ricness. Ginger is added for tang while the tofu cubes give it a silkiness and oomph.. Extra tofu is crisped and added on top for crunch .

The other two  are a hearty and spicy white bean and tomato stew and a red lentil and barley one. The whit  bean is chock full of white beans and tomato cooked in a chicken broth.If you want avegan version, then switch to a veggie broth which will have the same flavorful impact.It's quick to make  - another plus on a busy day .It is also chock full of garlic - seven cloves and red pepper flakes. You could add crumbled bacon to give the stew mor color and taste and again if you want a vegan version, add Morningstar Farms soy bacon strips. The other is a typical veggie laden one.Leeks are sauteed with carrots fennel -including the fronds. Lentils and barley are cooked in , giving it protein and texture. Garam masala is also added for more flavor and fire .It's simmered for two hours to meld all the flavors. ALl of these would be perfect with thick slices of crusty bread to mop up the sauce or even a side of rice.

A stew doesn;t have to be laden with meat to be good and hearty. Veggies and beans can certainly fill in fr it. Try these stews for a fresher take and taste on a winter classic.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Chefs Dishing

 If you want the real scoop on any restaurant or the industry , ask a chef. They have a million opinions on what should be done and what should have been done. They rate patrons as often as patrpns rate their dishes .it's interesting to hear just what the people who feed America have to say.

Regular contributor Julia Moskin complied thirty chefs opinions and observations in today's New York  Times wednesday Food section. It is compelling as to what those who influence food trends and cook dishes to suit diners' tastes have to say.Most strong opinions have to do with pricing and tipping.Many diners usually order the cheapest which on a dinner menu is a burger. If one person orders one for the entire night that's fine.If most of the patronage orders them , t en the restaurant has a serious losss. Restauranteurs also comment about the price of drinks versus the places of entrees. People will easily hand over eighteen dollars for one cockail but will grumble about spending money for a very expensive plate.This isn't just in New York or LA , this is throughout the entire country.

There's also an obvious culture shift .Hispanic chefs such as Ana Castro and Aaron Verdoza , amongst others complain that diners will pay two hundred dollars for expensive Italain food but will expect the samel quality and lower pricing for soul, Asian, African and Caribbean food. There's a definite and glaring disprepect for the chefs creating these dishes.Others reminisce about their time coming up. This attitudes goes into tipping as well. People were generous during the pandemic but not anymore.Diners won't tip if their water isn't instantly refilled or their meal took a little longer than usual to reach the table. Yet diners cannot be changed and they , especially locals and regulars are the backbone of any eatery's business. Would many chef's recommend the job to a younger generation? Not many. Thye would tell wanna bes to skip the culinary school which can be seen as predatory and take the culinary courses at their local community college. (If they're not happy they can always switch to another major) would they want their children in the inudtry? Absolutely not! As chef Kelly Whittaker puts it, if the kids want to go into the industry then the chefs have failed at being parents.

what does this say about the people who prepare our food?All chefs and waistaff need to be respected . Diners need to treat them with the same amount of care and acknowledgement as they do with other professionals.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Dolly Cakes

 Dolly Parton is known for many things namely her music and philanthropy. Thanks to Duncan Hines  she is now known for her cake recipes and frostings. She 's teamed with the fsmed baking company to create a line of new and down home cakes, muffins and icings.

I've been seeing her mixes every time I'm in Wal-Mart They look interesting and since she's paired with Duncan Hines the cakes have to be good. I'm a big fan of Duncan Hines. They're my go to cake mix and I've never been disappointed by them. The Dolly cakes look interesting and I think I might bake her banana cake for Easter.I 'm still undecided ot try her frosting. if I  make the banana cake, then I want a fudge frosting for a chocolate covered banana flavor). The cake flavors are vanilla, chocolate, banana and coconut. All look really tasty and I might also try the coconut. The other mixes are a caramel turtle brownie mix  and a plain one.  Both  the cornbread and buttermilk biscuit mixes look rasty and they're on my must bake list. Dolly also has a cinnamon swirl crumb cake and muffin mix along with a blueberry one. At Christmas Duncan Hjnes brings out her cookie kit that comes complete with frosting , sprinkles and a note from Dolly herself.  There is even a buttermilk pancake mix too. There may be a mix coming out at Easter. It seems Duncan Hines is keeping mum about that.

How are the reviews? For the most part home bakers seem to adore the cakes.At Sporked, writer Jordan Myrick gave the banana cake and vanilla buttercream frosting good reviews. The also has given the line good reviews , namely her chocolate and vanilla cakes. Both tasted like scratch cakes , with the vanilly even haveing a faint buttery scent after baking. The chocolate one was flavorful without being too over whelming with cocoa. The frostings which also have whipped cream added  to cut the sweetness don;t have that usual cloying sugariness. The banana nut muffins were baked into a bread and came out OK and the reviewer did like the cinnamon swirl crumb cake. This last has a light springy crumb and a delicate spice flavor. Th reason for all of this is that the extra ingrdients are different. There is an entire stick of melted butter instead of vegetable oil to give the cakes and muffins a rich flavor . Four eggs are used instead of the usual three that are in Duncan Hines mixes and a cup of milk instead of water. This is what gives the cakes a  truly homemade flavor - a big hit with reviewers.

Dolly parton is known for many things. Now her favorite recipes are one of those. Try her mixes for  a fun change up in baking.It's down home goodness with down home taste.

Monday, February 26, 2024

An Easy Monday Supper

 Monday is aways a hectic day.  This means aquick meal that 's also has to be satisfying and hot.That's where a meatball sandwich comes in.

What I olove about this is that it's a snap to make and tasty to eat.I used Lidl's Vemondo's vegan meatballs

It was just three minute s in the microwave. (fora crisper bite use your air fryer  - about 350 Farenheit for two minutes) 

Of course a good meatball sandwich needs a good sauce. Instead of the typical one I tried pizza sauce from Acme's organic line. It's a different flavor, tangier and tarter than the usual sauce.
It worked out perfectly with dipping the dry sandwich into the sauce. Two or three mini meatballs is the perfect filling on a good sized slice of Italian bread

The sandiwch  was really a great dinner .It was a snap to whip up and incredably flavorful. THis is the way to have a meatball sandwich, with out the sauce sogging up the bread and meatballs. Vegan cheese could be added for more flavor. It was kind of like a spicy. hamburger . Ir would even make a tasty hot snack if you're craving an evening nosh. 

A hot meatball sandwich is the way to go for a hectic Monday. Try it and enjoy the blend of flavors.It makes for a quick hot meal , perfect after a crazy work or school day.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Copy Cat Recipes

 Can you recreate an Oreo? Or a Taco Bell favorite?The answer is yes. It's amazing what you copy in your kitchen. The best part .The copies taste better than the original in most cases.

There are dozens of recipes on the Web that show the exact ingrwdients and steps  as your favorite restaurant foods and grocery store picks. They're more or less easy to replicate and can be a nice alternative to constantly eating out. One of the easiest is Taco Bell's bean burrito.I've made this at home and I found that the secret ingredient here is red wine vinegar mixed with chopped onions and beans. If the family like Taco Bell's Mexican pizza then make this easy recipe at home.It's simply frying a tortilla and layering on a variety of different toppings. Layer on refried beans beef crumbles and cheese. Top with another fried tortilla and warm in the microwave for a few minutes. Top with diced tomatoes and scallions.  Who doesn;t love Panda Express? You can easily make their famed Chili Crisp Shrimp at home. It's frying the shrimp tempura  style in a coating of flour cornstarch and club soda. Onions and bell peppers are also added in after being chopped. Chili crisp oil is added for fire. You can buy it at any Asian grocery store

Craving Oreos' or Hostess cupcakes? These ,too, can be baked in your oven.The Oreo recipe yields up a slightly chewier cookie but withthe same deep chocolate-y taste. It's actually the filling that fills home bakers with dread.It a very sweet buttercream(although the commerical ones are made without butter) made with unsalted butter, powdered sugar, vanilla and a pinch of sea salt. Bake the cookies first , using a Dutch cocoa to produce that famed blackish brown cookie and then fill. You can also turn them into double stuffed for the ultimate treat. You could add mint or freeze dried coffee to copy the many Oreo fillings. Another fun copy is the iconic Hostees cupcake with the white squiggle down the middle.It's a moist scratch chocolate cupcake filled with an easy to make marshmallow creme. Again this filling is always off putting to home bakers but it's really a buttercream with marshamallow fluff added. The icing is a ganache and the white squiggle is a milk based vanilla one. It's just a but more labor intensive the average cup cake with the assemblage but so worth it.

Yes, you can make and bake your favorite restaurant and storebought goodies at home. They're a fun try. Best of all they're a fun eat.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Friday Sub Ins

 Lenten Fridays mean one thing - no meat of any kind. years ago this was a hard fix with families winding up with either pizza or a veggie and egg dish for their supper. Nowadays it's an entirely diffrent ball game. This is where plant based products easily can step in.

Of course Lenten dishes will always have some kind of fresh vegetable at their core. For any easy beginning of the weekend supper think ratatouille.  The good thing about this is that if you make enough it can well go into a Saturday lunch or dinner. It's a simple cook of tomatoes eggplants, red and yellow peppers and white onions sauteed or baked with oliv oil and a variety of spices and herbs. You could easily make in on the stove as you saute the veggies in a mix of olive oil and butter or plant butter. Serve with sliced baguette for a filling meal. Vega lasagna can also work here if you have the time. Buy the lasagna sheets already cooked to save more time on arranging and layering the veggies in them. Keep in mind that you can add in plant based beef crumbles or meatballs for more protein and substance. Any pasta dish is worth trying on a Friday  and again the leftovers make for a tasty weekend lunch. Make the kids a big bowl of spaghetti to celebrate the start of the weekned. Have a nice sald and a loaf of fresh, hot garlic bread to found it out.

Plant based meats will definitely sub in for the real thing until Lent is over. Gardein  offers some excellent choices . Their chick'n nuuggets and tenders taste like the real thing. Serve them with dipping sauces and fries for a fun Friday  night meal. There's also chicken filets which like the other too can be easily air fried . Turn those into Popeye style sandwiches with a slice of tomato and lettuce on a bun. Gardein also has Mandarin style chicken with a tangy sweet and sour sace that can be made ina skillet. Serve with  homemade veggie fried rice. Their ultimate plant based burger is pretty tasty too and it's a easy fry up on a grill or in the air fryer. The company also has microwaveable meal bowls as well as soups and chili for a lighter fare.Morningstar Farms is another brand that offers a wide range of meat sub ins. They too have chicken tenders and nuggets as well as a variety of bean burgers. Their bacon and sausage patties are excellent , especially if you want to make breakfast for dinner.

You don;t have to resort to pizza and fish every Friday during this time. Try some other alternatives for a filling meal. You'll be amazed at the wide assortment out there.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

The Chef Who Fed Washington

 Much is known about George Washington's life , from his policies and stances to his wooden teeth. However one question that 's finally coming to light is what did he eat and who fed him. The man responsible for that was Hercules Posey  who gave the First president an international diet.

New contributor , chef and novelist Ramin Ganeshram wrote this interesting article  in yesterday's New York Times Wednesday  Food section. Hercules Posey first can to the Washingtom ;s Mount Vernon plantation when he was twenty. He was the bond fo a forfeit loan and upon arrival was instantly apprenticed to a much older chef.   his expertise and reoutation too. he moved with the Washingtons' to the nation's first capital Phliadelphia. there he created and oversaw the president's weekly congressional dinners,executive office entertainments and even Washington's birthday celebrations. Chef Posey was also in charge of Martha Washington's socials given for the ladies of polirical societies. while in Philadelpia Chef Posey also had a sideline business. The president let him sell leftovers which gave him a good yearly slary, double that of the average working man at the time. He bought flamboyant clothes and mingled with freed Blacks. (the city had many  thanks to a law that allowed  enslaved people freedom to go after six months of enslavement).

Yer some questioned his ability and knowledge to create complex and fancy recipes.Mary V. Thompson, Mount Vernon's historian emerita says otherwise. She has spent the last forty years debunking these myths by piecing together evidience using family and period cook book as well as account books and financial  and farm records. These show details  about what ingredients, livestock and utensils were used. Washington also wanted his table to show hospitality without opulence. The family did have wealth and power, obvious in what they ate. The washingtons purchased French and Portuguese wines, Italian olive oil and Indian mango pickles. They were no strangers to Suriname coffee and Caribbean coconuts along with pineapples which wre vastly  fashionable at the time. Chef Posey also dealt with Philly's Black tradesman, such a sCaribbean pepperpot women, oystermen , bakers fruit sellers and confectioners. Although Washington himself was partial to simple fare like his beloved hoe cakes served with just honey and butter.

Hercules Posey's recipes and life are finally being recognized. He  not only fed the president but created the basis for state dinners and White House fare. He was a founding father  who changed the way America ate.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Resiliant Carla Hall

Celebrity chefs come anf go. Carla Hall isnlt one of them. She;s here in a big way, promoting and highlighting Southern cooking> With it she brings fun into cooking classic Southern recipes.

Regular  contributor Kim Severson wrote about Ms Hall in  today's New Yorm Times Wednesday Food section. Ms. Hall came to prominence on the short lived The Chew which also starred Mario Batali, Michael Symon and Daphne Oz. However she was also a contestant on the 2008 season of Top Chef where she was known as "Kooky Carla".  She was originally from Nashville although Washington DC is now her home.Her earliest days pointed her into theater where she could dance and move her long limbs. She followed her sister to Howard University and wound up as the onlyAfrocan american in a white acocunting firm in Tampa. She went into modeling after doing such in the Tampa Bay area. Being in Paris with fellow Black models, they made their family recipes at Sunday suppers. This gave her an epiphany . She came back to the States and enrolled in L'Academie de Cuisine in Bethesda Maryland. She later cooked in washing hotel restiarants and began her own catering company. her husband  Matthew Lyons,a D.C. lawyer was watching Top Chef when he relaized his bubbly wife would be ao good match on the show . The rest is history.

Ms. Hall is now everywhere. Her new show Chasing Flavor" will be seen.It's done in the same vein as Anthony Bourdain's  travel influenced shows, The show which has aired this month on Max has Ms Hall travelling to such diverse countries as Ghana, Turkey and Italy. Dishes will be parsed and interpreted, as she explores their histories and their impact on American cuisine. Ms. Hall also has a  great line of kitchen ware and foodstuffs on QVC. Home chefs can buy everything from sausage to cornebread and cake mixes to name a few. There is also her recipe book ,Carla Hall's Soul Food :Celebration and Everyday that she cowrote with another Food Section contributor Genevieve Ko. She even made Dorito croquettes for the Super Bowl's Taste of the NFL event. There will be a onewoman show pllanned for Broadway too. There is also a recipe included for her Granny's five flavor pound cake.It's a rich old fashioned scratch cake with a pound of everything. The f ive flavors come from the vanilla, rum coconut;  lemon and almond extracts. It's the perfect cake for the Spring holidays.

Carla Hall is everywhere these days. watch her on Max for interesting trips. Buy her products to enhance the kitchen. Try her recipes. They are as vibrant and interesting  as she is.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Pimento Cheese A Retro Treat

 One mid century food that\s making a comeback is pomento cheese.You can find it everywhere,from sandwiches to baked mac. It's a strange combo but a tasty one.

It seems that Gen Z cooks are discovering this and attacking it with a vengeance. The concoction got its start much earlier in the 1870's.New York State farmers were creating a copy of the famed French cheese Neuchatel. This became cream cheese when a few decades later whole cream was added. At the same time peppers or pimentos arrived from Spain. These two ingreidients were much beloved by domestic scientists and were perfect mixed together.In 1908 a Good Housekeeping artlcle  published a recipe that called for combining, creamcheese, mustard, chives and minced pimentos. The following year eva Green fuller's Up To Date Sancwich Book had a recipe for just the cheese spread on buttered bread. By 1910 the two were being c9ombined and sold in grocery stores. How did it become a Southern specialty? Thank Georgia farmers who started to grow pimeintos and by 1920 they were flourishing in farms around Griffin Georgia. It became popular again but waned after the Second World War. Now its' back  - with a vengeance.

What can you do with pimento cheese? Everything. The recipe is a simple mix of one pound sharp ground cheddar, one cup mayo,one seven ounce jar of minced pimentos along with half teaspoons of both cayenne and hot sauce. (if you want a milder version then cut out these last two). Keep in mind there are other variations of this. You could also halve the mayo portion and add a cup of cream cheese. Some sub in chopped jalapenos for the pimento A few home chefs add a teaspoon of Worcester sauce. How you make it is up to you .If you like super hot then add spices and hot sauce. If you want t try a milder cheddar that 's ok too. Yes this is good on any kind of bread. Think pretzel rolls or brioche buns. Homestyle white bread that you can buy at some bakeries is great here. Thickly slice the bread and then cover one side with the pimento cheese. The cheese is excellent on burgers as a different spin on the classic cheeseburger. Add it to your baked mac.Shape it into a giant ball and serve with Ritz crackers for a fun retro dip.

Pimento cheese is a retro food that's gracing tables .Its a fun party bite but also great added to other recips. Whip up a batch  for a tasty treat.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Got Pasta ? Get Sauce

 What do you do with left voer pasta ? Create a quick and tasty sauce. This revitalizes any kind of leftover with fresh ingredients.It makes for a fast yet delcious hot dinner.

Tis is how I flt .I boiled plain fettucine the other night and had it with just Lidl's It' tastes LIke Butter on top. This was ok, a really simple meal for a busy Saturday. I had almost too much pasta left over. What to do? Bring out the fresh veggies, olive oil and plant butter and create a delicious sauce.

There's nothing like combining spinach with sliced baby bellas and sauteing it in the oil- plant butter mix. I just added a good amount of garlic powder (you can used fresh minced garlic in stead) and a good amount of salt and pepper.
I microwaved the pasta with more of It Tastes Like Butter for five minutes and comnined the two. Thanks to a combo of fresh and leftover I had a hot flavorful dinner. You can do the same with any veggie. Try a burst tomato sauce with cherry or grape tomatoes. A kale and garlic sauce is another easy make and goes well with any kind fo pasta from spaghetti to penne. Have leftover chicken? Mix it with some peas , heavy cream garlic and milk for an Alfredo sauce.

Plain leftover pasta is a good canvas for a quick , fresh sauce.create the spinach and mushroom one or with  any vegtables of your choosing. The nd result is a tasty hot diinner makes in minutes.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Welcome To Korean Street Fare

 One of the most tastiest and trendiest food is Korean street fare. It's big in the Koprea Towns that dot this country. There is also Yopokki which has the food and flavor in a cup/

A good freind  who is Korean gave me them for the Lunar New Year. This excited me because I do love Korean food from bulgoki to galbi. This was something different and easier to make.

It's sort of similar to remane, with rice "cakes(which resemble penne) anda liquid  flavoring. (there's also a humectitant to kepe the rice cakes moist).Its' filling the cups with water then the seasoning packet. Like any instant cup food it only takes a few minutes to cook.The flavoring were done in the tteokbokki .I also received jajang flavor or black bean. 
The flavors were intense and spicy.This is true Korean street fare

It's an interesting mix, especially the tteokbokki . This reminded me of General Tso's chickn , a powerful sweet flavor cooked with chili crisp.

Try Yokkipokki if you want the inreresting Asian fare that is a breeze to make. It's a great introduction  to Korean street fare. Try it and discover the delight.

Friday, February 16, 2024

Giving Up For Lent

 This is the first Friday of Lent <Mpst Christians,, specifically Catholics give up all meat products for this day. However Lent is about giving up so many  things , form favorite foods to time to cook and shop for others.

Mostly everyone gives up sweets for the oirty day Lenten period. It's a good start .Breaking a sugar dependency helps the body t detox . The same goes for those giving up snack and junk foods. These few weeks allow the body to recalibrate and crave healthy products. Instead of cany ther are grapes and pineapple chunks. Instead of chips, there are tomatoes or broccoli and cauliflwoer florets. Salads replace hamburgers and fries. It is a good idea to give these up.Doing so may lead to keeping these dietary rules for a cleaner and healthier lifestyle. Another idea is giving up all meats , seafood and dairy.There'sa pretty solid theory going around that Jesus HImself was a vegan. He could not stand to see any living thing suffer so He went for plants . Luckily the climate - as with other Mediterreneam countries was abundant in olives and their leaves as well as in eggplants There also may have been chickpeas (nott the  kind that we know of  today. The ancient ones were bigger - sort of like cannellini beans) added in  to  provide protein.Now it's easy to forgo meat and fish . Check out the vegan aisles of your grocery and find any kind of plant based meat , egg and dairy substitute.

The best thing you can give up is your time. Why spend an afternoon at Starbucks when you can take a elderly neighbor or family member. They'd enjoy some time out , sipping coffee and chatting.Bring in coffee and doughnuts if they're housebound. Stay.Again there's nothing like company. This is also a good time to check their fridges and make sure that they have plenty of staples. Also check to make sure that they don;t have expired food in teh fridge ro pantry. Help them clean out and replenish with fresh food. Another giving up is time for your own shopping. Shop for them too. They'd appreciate it and it sets thei minds at ease about running out . Make sure they have milk, fruit, veggies and even easily microwaved meals. Buy the appropriate foods if they're on certain diets. You can also give up your time to work in a food pantry or soup kitchen. People forget that hunger is a year round thing and not just there at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Spend a Sautrday , helping to cook, clean and serve. Even bake brownies or cookies of you want.

Lwnt is the time to forgo.It could be your favorite candy.It could be your time. It's up to you to deicde which will be more beneficial.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

If Food Be Love

everyone is emerging from either a good or bad Valentine's Day. There were probably excellent stories of lobster and engagement rings .However there could be bad ones dealing with fights and a quick stop at McDonald's. Whichever way  you look at it food  and relationships are tied together.

Regular contributors Becky Hughes and Ella Quittner arranged a compiliation of stories for yesterday's New York Times wednesday Food section. There are all sorts of tales .Two involved cooking a dinner at home. On was a first date which could be kind of romantic if you know the person. The second involved a couple with the guy cooking mapo tofu with bok choy to impress the girl. She thought the meal was slightly too hot despite the effort he put into it. The best bet for that is head to a place with a cuisine both will like. As for the first date, head to a coffee shop and just get to know each over over lattes.Other stories involve couples cooking. There can be fights as seen in a couple from New Hampshire. One does the most elaborate things to prepare a dish like individually boil lasagna noodles.Other couples fight over one's love of chicken or if they use the KitchAid too much. According to therapist Dr. Orna Goralush food fights are just the tip of the iceberg. There are bigger issues at stake here.

The worst stories Ms. Hughes and quittner collected are those break up ones, people do get dumped over dinner as rare as it might be.Taylor Swift has written songs about it. The scene was featured in "Legally Blonde". This is not the way to go. If there's an opposite of a meetcute this is it. One woman Kristen Mizzi was dumpd three times at Jaleo , Jose Andres famed restaurant in Washington Heights. The food may have been phenomnal . The histrionics were not. even fast food joints like Wendy's aren;t immune to such failings . Erin Harper could not return to her local one in Madison wisconin. worst yet it was akk about the chicken nuggets. She can;t returun to it because of the bad memories. Her advice? Don'tt break up in a place that you love. It's better to end a relationship in familiar territory such as the living room. It's quiet.It's relatively private and you can retreat to the bathroom for a good cry afterwards. Although tere are perks. Newly ex partners are left with exorbitant tabs and the tips are reallly high thanks to the waiters have to witness the drama.

Despite all this there was probably some romantic dinners last night. Stories of food and hate are few and far between. Love rules. Food rules. Together they are powerful.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Chocolate Covered Goodness

 A Valentines' treat is chocolate covered strawberries. yet they can be expensive thanks to the rising costs of fruit and sugar. However - you can save money  easily. How Create chocolate goodness yourself.

Regular contributor and Chef Eric Kim wrote about this treat in today's New York Times Food Wednesday section.even though these should be given up for Lent (today is also Ash Wednesday), this recipe can also be used on other fruit and treats for Easter. Its all in the tempering according to Chef Kim. Once home candymakers learn this then they can make all sorts of  dark, milk and white chocolate coated treats. The candy's make up can be mystifying according to Alice Medrich in her award winning cookbook, Cocolat:extraordinary Chocolate Desserts and other books about chocolate. Chocolate is made up of sugar, cocoa solids and butter. Sometimes flavorings like vanilla are added along with emulsiers like lecithin.It's the cocoa butter, the natural fat extracted from cooca beans  is what makes it liquid when melted and solid when cold. It has to be heated to the right temperature to get that crisp , crackly shell that candy store strawberries have. They were first made by Lorraine Lorusso in suburban Chicago.

In order to get that perfect coating the cocoa has to go through a crystallization process The cocoa butter has to melt competely whether in a microwave or on a kind of bain marie on the stove top. You ned to reform those crystals by stirring the newly melted candy.Use finely chopped or seeded chocolate.if it becomes too thick then gently reheat it.If it doesn't set thempop it into the fridge to harden.what chocolate should you use. Steer clear of the baking section and those bags of chocolate chip.  They and baking chocolate have stabilisers that make them harder to temper.Go directly to the candy section and pick out very good chocolate such as Lindt or Ghiradelli,.For more glossiness add a teaspoon of light olive oil. As for the strawberries, get the fresh and not the frozen ones. They should be thoroughly rinsed and air dried in the fridge. Air drying the berries makes the chocolate adhere better and contributes to the crackliness upon biting.

Happiness is a chocolate covered strawberry. Try this recipe to have a candy store quality bite. You'll never want anything else.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Pancakes Sweet And Savory

 Today is Shrove Tuesday ,a day for pancakes and to celebrate the last of lush eating before Lent begins. However pancakes can be eaten all year long .best of all they can be savory as well as sweet.

Pancakes have been around since ancient times The ancient Greeks made them as did the romans. An early recipe called for honey ,olive oil and wheat flour along with curdled milk. Toppings included sesame seeds, cheese and honey. Theyfirst came into the English language around the fifteen hundreds. Pancakes are one of the few foods that are completel international. There are versions from Oceania in the South Pacific to Scandinavia. What Americans and Canadians eat are similar to the Scottish dropped scone made with eggs ,flour milk and a leavening product. Thanks to IHOP, the International House of Pancakes and diners, pancakes have morphed into ones that have everything from fruit to chocolate chips in them. Of course many prefer the pancakes' thinner and more elegant cousin the crepe. This is France's version , cooked almost paper thin and filld with everything from savory to sweet. The Eastern European blini are also based on this, being thinner in texture.

Pancakes are one of the easiest recipes to make.It's just a basic cake recipe in a way with flour, mixed with butter eggs and milksugar and salt are added as is a leavening agent. This is baking powder which gives the texture a light ,fluffy lift. This creates an airy crumb ,perfect for capturing melted butter and maple syrup. Kids love  when a handful of chocolate chips are added but you can also add blueberries, strawberries or bananas  - or all allthree for a tasty breakfast. You could add bacon or ham bits for a different spin, especially if you;re making them for everyone's favorite - breakfast for dinner. if you want t make this world classic really fun there are pancake molds.You can buy anything from Christmas trees to teddy bears. If you want to elevate pancakes then try crepes. Are they difficult to make? They're the same batter as pancakes but with out the leavener. They have to be paper thin when they cook up .  You can buy a crepe pan (they're under ten dollars on Amazon) if you want authentic ones with  tnder interior and crispy outer edge. Also crepe batter , unlike pancake, has to be refrigerated for twenty four hours before cooking. what you put in them is up to you. Try a savory spinach and cheese or  fill them with icecreams chocolate sauce and strawberries.

Enjpy a Shrove Tuesday tack toni9ght. Pancakes are a fun good bye before we head on to Lent. Enjoy them savory or sweet.

Monday, February 12, 2024

A Half Priced Valentine's Day

 Prices have gone crazy and that may impact your Valentine's Day. What to do? Create a warm cozy meal for pennies.There's no fancy restaurant,s no dressing up. Just the two of you ,cozied up, with good food at a good price.

One fo these places is Lidl. I can't say enough about having a good meal - ones' that easy to make and easy t eat.I recently discovered their El Tequito  Avocado fritters. tehse are avocado fries that can be air fried in less than twenty minutes.

These were fin, little fries that were  crunchy on the outside and creamy on the inside.
They paired well with Lidl's vegan chili which as pant based beef crunbles.
Again this is the same as their pizza (ano9ther yummy Valentine's Day choice).it has everythign under the sun in in from beans and corn.

This was perfect with the avocado fritters and would make a perfect dinner for two. Add Corona beef followed by a dessert of spicy Mexican hot cocoa spiked with Kahlua and topped with whipped cream. You can also go to Aldi and buy theri vegetables at a much lower price than the average grocery store Whip up a delicious ratatouille.serve with French bread and a good French red. Buy meringues from Lidl  Acme , Stop and Shopfor a sweet, Gallic ending along with homemade truffles if you have the time to make them.

Don't btreak the bank this Valentine's Day . Create a tasty and easy dinner for two.You can still have a romantic evning but for much less.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Happy Year Of The Dragon

 It's the Year of the Dragon. This fierce creature celebrates  a year full of prosperity, good fortune and strength. Many are celebrating the world over. best of this is that you can have othr roots and enjoy the day.

I felt like this, wanting to toast the New Year joy like my colleagues. What better than to have good food from my favorite restuarant East Wok in my town. Saddle Brook. Of course I got the Vietnamese Spring rolls , the symbols of prosperity along with fried dumplings and my  favorite scallion pancakes

They were all fried , crisp and tasty. Golden and fried means the prospect of wealth , although that's not the reason why I ordered them. East Wok has an excellent array of golden fried foods from their chicken to their dumplings.It's a tasty change of pace.

Celebrate this New Year with tasty golden foods.enjpy their wealth of's a great way to user in the Year Of The DragonπŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰πŸ‰

East wok is located at 518 Market Street in Saddle Brook, New Jersey

Friday, February 9, 2024

A Big Food Weekend

This is a weekend for good food between the Lunar New Year and the Superbowl. It's a buffet of delicious food and celebrations. Celebrate one or the other or both,

Even if you'e not Asian you can still appreciate the holiday and it's food. Most Asian countries celebrate this Spring festival, whether it's Tet in Vietnam or Seollal in Korea. Fried Spring rolls are popular with any group and you cna easily order them or buy them. There's something about their crunchy , flaky wrapper filled with a tasty mix fo cabbage and carrots. If you;re craving Korean then think bukgoki or galbi .The first is thinly sliced steak marinated in a twelve (!) spice sauce that includes soy sauce , gochujang, brownssugar and fresh ginger to name a few. Galbi are beef short ribs marinated in a Korean plum sauce. You could alo celebrate wth tteokguk a rice cake soup, The rice cakes symbolize coins  and prosperity for the new year as they cook in a warm beef broth. Another way to celibrate The Year Of The Dragon is by having either steamed or fried dumplings. You can order out (along with getting some kind of sticky rice dice ) or buy them at your local grocery store.

Of coutse egg rolls would go well on either day. Many SuperBowl partieswilkl fearuew some variation of this Chinese classic. You can have them stuffed with shrimp or the American version of Philly cheese steak. There are even hamburger and cheeseburger filled ones for a different game day nosh. Of course sliders are also good while watching the big game. These can have  the classic mini patty made of beef or you can try grilled chicken. Vegan or vegetarian guests can have homemade Beyond Beef ones. Again you cna make these from scratch or just buy White Castle sliders. Another must hav eis a crockpot full of chili. This is great to make. It's a self serve dish that everyone can enjoy. Put out a tray of cornbread and corn chips to put into the bowls. Chicken wings are another classic Super Bowl Dish. Again you can order a variety from Wing Zone or make your own. . A mix of fiery hot and mild is always a good choice. Guests can pick out their favorites  and what works for them. 

If there was ever a weekend for food and partying this is the weekend. Celebrate the Lunar New Year and theh Superbowl with a variety of good food. Enjoy everything from Spring rolls to  chicken wings!

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Comfort Food For The Lunar New Year

 Nothing says a good holiday meal than comfort food. This is true with the Lunar Nw Year starting this Saturday.Hot pot is one of those .It's hot and comforting , with ingredients used for centuries.It's shared throughout the Asian community , especially for those far from home.

New contributor and New YorkTimes Cooking assistant content strategist Allison Jiang wrote this piece in yesterday's New York Times wednesday Food section. The Lunar New Year, the Year of the Dragon starts this Saturday and for many  the hot pot is the way to celebrate. There is a Chinese Diaspora where many are far fromthe homeland and want a taste of it. It's also served when the weather turns cold as Tansy Pike of seattle Washington states.Her mtohr always makes it as a way of showing care for each other along with being warm and healthy. for some it's a sub in for Thanksgiving turkey and a highlight at as birthday meal. This is the case for Zoey Gong, a food therapist (a clinician who helps people overcome or deal with eating disorders) who makes it for these occasions along with others. She left China eleven years ago and has no family here.Creating a hot pot helps her reconnect with those roots and forge new bonds with friends.Hot pot isn't known in other Asian counties like Korea.Korean Irene KIm has her CHinese roomamte Jenna Zhang teach her about hot pot and now she's hooked on it.

There's nothing to dislike about hot pot. To some it's reminiscent of other communal pot dishes like bagna calda and fondue.Diners put what they want into the pot and eat it. Someione's shrimp might wind up in another's plate while spinach is shared by the whole table. What makes a good hot pot? You'll need meat such as a good chuck, rib eye or Wagyu, along with pork belly or lamb. They have to be thawed out first if they are frozen. Seafood is always lobster, shrimp or fish balls along with fresh thinly sliced white fish . Think halibut or bass. Cut up squd and shrimp, scallop or clams round it out. You're also going to need bean curd strings  and sheets along with tofu. Veggies are a marriage of East and West with russet potatoes being cooked with chrysanthemum greens and Daikon radishes. Add canned baby corn ears along with an array of such mushrooms as  shiitaki and enoki. A starch is added . Use vermecelli ro glass noodles. You cna also use frozen dumplings or rice cakes too. The broth is a hot pot soup[ base that you can find at any Asian grocery store. As what to dip the cooked piece in, try shar cha, Chinese barbecue sauce, sesame sauce or oil along with chili saouce or crisp.There' also fresh chopped garlic , cilantro and scallions to put on top along with toasted sesame seeds.

Celebrate the year of The Dragon with a fun and tasty hot pot.It's a great way to njoy a meak with family and friends.Enjoy the varied ingredients and flavors.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

The Korean Food Empire

 Korean food is on the rise. However unlike other Asian cuisines it's stayed pretty pure in its'recipes and ingrdients. What's the reason for this? Namely that Korean chefs and the corporations responsible will not cave in to Amrcian tastes.

Regular contributor and chef herself Priya Kirshna wrote about this in today's New York Times Wednesday Food section. Korean food has never been more popular in Manhattan and the city has the Hand Hospitality to thank for this. This corporation has achieved what many non western restaurants still find difficult to do in America, win wide appeal while focusing on a narrow audience. This being young Korean and Korean-Americans hungry for a tasty of nergy pouring out of South Korea. Even Hand'sservers speak no or little English. Some dishes are only in Korean. They mean to cater strictly to this crowd however American are coming in droves to the eateries. Hand has imported some of the restaurants to New York and specialize only in one single dish - such as bulgoki thats served at Samwoojung.or the hearty soup gomtag at Okdonsig.Also trendy restaurants like Atomix and Atoboy, are also popular New York restaurants.

Hand has picked a good city to showcase its'restaurants. New york and its' boroughs have roughly twelve million people of Asian descent along with a dining crowd that's well acquainted with a myriad of different cuisines Hand Hospitality's influences goes beyond its' own restaurants and extends to such places as Korean Southern C as in Charlie. This is a fusion place whre popcorn chcken has a sweet gochujang glaze and there is a Seoulsbury strak with Gruyere grits.The chef David Jun woo serve swett tea alongside his meals. More and more Korean chefs are also combinging their American experience with their Asian backgrounds. Hand also maintains the cool and sometimes stern Korean style ethic to their restaurants . They are brutalist or minimalist lines. This again appeals to the downtown crowd used to warehouse design.  This also appeals to a ounger Korean crowd although not necessarily their elders. The older generation still wants traditional food in traditional settings. 

Korean food is on the uptick thanks to Hand Their restaurants not only attract Koreans longing for a taste of home but adventurous New Yorkers. It's the best of both worlds for them.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Dip Dictionary

 This is the weekend for dipping and double dipping. What dip goes well with chips? Shrimp? Chicken wings? what's the easiest one to make and store? Don;t worry .There 's a guide to help you.

Surprisingly dips are relatively new , coming into popularity in the 1950's.It started with the ever classic onion dip and evolved into all sorts of sauces from around the world. The aforementioned onion dip or California is an easy make. Most just take a powdered onion soup like Knorrs  and stir it in to a tub of sour cream. You cna also buy this already made. However if you want to step up your dip game, then try adding caramelized onions. You can also had a splash of white wine and Worcester sauce in a mix of sour cream and cream cheese. Yellow onions work the best here. Another fun crowd pleaser is guacamole. Use ripe avocadoes in this mash of them, tomatoes and onions.   You can sub in onion powder and garlic powder m because fresh onions may be too strong and overpower the avocadoes mild flavor. Also a little olive oil drizzled in will give the dip a smooth silky texture. Add lemon to the leftover to make sure the guacamole doesn;t turn brown in the fridge.Salsa is another fun one, perfect with tortilla chips. yes you can buy a wide range of already made bottled one but fresh made tastes the best. Use fresh tomatoes, green peppers and onions tossed in lime juice, garlic and cumin.

One of the most famous and most popular is the artichoke one. This starts with a mix of sour cream, cream cheese, Parmesan cheese and mayo.  Once these are thoroughly folded together add artichoje hearts and their oil along with dillweed. Pour into a baking dish, sprinkle on more Parmesan cheese and bake at 350 degrees farenheit for twenty minutes or until bubbly. You can add spinach too if you want. Serve in a hollowed out bread bowl (go to Panera for this) and use the scooped out bread chunks for dipping. You can also eat the bowl for later. If your'e having a sea -cuterie platter then you'll have to have a yummy butter sauce for dipping those shrimp ,crab and scallops. Cook sliced garlic in a good amount of butter for a couple of minuets. Add a bit of lemon juice and zest along with dill.  Serve in little ramekins . Microwave them for a few minutes if the butter starts to solidify. Pizza sauce is another great hot dips.It's excellent for garlic knots and mini calzones.Take a can of diced toamtoes and cook with tomato paste, crushed garlic, oregano and basil. Serve piping hot in bowls.

Dips are as vital to the Superbowl as the football itself.There are so many to make and enjoy. Choose a few for a tasty day of fun snacking.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Hot Or Cold Table?

 The Big  Super Bowl Game is tis Sunday and there are choices to be made. Do you have a hot table? A cold one? Or a little of both? What can be served to satisfy guests?

A hot table can be a buffet or a bg crock pot of something. The first question you should ask is what do your guests want  along with how much should you make. A buffet can range from three or four dishes Or a whopping ten.Popular hot dishes are anything with chicken , from nuggets to drumsticks and wings.This is broken down into flavors too. Not everyone likes super spicy Buffalo wings. Other flavors such as lemon pepper and honey barbecue should also be served. You could also serve chicken patties that can be turned into sliders. Chili is another Super Bowl favorite. Again make a mild and a fiery one  for those who love and don't love fire.Fire up the grill if you want too. Nothing beats a party full of hot dogs burgers and ribs. Set up a toppings bar  too.People can add everything and anything from pizza sauce to relish along with guacamole and sliced tomatoes.. Another fun dish are personal pizzas. Again guests and family can go wild with freating their favorites, from meat lovers to veggies and hot peppers.

What about a cold dish buffet? The most obvious answer is a charcuterie board. A classic ones includes an array of cold cuts like salame, ham , prosciutto and mortadella.Add dried figs, and breena nd black olives too. There should be a good choice fo cheeses from the deliciosuly runny Brie to a firm, buttery Edam. Have a sliced baguette along with a good variety of crackers, from Ritz to water to act as a base to all these foods. If you want to splurge have a sea-cuterie. This is a melange of chilled shrimp, crab legs, oysters and scallops .Make sure there are plenty of lemon wedges , tartar and shrimp cocktail sauces.Not into that fancy stuff? Then make hero sandwiches. You can use any kind of bread, from baguettes to those long Portuguese rolls. Add such tasty cold cuts as roast beef, sliced turkey and ham, along with such Italian sub classics as capicola and salami. Again these sandwiches demand cheese . have slices that match the meats. roas tbeef and turkey can go with a sharp cheddar or mild American. Ham works well with Provolone as do the Italian cold cuts. What goes with these? Large bowls of potato chips , Funyuns and all sorts of Doritos.

What 's the best choice? Your choice. Hot or cold , the food at any Super Bowl Party is bound to be fun and tasty.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Dinner By Lidl

 You can have a really nice meal without paying too much. How is that possible in this excpensive day and age? Lidl. The store has great deals on just basic dishes. best of all the fodo is pretty delicious.

I've been wanting to make the Vemondo vegan patties I bought them a while ago and finally had the chance to try them.I paired them with Lidl's mashed cauliflower for a tasty Saturday supper.

Both were an easy cook, (although they had to be cooked at different times due to having one electrical outlet). Here were the patties. They're more oval than round and very thick, almost like salmon steaks.

It took fifteen minutes in teh air fryer at 360 degrees Farenheit. Again their thickness was responsible for the long cooking time.They were flipped over after seven minutes of cooking.

                                            They were a little crispy and burnt but not bad.

 It has a lovely red pepepr flavor and a good texture and mouthfeel. I liked the crispy exterior. Again it kind fo reminded me of a salmon patty. 
As for the cauliflower

It came out in these cute little cups. It sort of looks like sliced bananas.It was ten minutes in the microwave.
The chunks had retained their shape despite being cooked. Here they look kind of like a meringue topping. It was just a quick stir and they resembled creamy mashed potatoes
It was very good. with a fresh from the garden taste.I just added a little of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter as I do with anything mashed. I would definietely get both th e patties and cauliflower again. These made for a tasty and filling dinner.

Choose Lidl for your next dinner. They hav a wide array of good foods that cna be prepared easily and quickly. Try their vegan patties and mashed cauliflower and taste a good flavorful dinner.

Friday, February 2, 2024

A Culinary Getaway

 February is the time when most people go away either to a plush ski resort ro a sunny tropical island. yet what happens when you can;t get away? Bring the food to you.It's a fun way to enjoy the slopes or the sand without leaving home.

Think Switzerland when you're making an apres ski type meal. Fondue is always the best and it's a good reason to buy a fondue pot (Keep in mind that you cna also use it for bagna calda and chocolate fondue too).it starts with a good butter and creamy cheese like Fontina, Gruyere or Gouda. You could also use Comte or Emmethaler too if you can find them.A good white wine is also needed.The acid in in it keeps the texture smooth  and even Another must is constarch. First grate the cheese and then toss it in cornstarch. Doing such will help thicken the fondue and prevent any lumps from forming. What to dip in?  Quartered slices of  a good baguette along with apple and boiled potato slices. If you 're leaning towards the Italain Alps of Piemonte, then try the intensely flavorful and delicious bagna calda. This "hot bath" consists of anchovies being cooked in a mix of garlic butter and oil. Savoy cabbage is dipped in it but for a more flavorful bite use parboiled London Broil. This leads to a wonderful marriage of flavors when the beef juices blend with the anchovies. Always have a loaf of French bread for dipping too. What's for dessert? Hot toddies or a more substantial slice of Black Forest torte with strong coffee.

If you'd rather go the sand and sun root then think Caribbean cooking. Nothing takes away that February wintry chill than jerk chicken, This spicy dish requires chicken legs,  along with brown sugar oil and thyme. Of course there are spices and herbs for the kick. There is cayenne for that fiery taste minxed with allspice, paprika , cinnamon and cloves. You'll also need onion  and garlic powder and freshly ground pepper too. This is a dry rub . Toi make sure every bit fo meat is spiced you have to pok holes in the legs so the spices can seep though.It's then baking ona pachment covered sheet pan for about forty minutes. Serve it with Jamaican rice and peas fired up with Scotch Bonnet peppers.This also has allspice berries and coconut milk added . Callaloo is another great dish for a culianry getaway. Try to get the calloloo plant (which looks like a hardier version of spinach) at a local Caribbean grocery.If not its' cousin spianch can sub in just fine. Soak the leaves first in salt water before adding t a skillet. Onions and red peppers  are first cooked in vegtable oil  Tomatoes thyme and Scotch bonnets foloow then the callaloo. .Add hot water to steam the greens and cover for five minutes. You can add crab or fish as they do in Tobago if you want.

Feel sad about not getting away this winter. Don;t be. You cna easily have the slopes or sand in yiur kitchen by cooking ski resort or island food. It's a fun way of having the adventure without all the traveling fuss.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

The Classic Patty Melt

 A diner classic is making a comback and in a big way.It's the patty melt and sudeenly New Yorkers are going wild for this vintage sandwich. To be nones tit';s a tasty departure from it's cousin the hamburger.

Pete Wells wrote about it in yesterday's New York Times  Wednesday Food section. He even included a recipe that's makes for an easy replica. MAny of the trenider eateries both in New York and on the West Coast in Malibu are making their versions of it. It's a classic beef patty(hoemamde  - not one of those frozen kinds), cooked and placed on butter  and fried rybread. Cheese is added along with carmelized onions. It's basically an old fashioned hot snadwich, soe =rto f like that other diner classic the tuna melt (this is tuna sald placed on toast then topped with cheese, usally American. It's then popped into the oven or broiler untile the cheese becomes all melty and bubbly). The famed Commerce Inn, a West Village restaurant that explores American farmhouse cuisine has added it to it's menu. S & P lunch, also in Manhattan gives it a bit fi Forties quaintess with a cherry lime rickey to drink.Revelie, alunceonette with French leanings serves their with a true New York classic - the egg cream. They also serve a vegan one too.

Mr. Wells gives the Commerce Inn's recipe which is probably the most authentic.You need good ground beef..It should be iberall salted and peppered on both sides  as you would do with a steak, Each patty should be bigger than the bread slice because the meat shrinks down when cooking. The onions should be thinly sliced and cooked with butter and rosemary. The bread should be  buttered and fried on the griddle. If you don't have a large enough griddle then use tow skillets instead.The cheese along with a mayo and Dijon . mustard mix should be spread on them. Smash the burgers with a spatula and then cover them with the onions Layer the meat and the onions onto the bread and then serve as hot sandwiches.  For a sub in  you can use sourdough which is what the first patty melts were served on . They were first created at Tiny's Waffle  Shop on Powell Street in San Francisco. Funny enough the sourdough wasn't popular and rye was put in in its' place.

Make a patty melt for a classic American taste. It's a gooey , tasty marriage of cheese and beef with onions and mayo. Nothing beats it.