Friday, February 16, 2024

Giving Up For Lent

 This is the first Friday of Lent <Mpst Christians,, specifically Catholics give up all meat products for this day. However Lent is about giving up so many  things , form favorite foods to time to cook and shop for others.

Mostly everyone gives up sweets for the oirty day Lenten period. It's a good start .Breaking a sugar dependency helps the body t detox . The same goes for those giving up snack and junk foods. These few weeks allow the body to recalibrate and crave healthy products. Instead of cany ther are grapes and pineapple chunks. Instead of chips, there are tomatoes or broccoli and cauliflwoer florets. Salads replace hamburgers and fries. It is a good idea to give these up.Doing so may lead to keeping these dietary rules for a cleaner and healthier lifestyle. Another idea is giving up all meats , seafood and dairy.There'sa pretty solid theory going around that Jesus HImself was a vegan. He could not stand to see any living thing suffer so He went for plants . Luckily the climate - as with other Mediterreneam countries was abundant in olives and their leaves as well as in eggplants There also may have been chickpeas (nott the  kind that we know of  today. The ancient ones were bigger - sort of like cannellini beans) added in  to  provide protein.Now it's easy to forgo meat and fish . Check out the vegan aisles of your grocery and find any kind of plant based meat , egg and dairy substitute.

The best thing you can give up is your time. Why spend an afternoon at Starbucks when you can take a elderly neighbor or family member. They'd enjoy some time out , sipping coffee and chatting.Bring in coffee and doughnuts if they're housebound. Stay.Again there's nothing like company. This is also a good time to check their fridges and make sure that they have plenty of staples. Also check to make sure that they don;t have expired food in teh fridge ro pantry. Help them clean out and replenish with fresh food. Another giving up is time for your own shopping. Shop for them too. They'd appreciate it and it sets thei minds at ease about running out . Make sure they have milk, fruit, veggies and even easily microwaved meals. Buy the appropriate foods if they're on certain diets. You can also give up your time to work in a food pantry or soup kitchen. People forget that hunger is a year round thing and not just there at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Spend a Sautrday , helping to cook, clean and serve. Even bake brownies or cookies of you want.

Lwnt is the time to forgo.It could be your favorite candy.It could be your time. It's up to you to deicde which will be more beneficial.

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