Saturday, February 3, 2024

Dinner By Lidl

 You can have a really nice meal without paying too much. How is that possible in this excpensive day and age? Lidl. The store has great deals on just basic dishes. best of all the fodo is pretty delicious.

I've been wanting to make the Vemondo vegan patties I bought them a while ago and finally had the chance to try them.I paired them with Lidl's mashed cauliflower for a tasty Saturday supper.

Both were an easy cook, (although they had to be cooked at different times due to having one electrical outlet). Here were the patties. They're more oval than round and very thick, almost like salmon steaks.

It took fifteen minutes in teh air fryer at 360 degrees Farenheit. Again their thickness was responsible for the long cooking time.They were flipped over after seven minutes of cooking.

                                            They were a little crispy and burnt but not bad.

 It has a lovely red pepepr flavor and a good texture and mouthfeel. I liked the crispy exterior. Again it kind fo reminded me of a salmon patty. 
As for the cauliflower

It came out in these cute little cups. It sort of looks like sliced bananas.It was ten minutes in the microwave.
The chunks had retained their shape despite being cooked. Here they look kind of like a meringue topping. It was just a quick stir and they resembled creamy mashed potatoes
It was very good. with a fresh from the garden taste.I just added a little of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter as I do with anything mashed. I would definietely get both th e patties and cauliflower again. These made for a tasty and filling dinner.

Choose Lidl for your next dinner. They hav a wide array of good foods that cna be prepared easily and quickly. Try their vegan patties and mashed cauliflower and taste a good flavorful dinner.

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