Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Sparkle On A Budget

 Champagne or anything bubbly is de rigeur for the New Year. Except there's a problem - like anything else it's risen in price? What to do then? Go for a sparkling wine.It;s basically the same thing but mouch more affordable. 

Regular contributor Eric Asimov gave a guide to the best sprakling whites in today's New York Times Food section.He does give a good choice; about twelves choices . Luckily great sparkling wine can be found anywhere and Mr Asimove went to a variety of different shops across Manhattan to get them.He calls them alternatives and not replacements. Keep in mind that if a vintner uses champagne grapes the end result will taste like it. Most use pinot noir or chardonnay grapes for this. Other will use chenin blance.The bubbly won;t have the same flavor. it will not be better or worse or just different. His choices are ones that are made with the same fermentation processes which is a fermented wine that;s gets refermented again to get that fizzy texture. He skipped ones that have already been bottled while fermenting. What drink works for New Year's celebrations. If you want French then go with Domaine De Montbourgeau Cremant Du Brut Zero NV,12 percent. This $36 dollar bottle comes from the Jura moutain area between France and Switzerland.It's dry and sublty herbal, racy and elegant in Mr. Asimov's words. There's also Benedicte Et Stephane Tissot Cremant Du Jura Extra Brut MV 12.85 Per Cent which is still an affordable $38 it's actually half chardonnaygrapes mixed with pinot noir ones along with trousseau and poulsard ones.It has pronounced citrus and herbal flavors.

If you want unusual, try a sparkling one made from chenin blanc. This is a white wime grape from the LOire Valley in south central France. The grape has the uncanny ability to be both bone dry and sweet. It's the fruit behind Francoise Chidane Montlouis-Sur-Loire Brut Nature MethodeTraditionelle 2020, 12 Per Cent. It;s one of the inexpensive ones at $33.It's a lacy ,light floral with a hint of honey, the perfect dessert wine if you want to ring in the New Year . Califormia is also represented in this list. Try Roederer Estate Anderson Valley Brut MV 12.5 PerCent. Again this is a good bargain at $33 dollars.It's flavor is more hetbal than mineral thanks to the mix of Chardonnay and Pinor Noir grapes making it. It has a freshness and elegance to it , making ot perfect with hors d'ouevres. Champagne and New York City go together but does sparkling wine and New York State? The answer is yes thanks to Jo Landron Atmospheres Methode Traditionelle Extra brut MV 11.5 Per Cent.It's a steal at $28/\.It's a combination of different grapes from the Chardonnay to the pinot noir with the fole blanche thrown in. Italy is also representd here in the Ferrari Trento Brut Metodo Classico NV 12.5 Per Cent.A gain this another great buy at $27.It comes from the Trento Aldige region of Northeastern Italy and has a nice balanced flavor

These are affordable sparklers that are perfect for rining in 2024. They'll make a difference in your parties and gatheringd. Try them for an enjoyabl sip.

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