Tuesday, December 26, 2023

African Foods For Kwanzaa

 All holidays have traditional foods. Kwanzaa is not different.The foods represented go back t o Africa and their rich food hisotry. Much was brought over here where everyone can enjoy the variety of fruits and vegetables.

Most Kwanzaa foods have symbolism. Ears of corm represent children still at home.The harvest is also represented in the form of yams, okra, squash , sweet potatoes and bananas. Te biggest meal  called Karamu.is eaten on the sixth dayit can be just African foods from Senegal or Nigeria to name a few countries  or soul food , taken from the American South.Karamus features a one pot soup ro soup , for communal dining. You could easily make a jambalaya, always a welcome treat.This is full of chicken, shrimp and mussels. Add okra if you want to thicken it but it also calls for the "holy trinity' of celery ,peppers and onions. Another hot and comforting dish is Philadelphia  pepperpot stew which comes from early Afro-Carib influence on the city.The original was made with cassareep syrup a sweet and sour flavor from the cassava root or callaloo, a medley of West African greens. Pepperpot also has  tripe or cow;s stomach slow cooked with  green peppers, leeks and carrots. Bacon can be added for more flavor.

There are also side dishes. Many make the Nigerian jollof rice which is rice  cooked wit tomatoes, onions and peppers.It's spiced with thyme and garlic along with the fiery Scotch bonnet pepper. Carrots and green beans can also be added to alleviate the heat.A side of fufu, the West African mash can also be added to the menu. This is mashed or pulverized cassava which is then transfered to a pot where it's stirred.Once cooked and cooled it;s rolled into balls to ber served alognside stews or soup.It acts as a kind fo spoon and bread Take off a piece , mold  into a bowls and ten dip into the stew.What about desserts? Try mbatata or sweet potato cookies.They are from Mali and oftne made in heart shapes to symbolize Mali being the heart of Africa.Cinnamon and raisins are also added for extra flavor as is coconut. A chocolate scratch cake  symbolizing the country's cocoa trade also can be made. Layer it with such fresh fruits as apricots, strawberries. kiwis and sweet cherries. Try to use fresh fruit to symbolize the harvest.

Kwanzaa is a time fo celebration , both of value and harvests. Celebrate wit a communal stew and fruit centered dessert. Enjoy the bounty with friends and family.

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