Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Top Chef Newest Chef Kristin Kish

Can anyone replaced Padma Lakshmi? She was an unstoppable force of culinary nature for so long on the vastly popular Top Chef. Who can match her for style and verve? The answer is Kristin Kish, a  new breed of host. She's still a force to be reckoned with but in a different manner.

Regular contributor Kim Severson wrote about this latest addition in today's New York Times Food section. The show needs this fresh injection of new blood. Top Chef is getting older and up against a multitude of cooking competitions.Ms. Kish represents the third wave of hosts. She is different  than the usually chefs like Emeril LaGasse and Bobby Flay who brought the whole 'kitchen bro" onto the culinary scene. Ms. Kish is an gay Korean-American adoptee and a proud product of the Midwest. She also has an impeccable bacground, having co-authored a cookbook, ran a restaurant and appeared on other cooking shows. She's also on social media promoting different products.Chef Kish is really no stranger to the show. She won it back in 2013 and was clearly the heir apparent to Ms. Lakshni. Another likable aspect that viewers may see is her openness. According to Ryan Flynn, a senior executive president at NBC Universal which owns Top Chef's channel Bravo says it was a no brainer. Chef Kish was perfect for the position.

Her background id interesting. She was adopted by Michaigan company Judy and Michael Kish who made sure the young cook never forgot her roots.She ate kim chi, was introduced to a Korean exchange stident and was read The Korean Cinderella (the story was spray painted with scenes for a book in her restaurant while a Korean woman reads the story in Korean). She does grapple with the question of can someone who didn;'t grow up in a Korean family cook the cuisine? she spent her prize money from her Top Chef win to go to her homeland and learn about the food. It did help and she is coming to terms with it. Her background is strictly American taught , with a year at Grand Valley State University. From there  her parents sent her to Chicago' Illinois Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Art. Unfortunately she also self medicated as she also dealt with her sexuality and turning sonw cooking jobs she thought was beneath her. Her parents pulled the plug on the moeny they were giving her. They did give her one more chance. They found her a room in Boston and fromthere worked in a sloew of kitchens. fromthere it was onto Top Chef, thanks to ner mentor Barbara Lynch passing her name on to the show's  execs.All of this lead to the  thriving career she has now.

Kristin Kish is the shot in the arm that Top Chef needs. She 'll bring her own style but one that is relatable and fresh. Contestants and viewers can relate to her.

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