Thursday, August 24, 2023

Back To School Bentos

 School lunch is on every parent's mind right now. What to give that fussy back to schooler? Should there be a treat? More protein than veggies? The opposite? Luckily there is a solution. The classic Japanese bento box - a must have for every student big or small.

Regular contributor and chef J Kenji Lopez-Alt write about this in yesterday's New York Times Food section. He is a father himself and uses the handy Bento box for his kids lunches. These are nothing new . originating during Japan's Edo period which was from 1603 to 1868.Travelers would pack rice balls into bamboo pouches carried around the waist according to Emiko Davies, author of Gohan, her upcoming book on Japanese cooking.In recent years Tupperware was used when transporting rice balls to picnics.Now there is a whole new gneration of fun and colorful Bento boxes. The food choices should be just as colorful. Namiko Chen of the blog Just One Cookbook recommneds this by pairing white rice with brown meats and red fruits. There should also be yellow eggs for more protein. The philosophy is that if its' colorful, then it's pleasing to the eye and fun to eat. Chef Lopez-Alt gives his daughter,s favorte Bento filler , a take on sanshoko-don, He gives the rice for  this three color rice bowl with chicken cooked with ginger mirin and shoyu or soy sauce. It's mixed with such healthy greens as spinach or kale. It's founded out wuth scambled eggs made with mirin, a sweet condiment that tastes like saki but without the alcohol.

What should parents put in their kids. Bentos? Chef Lopez-Alt recommneds deconstructed foods. Think homemade Luncables those easy lunches where kids can construct their own sandwiches and pizzas. Add cut pieces of carrots, avocados and cucumbers . Microwave sushi rice the night before and pack it in foil for the morning. Keep in mind that even salads and  salads can be constructed at school. Pack tuna salald  and bread separately. Pack salad ingredients separately too, with a small cup of dressing on the side. Parents should plan ahead but not that far ahead. He usually scours his fridge after doing the dishes or when the kids have gone to bed. There could be leftover meatballs or dumplings to microwave for the next day. He also gives four recomnedations. Kids could munch on rice with toppings along with having raw fruit and a cookie for dessert. A noodle Bento could include soba or udon noodles along with dumplings and a hard boiled egg. You could also go traditional with a sandwich , pickles or a treat. If they're not into that then think a pasta salad  along with fruit and cheese and a raw veggie. Include a treat like a brownie ro a cookie.

Bento boxes are kust as important as notebooks and pencils for the school year. Pack them with healthy and fun choices. The kids will definitely appreciate them and the work that went into them. 

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