Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Rice Plus Anything And Everything

 O ne of the easiest meals to make right now is rice.It's a filling comfort food that can be mixed with anything and eveything. You can mix it with fresh or leftover ingredients.

Instant rice is the best kind to work with , especially if you're a novice home chef.It 's a quick cook and also lower in carbs and calories if you're actually watching your weight right now. You could go for brown rice for a healthier alternative. Keep in mind that that flavor is slightly nutty flavor that may overpower more delicate flavors and spices. The same thing with basmati rice which has a nutty, spicy and sometimes floral flavor.The second question is what do you boil it in? water works the best but if you do want more flavor then thinl any kind of broth, from beef, to chicken to vegetable. This on it's own is a good and easy lunch or dinner. Add some butter and Parmesan and it'a great instant meal.Another good aspect of rice is that you can make two cups just for yourself our five or six for a family meal. It all dpeends on what you use the rice for. A cup is great in leftover soup but if you're making  a dinner, with gresh ingrdients, then use five to six cups.Just gauge it/

What can  you add to rice? Sauteed veggies are good. Think onions, broccoli and mushrooms sauteed in garlic and olive oil. It's a refreshing version of fried rice and made vegetarian by the addition of all these different veggies. You can also add some sliced carrots and peas too. If you want to make it heartier add some chicken , beef or shrimp. These can be sauteed separately or with the veggies themselves. Leftovers like ham or turkey can also be added to any rice dish for a satisfying lunch or dinner. You can add leftover  gravy to moisten it and also give it more flavor.  Repurposed leftovers like cubed sweet ptoatoes, and green beans can be added  if you want or jsut make a stand alone rice dish with these for a tasty side.  Aspicy dish is good on a cold night. You can make a Spanish or Tex-Mex version with the addition of chili or some hot peppers.Add a dash of chili powder and a small can of tomato sauce along with a dash of cumin. If you want toss in  some cooked crumbled beef or shredded chicken for a kind of enchilada feel.

A bowl of rice is satisfying. It's also versatile. Make it anyway you want, with favorite veggies and meats.

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