Monday, December 26, 2022

Easy Cooking Days

 The week between Christmas and New year's should be an easy one.This includes cooking. eveything should be a snap. Easy to cook and easy to eat.

I felt this way after two days of heavy cookiing. I just wanted something simple to make with what ever was in the refrigerator. I had the Lucenre egg whites left over from cookie baking. I had spinach. Why not makeone of my favorites - a spinach scramble.

It's just mixing half a carton with a bowl of baby spinach leaves. I cooked it in Melt for a lovely buttery flavor. It's not elaborate.It cooks quickly in only minutes. Of course I had to have bacon.

A few slices of  Morningstar Farms bacon completes it. 

This was easy  cooking at it's best. No fuss, no triumverate of air fryer  microwave and stove going for hours. No army of pots pans, or dishes to contend with afterwards/It was filling and fun comfort food.

This is the week for simple cooks.. Don't sweat it . make your favorite no fuss no muss dishes. Treat yourself to some easy comfort food.

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