Tuesday, August 16, 2022

That First Apartment Kitchen

 Many college seniors are now in the process of miving off campus or moving to on campus dorms with kitchens. This is a crash course in not only easy cooking but home cooking too. How do you stock a beginner's kitchen? Not with love as you might think but with knowledge.

It's always good to check out the major appliances of any rental. Many landlords usually go for the cheaper stoves and fridges and these may not work well. Check for gas leaks and if the burners and oven work correctly. As for the fridge, make sure it's both cooling and freezing. If there's a sweet odor coming from it two to one it's leaking freon. Talk to the landlord about replacing the refigerator or possibly buying a new one.(the cost should be deducted from the rent). Space in the kitchen is also important. Air fryers and microwaves are must haves. is there enough room for thm (or at least for one. Air fryers can easily be tucked under the kitchen table) What else is needed? A crock pot is another necessity. These are great on those long days in class when you can't spend the day cooking tomato sauce or chili. Immersion blenders are another kitchen must have. Theseare great for making smoothies but they even better for  blending and smoothing out chunky soups.what about pots and pans? Get three pots, an eigh quart stock pot for boiling pasta and making soups, a two quart and one quart for cooking rice and creating sauces. A frying pan and griddle are vital for frying up steaks or indoor cooking hot dogs and hamburgers.

What about stocking up that first pantry? Soup is a must because it's easy to microwave and eat.A cup of it with crackers makes for a filling lunch or dinner. Canned veggies should also be added to the list. They not only make for great sides but also tasty salads too.Beans and tomatoes of any sort should also be added. These make for a great crockpot chili  and the last is the backbone for tomato sauce.Olive oil is a must because it's not only good for you but also  versatile to cook with (but get  vegetable oil for baking).A small bottle of either red wine or apple cider vinegar can also be added. They  not only are crucial to vinaigrettes but some recipes call for a splash of vinegar. Bread , eggs and any kind of milk are also high on the list. Always have some kind of fresh fruit or veggie in the kitchen as well. These give you the nutrients and vitamins. A piece of fresh fruit is also a good between classes snack. Your first kitchen is also a good place to start a spice rack. Get small bott;es of cinnamon, garlic ,and onions powders. Rosemary and oregano are kitchen must haves as is chili powder.Old Bay seasoning should lso be included if your'e into seafood.

A first kitchen can be daunting.However it can be a dream  if it's well stocked and prepared.It'll mske for fun creating ,cooking and baking.

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