Monday, August 15, 2022

Feast of The Assumption

 Today is the Feast of the Assumption when the Virgin mary ascended into Heaven.It is a holiday throughout Catholic Europe, South America and here in Norht America. It's also a time of feasting and celebration.

Each country celebrates differently. The Germans bless herbs anf then put them in both sweet and savory dishes. Lavender is one of the plants blessed and it can be used in shortbread dough. Other savory herbs such as rosemary and oregano can be used in salad. Chives or schnitlau cn be chopped and mixed with sour cream or butter for barbecued baked potatoes or steak. This was also popular in pre-Reformation England where people brought their curative herbs to be blessed by the parish priest. The Italians take this day seriously foodwise.It is the start of holidays throughout the contry and many people celebrate at seaside resorts. They usually have a seafood lunch or dinner to commerorate Our Lady's Rising. Since its' also the beginning of the early harvest season so fruits and vegetables are blessed and eaten as well. Many start with a simple summer carpaccio of either meat or fish with burata and freshly picked basil. Chicken with peppers is also a popular Ferragosto dish.Some celebrate the day with an outdoor picnic of good cold cuts , bread and cheese.

Both Muslims who recognize the Virgin and Christians in Syria celebrate the day as well. The have wheat and small triangular cakes. These are made with semolina , a popular cake ingredient in the Middle East. At the Monastery of the Virgin near Damascus , there is merry making ,feasting and even horse racing. All this is heald in the Monastery courtyard where The Virgin first appeared to Justinian. The Greek Orthodox also celebrate it, The Dormition of Theotokos is when they make the meat dish yiorti. This is a mix of goat meat, onion and wheat eaten to break the fast before. The goat meat is cut up and tossed into a cauldron where the meat is boiled for two hours. Dirt and fat are then skimmed off. Chopped onions and wheat are added to this, creating a porridge.The bones are discarded when they float to the top and a priest blesses the dish. It's then spinkled with pepper and served to the entire parish. If you want to celebrate, then think of it as a fruit harvest celebration. Have strawberries or bluebrries, the color of the Virgin's robe. You could also try peaches or nectarines with a splash of white wine.

The Feast of the Assumption can be celebrated in a variety of ways. You can have it as a harvest of summer fruit or special dishes as yiorti or semolina cakes. It's honoring The Virgin in your way.

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