Wednesday, October 13, 2021

The New Restaurant Season Part One

 Every fall the New York Times Food section highlights the best restaurants in the city. That's not possible with so many good eateries that have closed since the pandemic. Now there's a new list that features not only the best of Manhattan and its' boroughs but also the entire country.

There are fifty well loved eateries in this country right now.Yes, you do have the big city places such as  The Anchovy Bar in San Francisco and New York's Atomix but you also have Blood Bros BBQ in Bellaire , Texas, a suburb of Houston. The first is known for its' fresh salty anchovy dishes( but no bagna calda!!!) along with fresh caught Pacific fish and seafood.Stuart Briozza runs it with the bread supplied by Nicole Krasinski of State Bird Provisions. Many know Manhattan's Atomix run by Korean born Junghyun and Ella Park because of its' museum like demeanor and has a purely Korean menu. There are flashcards or glosses of the dishes to be collected at the end of the meal. Everything ,from the uniforms to the tableware are designed by Korean and Korean-American artists. ON the other side of the spectrum is Blood Bros BBQ. QUy Huang and brothersTerry and Robin Wong supply fans with a combination of Vietnamese and Texas fusion with heavy African American and Mexican influences.There's brisket and baked mac and cheese along with brisket burnt end buns.

One happy addition is the historic Gage and Tollner located in the quaint neighborhood of Brooklyn Heights. Sohui Kim ,Ben Schneider and John Frizzel have revived this famous eatery that first opened its' doors in 1879. The grand dame of Southern cooking,Edna Lewis cooked and created there in 1988. The menu has such Gilded Age classics as Devils On Horseback and Oyster Rockafellar. Ms. Kim is the chef there and she puts a Korean spin on some traditional dishes as Clams Kimsino that has the jolt of kim ch9i in it. It's also a haven for cocktail lovers as well with Tom Collins and Sloe Gin Fizz. Other classic eateries are Philadelphia's Korshack's. They offer a pillowy soft sourdough bagel with a cream cheese made from mozarella rinds and goat's milk. There's also lox and Green Meadow Farm butter too to smear on as well as homemade chutneys. The city also has Laser Wolf owned by Mike Solomonov and Steve Cook which has an array of kabobs like lamb with fresh from the oven pita and two kinds of pickled cabbage. There's also pineapple grilled with schug a super spicy cousin of za'atar.

These are just a few of this country's best restaurants. Visit them this fall and get excited about them.The food is worth it as is the atmosphere during these cool days.

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