Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Different Pizzas For The Weekend

 This is the time for baking and fun fall weekends. What better than to try the different pizzas out there to make , bake and eat.It's a great way to keep weekend cooking fresh and kids happy.

Crusts are what really make a pizza. You can easily go for a traditional crust but why? A sourdough one is a bit heartier than the original and it will hold the sauce and toppings better. You should start off with a sourdough starter, unbleached flour, warm water and of course, yeast, for lift. You will have to proof the dough in a greased container (use olive oil for the greasing) after kneading in a stand mixer. Then it's left to stand for two to four hours until it rises,.Do this in the late morning for a tangy crust. Keep in mind that a sourdough crust works differently with cheese. The mozzarella acts like a lid, allowing the crust to get soggy. Bake the pizza first with just the sauce and toppings and then add the cheese when the crust starts browning.As for this, add some Pecorino Romano cheese to the mozzarella for some strength in flavor. As for  the sauce, make it intense, with more garlic and basil. Skip the pepperoni and add some flavorful prosciutto instead.

Another different kind of pizza is a cauliflower crust ones. These are super flavorful and work well with any toppings. You can buy already made ones from Green Giant and add your own sauce and toppings. However you can also make the crust at home. You'll need a medium head cauliflower which will be pulsed or ground to a fine white powder.It's then steamed in the microwave for about six minutes. Wring out any moisture when it's cooled.Add one large egg and one cup of grated mozzarella and a quarter cup of grated Parmesan. Transfer to a parchment lined baking sheet and bake until golden for about ten to fifteen minutes in a 425 degree oven. The crust should be golden in color. Now it's time to add the sauce , toppings and cheese. Bake for another ten minutes until the cheese is melting and bubbly. For little chefs Pilsbury now has mini pizza crusts. These are the perfect weekend fun. Kids can make these tiny pies with a variety of fun toppings like olives and onions and can even do a different spin like Mexican or Hawaiian. They're also easy to bake which saves a lot of labor and time during a busy weekend.

It's the perfect time for a different kind of pizza. Try a sourdough or cauliflower crust or a mini pizza. They're great fun to bake and to eat.

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