Friday, June 11, 2021

One Handed Cooking Microplane Grating

 One thing about prepping and  cooking with one arm. It's hard. Yes , people have done it and still do it. Yet it's difficult. Luckily I found that I can use my simple micoplaner to create some different dishes.

I've gotten into fruit a lot in a way thanks to being prediabetic but also it's easy to eat to breakfast. I've been wanting an easy dessert. Why not combine good for you dark chocolate with it.

Yet what was an easy way to serve it? That's where the microplaner (that I bought at Stop and Shop years ago) came in. Chocolate is very easy to grate and it produces a dust that completely covers the strawberries, bananas and blueberries.It looks like cinnamon but  it's Lindt 90 % cacao. It works perfectly for this. It's just an easy meal ender or snack. Keep in mind that this file can also be used to create fluffy clouds of Parmesan for pastas. It could also be used for the Spanish treat pan di tomat for grating tomatoes to go with the toasted bread.

Yes, it;s hard to cook one handed or partially with two. Yet a micoplanet helps in prepping. It's a great tool to have in the kitchen.

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