Thursday, June 10, 2021

Messing Around

 Why would anyone eat army food? It's not the greatest at times, sometimes being made with the cheapest ingredients. Yet a variation is popular again,. Many foodies and even home chefs are turning to MREs - Meals Ready To Eat. Are they that good?

That's what regular contributor to the Times , Priya Krishna wanted to know in yesterday's New York Times Food section. These took off during the pandemic. They're not fancy. Yet they're still popular as the pandemic is closing down. They're not new.They're basically for those in combat away from field kitchens. The Civil War had hardtack to sustain soldiers while WW2 had what is known as C rations namely canned meats and breads. The war in the Persian Gulf updated them to create more diverse and tasty meals. Now thanks to You Tube  reviews.

Yet are these meals tasty? According to Emmy Cho who has her own You Tube Channel, they are. She states that the meals were both nostalgic and surprising, You don't always know what you're going to get.The pepperoni pizza has a dense crust and flavorless cheese.The cherry blueberry cobbler is a sweet goo while the tortellini are rubbery. There is no aroma - only the mix of magnesium and iron inside the heater that automatically cook the pouches. A dash of water activates this. Yet some love this.

Will MREs be the new foodie trend? Possibly. They're an acquired taste. Maybe with even better ingredients and more flavors they can be.

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