Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Your Spring Snack Guide

Spring brings a lot of changes.we dress lighter, We should eat lighter and we should snack lighter as well.Those whipped cream topped hot cocoas and cupcakes may have been great as we were bulking up for the cold however they may be heavy and calorie rich  during these warm days and nights.It's time to change to less dense treats.

One of the best snacks, both in cold and warm weather is popcorn . It's a better alternative to potato chips and dip .it's full of fiber and taste, perfect for filling up during games or a day at the beach.Another plus is that's it's easy to tote around - and if you have any left over is perfect for feeding the birds.a great Saturday night snack is nachos. The winter saw them piping hot with cheese and maybe chili on them. Go light  with a homemade salsa of chopped tomatoes, jalapenos and onions. You can even use this for crackers or a fiery spin on bruschetta.English muffin pizzas were also a great Sunday night supper or snack. Sub the canned sauce for fresh chopped tomatoes and replaced the heavy mozzarella with a hearty sprinkle of Parmesan. another healthy filler is cottage cheese blended with chopped veggies. Add some broccoli florets along with cut up snow pea pods  along with a few grape tomatoes and diced onion. Add a good dahs of fresh cracked pepper and a tiny dash of sea salt for more flavoring.You can also cut up soy hot dogs and wrap crescent dough around them for a low cal version of pigs in blankets.

This is the season of first harvests. That means fresh batches of peaches , strawberries and blueberries. Eat these when you're craving something sweet. They're full of fiber and vitamins,perfect after a winter of cookies and snack cakes. Fruit can be grilled too and it can be easily turned into shish kabobs. Brush the skewered pieces with honey before you put them over the fire.The fruit of the season can also be mixed into Greek yogurt for a nice pick me up at the office.As the temps shoot up you may be tempted by ice cream or even those whipped cream topped iced coffees. They may be cooling and a treat however they are fat bombs just waiting to go off. stick with ices or low calorie ice cream treat.You can even semi freeze bananas and strawberries and then have them with  chocolate syrup and low fat whipped toppings. As for the coffee- stick to iced black for a refreshing change. You'll taste the full rich flavor of the beans that way along with being enervated. You can also q8unech your thirst with BAI all natural juices and soda They're fresh and fruity, having only five calories each.

It's spring and that means lighter fare for snacking. enjoy ,kw calories sweets and treats as the temps  rise. You'll not only feel satisfied but also rewarded with good for you snacks.

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