Monday, April 13, 2015

Shed That Winter Diet!

One of the worst aspects of the bad winter we just had is that most stayed indoors and just ate.We ate out of boredom or to save up fuel for all that snow shoveling. Now its' spring and it's a different vibe.It's almost bathing suit season and that means cutting back on those cold weather treats and embracing healthy eating.

All those high caloric foods that got us through those cold mornings and even colder nights won't hold up during the warmer spring days.Those breakfasts of bacon and eggs heaped on buttered toast would be better saved for when falls rolls around. Think about fresh fruit for starting the day, or better yet served in a bowl of healthy all bran cereal.This is filling and will get you through a busy morning. A fruit smoothie is another perfect way to start the day. Try making a berry smoothie using strawberries and blueberries.Both will be in full season in another month or two. add some ground flaxseed for both fiber and Omega 3. A big plus is that a flax seed smoothie will keep you sated and full until lunch. If you do crave a bacon and eggs breakfast then think soy or turkey bacon and a side scramble of egg whites.A big bowl of fruit salad is also a great first meal. Add some almonds for crunch and protein.If you're used to an English muffin dripping with butter and jam, rethink it. The muffin alone is 120 calories about the same amount as two slices of whole wheat bread.Have this last with a smear of margarine and a more naturally processed jelly.

Now with springhere, we have to also rethink how we eat lunch and dinner. Most people prefer a hot soup and sandwich for a cold weather lunch.,That's great if it's minestrone and maybe a slice of focaccia on the side but many loved a good , hearty cream soup with a grilled cheese sandwich. It's time to forget that and light.Think an almost broth like vegetable soup with a salad.Add some protein in the form of  chicken or tuna to the salad so that you'll feel sated until dinner. You can also just got for a bigger salad, chock full of mixed veggies , nuts and any kind of meat. If you want to go vegan, then think about tofu added. Dinner should be the same. All those gravy rich stews and roasts were great back in January and February , even March but it's time to go easy on calorie dense meals .Think grilled chicken breasts or even a plain roast chicken with a side of Spring veggies like asparagus.Pastas can also be tailored to warmer weather too. Cook spaghetti or angel hair pasta and then use some of the pasta water to help flavor fresh cut tomatoes, peppers and onions that have been sautéed briefly in olive oil.If you're still longing for a casserole, then make ratatouille. This Provencale classic is made with tomatoes, onions and eggplant  and a perfect filling dish  for a week night or Sunday supper. It's usually served with French bread but you can sub in toasted pita or warmed flatbread instead.

The spring is finally here. It's time to shed those dense calories soaked meals and go for lighter fare. It's not only great for getting into bathing suit shape but also good for your body!

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