Friday, October 31, 2014

Trick Or Treat Halloween Facts And Fun

Today is the ultimate candy day.By now millions of kids in the US alone have garnered, their fair share of Twix, KitKats ,Smarties and anything else totally not nutritious.It's a fun day of celebrating since Irish and Scottish immigrants first came here bringing the traditions of Samahain or All Hallow's Night with them. Not surprisingly this is also a money making holiday for candy companies.Michael Moss did comparative article in Wednesday's New York Times Dining section. He found out that candy sales last Halloween hit a whopping 217 million up 2 per cent from the previous year( in all fairness, that was when Superstorm Sandy hit and people were more worried about survival than Mars Bars)However due to a summer time increase this year, coco lovers eased upon their addiction.The reason for the increase? Cocoa butter.This is the fat of the pod that gives chocolate it's rich,satisfying taste,Food chemists have tried subbing in other cheaper oils bit to no avail.Chocolate is what it is because of that cocoa butter.Still we crave it thanks to our love of it.We also love the variety of those Halloweens treat bags too.Most candy companies now sell two or three different kinds so they can push lesser like types on consumers.This is not a new marketing ploy.Kellogg's was doing its early as 1941" variety mini cereal box packs.A variety also tricks our brains into wanting us to eat more.We feel the need to sample and try everything, Eating one kind will also make us feel fuller quicker.thanks tour brain acclimating to just the one taste and texture.A variety pack of two or three different kinds turns our brain into race car veering left and right ,leavings with a still hungry feeling. Of course there is an antidote to this: an old fashioned candy recipe.Today's New York Times Weekend section,Friday File, compiled by Mary Jo Murphy printed out snippets from past Halloween reports.Mostly it was all apple bobbing whether the get together was from the 1890s or 1920s.However there was the Halloween party report from a century ago that offered a recipe .It called for fresh coconut straight from, well the coconut and then toasted in an oven.. boil a cup of molasses with brown or white sugar, along with a teaspoon of vinegar (I'd recommend the apple cider kind) and a tablespoon of butter.It is ready when it hits the hard candy stage(dribble a few drops In cold water.It should be hard and crackly), add the coconut, stir well and then pour into a buttered pan.Let the candy get hard and the break into bite sized pieces.Actually you can sub in any kind of nuts, for the coconut to create brittle.If you want to add a modern spin, dip the pieces into dark chocolate.If you feel the coconut brittle is too sweet, then add a scant tablespoon of sea salt to add some zing and dash. store in a covered tin. Halloween is nothing but fun treats.Enjoy it it wisely, don't go wild.Enjoy that candy wisely.

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