Thursday, October 30, 2014

Keep Those Eggs To Yourself

Tonight is Mischief Night , or if you're in my neck of the woods Goosey Night, this from the medieval English Guise Night. It's a night of punking and pranking. Unfortunately it and a few other fall festivities result in wasting important food stuffs. This in a time when people here in the US are starving.

Ask any true blue American about Mischief or Cabbage night pranks and they will tell you that, yes they've thrown a few eggs in their day or smashed a few pumpkins. What a true waste of food (not to mention causing serious damage. Not to many people know that egg albumin, or the white part can take off car paint,it's something to do with it binding with toxic substances like lead). It's also dangerous lobbing them at passing cars. It's not water that will quickly bead off. The yolk and shell will gook up and then the wipers will only spread it. This is also the time for those merry  happy pranksters to take those pumpkins and smash them.Well ,this is good for the raccoons who love pumpkins however it's bad for the family who was relying on that big squash for  food. They could have used the flesh for puree for either a filling soup or for pie filling, The seeds can also be re purposed and baked  to become tasty snacks.  That pumpkin lying in the road  could have also been  used to make bread,

Another Cabbage Night prank is the famed Mentos in diet Coke. (for those of you true innocents who don't know what it is or who have never seen it done on The Big Bang Theory).Originally it was wintergreen Lifesavers threaded onto a pipe cleaner and then plunged into a bottle of diet Coke. The gas from the mints propelled the soda out in a foamy geyser. When the candy company found out about this trick  they changed the candy's diameter, making them wider and impossible to dunk. It turns out , much to the delight of kids and science teachers that Mentos do the same trick.Don't do this , The geysers can reach up to five feet (if you use the whole roll) and create accidents and damage. It ruins siding as well as hurts and scares any animal life. A less, but equally, insidious prank is chucking apples on the road and hurled against houses. Again this is a blatant waste of food and there are people who would truly appreciate a good , ripe apple. Hurling them at passing cars or dropping them from overpasses can result in serious multicar accidents. Save them for the homeless and the food pantries. Apples are versatile and can be used in everything from oatmeals to cakes and of course to make applesauce.

Mischief Night is about mischief making however it 's more of a sin when you use food to do so. Put down the egg,s the apples and those Mentos. Don't squash the pumpkins. Food should be treasured , not wasted on mindless pranks. Besides if you want to cause impish damage, go for the toilet paper. Less trouble , more mess.

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