Monday, January 7, 2013

The Versatile Mashed Potato

Nothing is as staple as the mashed potato. It is a great plate filler, helping to absorb gravy as well introduce picky eaters to veggies. It;s also one of the easiest sides to make . You can make it by using real spuds or flakes. Either way they're versatile.

Plain mashed is great . Of course they taste the best with any kind of roast beef, turkey or chicken gravy. This is one of the richest way of eating it .You can mix in  some  low calorie sour cream along with herbs as a nice extra to grilled chicken or even fish. Adding roasting garlic is another plus and goes well with steak or pork.Even left over mashed potatoes can be tasty . Form balls, then dip them in beaten egg and breadcrumbs. Fry up the potato ball  in oil or butter and serve with ketchup as a fun alternative to French  fries.

Mashed potatoes are also a great ingredient in leftovers.Cooks from Paula Deene to locals make excellent pancakes with leftover mash .Add flour, and  eggs to day old potatoes and fry in bacon grease as well s adding bacon as decoaration. These go great with eggs sunnyside up and some ham slices.The English add cabbage to make the famed bubble and squeak which is a crispy kind of skillet cake while others add Parmesan cheese.You can also add mashed spuds to crab and fish cakes along to chicken croquettes to give them body.Regular dessert cakes also benefit from a cup of mashed potatoes.They give them a wonderful consistency that plain flour doesn't .

Mashed potatoes aren't boring as most people think. in fact they're versatile and fun to cook with . Use them in everything from skillet cakes to desserts for something delicious.

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