Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Fridge Hoarding

We're all guilty of it - fridge hoarding. We have cartons of unknown this and conainters of heaven only knows what. We mean to throw it out, but we never do. As much as we hate to admit it , we have become food hoarders and that's not healthy.

A lot of those containers come from restaurants . Let's face it  we're a country of diners who love to nosh at any eatery , from chains to family owned places. Unfortunately all those restaurants give us oversized portions and we bring them home. A week later it's an unidentified mass of glop that could have mold spots on it. Try  to eat leftovers a day or two after you;ve eaten out or better yet, split them with your friends or family(A better solution is ordering children's portions). If you've brought home steak or chicken wheat you can do is turn it into a sandwich the next day , or chop them up and serve with fresh pasta  or rice.If you;ve had food for more than a week , then it's time to introduce it to the garbage (Or use it as compost)

Sometimes we just buy too much on our trips to the grocery store , Let's face it eveyrthing looks good and it's so easy to toss stuff into our carts. Luckily veggies can either be turned into salads or cooked . The problem is that certain veggies can rot faster than others which creates some interesting odors. This in turns smells up the entire refrigerator.The same is true for fruit too Most should be kept for two weeks at best. Surprisingly bananas are are their best when their skin is black. Yet if it smells , then toss it. Another rule is if the rind is dried out as with citrus, then use it as mulch as  you can  do with bad veggies.

Hoarding isn;t just keeping all those ol birthday cards and soda bottles. It sometimes can mean hoarding food too . If you;ve had it for more than a week or two, then get rid of it. Nothing beats a clean fridge.

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