Saturday, January 12, 2013

Stuffed Mushrooms Versatile And Fun

If you want that special side that easily made, then think about stuffed mushrooms. You can make them in a few minutes and either microwave , fry or even grill them. Different ingredients can be added as well to vary them. They are one of the most versatile foods to create and cook,

The basic recipe calls for white cap mushrooms. These are the pure white ones and the best to get are the organic. Each container will have all sizes . Save the big and medium ones for stuffing. The smaller ones, caps and all can be used for stuffing. The mushrooms should be lightly washed and left to drain on paper towels. At this point you can decide if you want to make them in the oven or the microwave. The oven will take forty minutes while the microwave will only take eight minutes. The baked stuffed mushroom will have a cunchier topping while the nuked version will moister and softer.Grilled versions will take about forty five minutes over open coals.

The stuffing is chopped stems,namely the white parts along with the more finely minced smaller caps. Add a cup and a half of breadrcrumbs , usually the regular kind and plain flavored. Mix in with salt, pepper and oregano along with two finely minced garlic cloves. Some will add in tham and salami along with Parmesan cheese.Moisten with light olive oil and firmly stuff the caps. Seafood lovers love theirs with flake crabmeat bound with cream cheese along with breadcrumbs. Dot with butter .You can also try pine nuts for crunch or Japanese pangko crumbs. try stuffed mushrooms.They re easy and tasty as bb

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