Monday, January 14, 2013

Flu Foods

Everyone is suffering from the flu these days.It goes after everyone from celebrities to your grocery clerk.The problem is that it can take away your appetite.This means a lack of nourishment which means trouble. Doctors and nutritionists suggest plenty of fluids and this is true. kids should have either juice or Pedialite. Adults should think about a soothing cup of herbal tea too.Try peppermint or chamomile to sooth cramps and anything else that goes with it. Even Coke , Pepsi or Ginger ale with ice also helps, especially if you have nausea.Take small sips. foods should be simple yet nourishing, Broth is good, Espcially if you addq beaten egg for protein. You can also add rice for nutrition too. when you feel like having more solid foods, think buttered noodles along with a simple grilled chicke. Don 't have any gassy veggies.Think mashed potatoes or even mashed squash as a simple yet tasty side. don't go for any lush desserts .Again bland is better.Think simple butter cookies like Lorna Doones or better yet Graham crackers and again with tea. keep eating and drinking if you catch the flu. get plenty of rest but also food as well. it'll help you bounce back.

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