Saturday, March 3, 2012

Organic Gardening - Your Own Organic Stash

Now that it's March it's time to start thinking of gardening for your future spring summer and even fall dishes. By planting  foodies have free access to any kind of fruit or vegetable. Even better if they plant organically, they have all natural ingredients ready to pick. These are highly beneficial to one's diet and well being.  Plant organic. It's surprisingly easy.

First of all, decide what you're going to plant. Most veggies and fruits such as peas, turnips and onions need to planted within the next few weeks. If you're planting mid spring veggies such as cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce along with peppers and eggplants then you have time to map out plots that take advantage of sun and shade. w,  Another good idea for future organic farmers is prepping the soil. Since there still can be snow and torrential rains, it's best to feel and test the soil's texture.If the earth is wet and gooey, don't plant.If the ball of dirt is crumbly and falls apart when rubbed then do so .Again it depends on where you live. Southerners and Southern Californians are probably chomping at the bit to start gardens while Northerners still have to deal with frozen or drenched soil.

Another important aspect of organic gardening is what you put into the garden to get organic produce. Compost is a big help. Anything is good from  pet hair to grass cuttings. Of course even veggies and fruit are also excellent add ins.The biggest mistake gardeners make is not following through and using organic pesticides.  They wind up spraying deadly and toxic mixes instead of making their own. Plants in the deadly nightshade family make the best repellents. Try cutting up tomato leaves or potato skins combined with water make excellent sprays. Another is hot pepper and water or even just plain catnip (which also works as an ant repellent indoors too.). That kitchen staple garlic is another repellent Plant it and anise between rows of veggies to repel aphids and slugs.

 Organic foods start with organic gardens. Start an all natural one this spring for a season of good healthy produce.Eating healthier and eating better is worth all the work.

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