Friday, March 2, 2012

Flax Seed Wonder Food?

Everyone is always looking for the next wonder food. Is it a hybrid or enhanced fruit or veggie?Is it a new grain from a Third World nation? Surprisingly it's not any of these.It's flaxseed - ,a food or supplement that's been around for a few millennium.It's not only good but good tasting too.

Flaxseed was first grown in Mesopotamia and used widely in ancient cuisine.  Romans and Greeks added it into their foods and even back then had enriched diets. The French emperor, Charlemagne , passed laws for the every day  consumption of it. Flax was also used in the making of linen so it was doubly important  in  life.It was brought to this country and Canada in the 1700's. The latter is the top flax seed producer in the world  right now. Flax seeds' health benefits are still awesome.It is known to reduce the risk of certain cancers from colon to breast to prostrate.It also helps in reducing heart disease and diabetes along easing menopause symptoms.

Flax seed can be bought at any health food store, such as the GNC chain here in the States.It c is usually  bought already ground or in seed form. The ground form looks like saffron and has a slightly nutty taste.The seeds can be ground in any coffee grinder and stored in a dark cool place such as a pantry or even a fridge. This powdered form  can be baked into muffins and breads or blended into smoothies. Sprinkle some onto veggies for a lightly nutty flavor or mix a tablespoon of it  into chocolate syrup for a kind of hazelnut or nocciola taste. Try the seeds too in either as toppings or in salads

Flax seeds are the closest thing to a super food. Start using them in cooking and baking for healthier fare. They'll nt only improve the quality of life but also the quality of food.

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