Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Good Old Fashioned Clambake

Summer and seafood go together. There's nothing like gathering friends on a beach with a campfire and freshly caught clams and lobsters. It's a fun way of celebrating a good day of swimming and sunning. The best part is that it's fun. Everybody chips in and helps in making a tasty dinner.

A clambake should take place on the beach however if your local one has restrictions you can easily have It in your backyard. As with a fire pit,dig a large hole in the sand or dirt. Cover the whole bottom with large stones or rocks. These can be found in the woods near the beach.(pick up anything that has some heft)Add branches, brushand then charcoal to build a large fire along with seaweed (although no sweat if you don't; have it on hand). If you're cooking lobsters, have a pot ready to boil them and with these you can use sea water hauled in from the beach.

Of course any clambake should have clams, but you can also have lobsters, mussels and potatoes. A good recipe is a kind of stew that involves clams, (any kind),mussels onions, celery,potatoes and corn.Cook these together in a pot along with melted butter and some fresh water. Of course you can just cook clams and have a baked potato with melted butter on it along with simply roasted ear of corn. This also goes for lobster too. because th emeat is so flavorful, just add butter that was melted in an old can over the flames.

A clambake is the best summer memory ever. There's nothing like enjoying freshly cooked clams and lobsters under a warm starry night . It's just good and simple eating

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