Friday, August 5, 2011

Cook It Right

Summer is a time for good food and good eating. Sometimes though certain factors can creep in and spoil a wonderful dish. namely salmonella and food poisoning. What may look delicious may be hiding something dangerous- and deadly. What to do? Be aware and prepared.

Salmonella is a chef's biggest nightmare during these warm weather days. How can you get and where? It usually is found in everything from fresh meats to processed fruits and veggies. Mostly it comes from underpar sanitary conditions in larger farms and meat processing plants. Usually lettuce and spinach are the worst hit thanks to these places having not enough bathrooms or clean facilities for the workers. Always make sure your salads are washed thoroughly. There are even washes you can use if you want to be super safe. As for meats it's a gamble . The best bet is to cook everything well but still that's no guarantee.Luckily local news stations always have the first bit of news about damaged meats .

Cream products and mayonnaise also suffer during these times. Try to keep cream products in the fridge . The heat is a breeding ground for the bacteria spores and they thrive in high temps . If you want a creamy birthday cake, think more about ice cream cake or decorating plain cake with just powdered sugar. Mayonnaise long blamed, for scores of people getting sick over the years, is actually not the culprit. The stuff is fine on its' own however becomes a germ bomb when mixed with pasta and potatoes. Try to use olive oil for mayo in summer salads.

This is the season to go out and enjoy summer's bounty. However it's also the time to be wary about what you're eating. Be careful, be choosy and you can navigate through to still have a fun warm weather feast.

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