Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Disaster Strikes Beware!

Today we had a really unusual event today - an earthquake here in New Jersey.It started in Mineral, Virginia and radiated out up here to the Manhattan area. It seems that we're not immune to any natural disasters whether the rare earthquake or more common hurricane. This means one thing - be prepared. Always.

The one thing everyone should always stock up on is water. Remember that water and gas lines are the first hit and usually rupture.This means a lack of drinking water. If you have do have water, be careful about drinking it. Boil it first if you do if there is a warning (usually the TV news warn about it as do social media such as Facebook and Twitter).Also pack Gatorade or any energy drink that's chock full of electrolytes in case the weather is hot and humid. This is helps in staunching any dehydration that may occur.

What about food? Thnk camping when you prepare for a diaster. Energy bars should be the number one food item. They last the longest and give you the protein and energy you need. Beef jekry or any dried food is good to pack up too. It lasts a few days and can provide with some nutrition. You can also buy ready to pack meals. These are small cups of nutrition packed meals , mostly pasta based with different meats. These are so vacuum packed that they can last up to five years. These are usually bought on line and a case is just seventy dollars.

Distaster strikes - anywhere. Never take your situation for granted. Be prepared always!

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