Monday, August 22, 2011

Ahh Tea!!!!

With fall's busy schedule just around the corner, it's nice to just kick back with a good cup of tea. There's nothing as soothing as a hot mug after a wild and stressful day. The best part is that there are regular and herbal ones that are perfect for unwinding .Just soak a bag , wait for it to brew and enjoy a mini vacation from life's daily problems.

Herbal teas are great for those days when you just feel like running away. You can easily buy loose leaves at tea stores like Teavana or just pick up a box of Celestial Seasonings at your local grocery store. Mint tea is not only yummy but also relaxing.Peppermint tea is a great way to end a day. It's also soothing also on a stressed out stomach. A hot mug helps to relieve any heaviness after a big meal. The same goes for spearmint. Chamomile is another tea that helps to "de-stress" and cure digestive problems..Its' lovely flowery flavor reminds one of sun kissed gardens and sunny days too.

Exotic teas are also fine way to end a work day. A ginger or cardamon infused brew can revive you for an evening out or give you a second wind to deal with family. Red tea or rooibos, from South Africa is a sweet almost root beer tasting one that goes well on its' own or with natural sugar. Fruit teas or tisanes made with peaches, apples and lemons along with dried oranges and limes are also good. Again a cup of one of these is perfect before bedtime or with a good book. They're also tasty with a plate of simple shortbread cookies on the side.

Teas are the perfect escape after a hard day at work or at school. Stock up on a few flavors for the busy crazy days ahead.They're the perfect antidote for stress.

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