Saturday, April 9, 2011

Spring Holiday Food Shopping

With passover starting next week and both the Orthodox and Christian Easters occurring on the same Sunday , it's now time to start holiday food shopping. The weeks before are perfect for stocking up on both large and small items. Most supermarkets and box stores are are offering some good deals on everything from cuts of meat to candy as well as on tableware and decorations. Before you start , decide on what you want to have. In some parts of the world Easter is going to be a warm weather holy day. You may want to fire up the grill and have outdoor cooked lamb similar to how the Greek Orthodox celebrate. At this time spend the remaining days cleaning out the grill and prepping it. You could even host an outdoor sit down dinner as well. here again you can go for the traditional ham and asparagus or try different quiches and salads. As with any major holiday, decide on how many people you want to invite and work around the guest list. This always determines the amount of food you'll buy. After that start shopping. Take advantage of all the sale prices going on right now. Many stores have good two for one deals on everything from matzoh bread to Easter candy. Of course buy the veggies, fruits and veggies a day or two before your dinner but stock upon other products such as mayo for salads, raisins and almonds for charoset and any canned goods.This is also a good time stockpile soda and seltzers too as well as wines . You may also want to buy some new table linens and napkins for your holiday table too. Stores such as Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond are offering some amazing deals on fancy tablecloths, matching napkins, and napkins rings right now. The Spring holidays are quickly upon us. To have a memorable seder or Easter dinner start shopping now ! Cash in on deals at your local supermarket and box store. these deals will help you in having a sumptuous holiday feast.!

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