Monday, April 11, 2011

Go Green With Salad

The warm weather brings about salad days - those times when we crave a cool,refreshing bowl of greens. Surprisingly enough not many people know how to construct a good,well rounded one Most just think it's chucking a variety of veggies in a bowl and dumping store bought dressing on it.Not so! Anyone can create a healthy and delicious salad using the right lettuce and appropriate extras. First realize that there are three different types to work with: Romaine, Crisphead and Butterhead.Romaine is about the most popular right now being the base for Caesar salad. it is one of the healthiest types,beige rich in Vitamin. C.It is also one of the most flavorful with a sweet taste.The reason being is that only the tender inner leaves are picked for salad. Another flavorful leave is the Butterhead .called, this be use of the smooth, buttery texture off the is rich in Vitamin K which are softer and sweeter in texture and taste.The famed Bibb lettuce is from this family.One of the least popular right now is the Crisphead. The variety that produces Iceburg Lettuce.The leaves are densely crowded together to form a cabbage like head.This kind doesn't have much flavor or nutrients as the other.however it can be salvaged to make decent bowlful. What goes well in a salad?Tomatoes are the obvious choice. vary them however to prevent banality. Grape tomatoes are a good addition. They're sweeter tasting than beefsteaks and the plum variety. Another option are artichoke hearts.These add real bite , flavor and color. Onions are also good, Agin they provide texture and flavor however use them sparingly. Too many could lead to heart burn. If you want to vary it added chopped shallots. For something different add snap beans for crunch or even toss a handful of edamame into your salad bowl. With the temps getting warmer and wamrer, more foodies will turn to eating cool bowls of salad. A dish of fresh greens is the perfect foil to hot, steamy days. Mx in homemade dressing and you have a great lunch or dinner.

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