Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Spring Cleaning Your Kitchen

It's almost time for Spring cleaning and that means getting the kitchen in good shape. Yup throw out that black gunky stuff that was party food at Christmas, get rid of the appliances that don't work and defrost the freezer. A cleaner kitchen makes for a better one and now is the time to do it.

The most important thing is getting rid of food. Cold cuts can last only up to three days unless they;re the vacuumed packed ones. Then you can keep them two to three weeks tops. veggies will get wilty and brown - not to mention nasty smelling. Check expiration dates. Those salsas you bought for the Superbowl are more or less OK, depending on how much air has been let into the jar (Oxidation is food's worst enemy. it;s causes a lot of bacterias to grow over night). Also check pantries too. Flours only last so long otherwise they get wormy (little weevils tend to appear). Sugar is more or less OK as is coffee.

Another idea for Spring kitchen cleaning is to check your appliances Make sure they work properly. If their cords are starting to look frayed then toss them. You can easily get replacements (and on sale too at this time of year!) . Another idea is sharpening your knives .It's always good to have them rehoned once o twice a year.Of course the big thing is defrosting the fridge. This is an excellent time to also make sure that it's working properly. Check wires and underneath.Spring is also a good time to reassess the stove to see if it too is working properly.

Spring cleaning extends to every corner of the house, especially the kitchen. Start fresh by reassessing and throwing out. You'll be able to enter the season with a healthier, updated cooking and eating area.

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