Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Live Longer, Eat Junk

Forget the healthy diets.if you want to live longer eat what's bad for you. That's the big article in this week's New York Times Dining section. Several octogenarians and nonagenarians have been interviewed and their dietary tips may be startling. It's not all healthy veggies and fruits that's keeping them going.

The article, written by Henry Alford, tells about three or four of these golden agers who have a passion for the golden fried. They have nixed the sugar and salt free diets and heartily dive into dishes that are laden with all the wrong things. Too many calories. too much salt, too much sugar. They even have copious quantities of alcohol , lovely mixed cocktails that would put twenty year olds under the table. Yet they survive. Lets face it, if these foodies lived this long without any problems then they can eat and drink whatever they want.

The secret though is what the French believe in - moderation. Have the occasional salty fried chicken and fries but don't make it a habit. Indulge in steak every so often, however temper it with sides of healthy good for you vegetables like spinach or carrots . Both veggies are chock full of needed antioxidants and vitamins. Desserts are fine but also have some healthy fruits too. As for drinking a mixed cocktail every now and then it's OK, Just watch yourselves. Too much of a good drink can impair balance which is extremely important in the elderly . It's basically a question of treating yourself and knowing when to pull back - which is good advice for any age.

Getting to three digits these days isn't as rare as it used to be.Most attribute this to a healthy diet, however that's not necessarily the case. Some live to a ripe old age thanks to the fatty foods, sweets and snacks!

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