Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kale King Of The Fall Harvest

To any onlooker kale is just another decorative plant. It 's an attractive border plant however it's so much more that. It;s a nutritious fall veggie,loaded in vitamins and minerals. Kale is wonderful served a variety of ways.

Kale is one of the oldest known vegetables, The Greeks and Romans use dit on a regular basis i t wa s probably brought to the United Kingdom during the Roman invasion wher e it was given it;s name derived from the Celtic word cole or caelus meaning cabbage. it made its' way to America as early as 1629.Kale and it's cousin collards (where we get collard greens from) are cabbages coming from the Brassica olercea branch They are non flowering or "headless" (acephala) versions. The leaves are rich in calcium, lutein and iron and are chock full of vitamins A, C and K. It also has cancer fighting phytochemicals.

What to do with kale? i;ts good as a side dish especially for pork and ham dishes. it just needs to be braised for about half an hour. Another way is with eggs in a very healthy frittata. Another recipe calls for it to mixed in with another fall favorite apples.Kale chips are also easy and becoming th e most popular snack food these days. They're easy Io make. Bake washed leaves on a well oiled cookie sheet and sprinkled with sea salt for a yummy and addictive snack.

Kale is the king of the fall harvest. it's a tasty green that is good for your health. It; s also delicious and should be a part of every autumn menu.

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