Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Candy is Dandy But

Most parents are cringing already in anticipation of Sunday . No , not for spending an afternoon f taking their kids on endless rounds of trick or treating. It's more because of what those little Spidermen and princesses will bring home with them. Candy. Most moms and dads associate the stuff with giving Precious rat poison.

Yet is it?

According to regular Julia Moskin's article in today 's New York Time;'s Dining section, it isn't as lethal as parents think it is. In fact some of the more "healthier' claiming foods are packed with more sugar than a candy factory. She has a one on one interview with the Candy professor ,Samira Kawash who write a blog of the same name. She traces where the craving for candy came from and when it entered the public eye (this is a fascinating must read blog by the way) Thanks to late 19th century production of corn syrup, candy has been made available to the masses. before that most Americans made their own and this included , homemade fudge , nut brittle and molasses corn.

At one time candy was advertised as good for your health. Tootsie Rolls were once touted as being a fatigue beater. Well it is true, A sugar rush will give anyone a boost. Unfortunately as with anything we tend to overindulge. Candy companies sell their wares in big pillowy bags that can last half a year. Kids as well as adults eat whatever they want. Besides sugar lurks everywhere , from our cereals to even our French fries. There's no escaping it.

Is candy evil? Only if you overdo eating it as with any food or drink Moderation is the key. even with something bad.

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