Friday, May 14, 2010

The Joy Of Event Planning

As I've written in earlier entries, I've been tapped to basically cohost an after party at the university where I teach .I had forgotten how much work these things are, not having done it in a few years. I forgot how exhausting it is, between the running and planning and coordinating.

If any of you foodies are forced to help out at a shower or party , then brace yourself. Also assert yourself as to what you can do and what you can't. Don't volunteer to get all the heavy stuff as I did and wind up lugging one hundred cans of soda around. Divide the duties and chores equally. If you have to , bring some on your committee with you to shop. Two people can cover a store faste r than one can, believe you me . Also get receipts for reimbursementif you're doing this for a company and school for . This has been my problem in the past. I was so overwhelmed with work that I never kept anything and lost out financially.

Event planning may require cooking and baking. Don;t be a sap and ask to do as much as you can. This is not the weather for spending five or six hours in a hot kitchen , whipping , berating or frosting anything. if you;re asked to make anything just go with a signature dish that you're known for. This frees you up to enjoy the warm weather. if you don't want to cook or bake, then go to your supermarket an dhave them do it for you.

Events are fun but planning and prepping for them definitely is not. I feel it's a lot of work that goes unappreciated . It's not really a joy but a job.

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