Saturday, May 15, 2010

Getting Ready

This is a quick entry due to the fact that I have to get a cafeteria ready for tomorrow's big university event. Right now I have 100 (yup, count 'em 100) cans of soda and water in my basement. I have to lug all them out of there and a few miles over. Tomorrow I have to pick up three trays of veggies and dip along with two specially made brownies and a platter of cookies.

For all of those who love events like this, think twice about volunteering. This is not a dinner party where you can let your specialities shine or you can whiz through a grill menu like Bobby Flay. This is more like coordinating an Oscar party or at best a community get together where you're the one solely responsible for the food and drink. This is not fun , This is torture, pure and simple.

Maybe I'll feel different when the whole thing is over. After tomorrow I think I'll just kickback and not volunteer anymore.There's something to be said about being a selfish foodie.

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